[Archive] Soulgrinder as Chaos Dwarf giant?


Chaos Dwarfs are described as creating “machineries of destruction… iron and flesh… bound together with daemonic spirits.” I don’t know about anyone else, but when I read this the Soulgrinder springs to mind… has anyone considered using this as a giant in a Chaos Dwarf army? What would be some good ways to convert it so it fits in better with a Chaos Dwarf army?


Give it a Bighat!

No seriously a bit of bull iconography and some skulls  ,big rune of hashut and maybe some slaves being feed into an ovenlike belly would work.Giant rules would work quite well for a Kollossuss(spelling?)and a soulgrinder could be steampunked/demonised to make it less 40K:hat


It would make a very good base for a Kollossus.  

It would take a lot of work to make it more fantasy, and you’d have to look closely at the daemon body to see if it should be more like a ‘daemon of hashut’.  Overall I think I’d try and replace big bits of the living daemon parts with mechanical parts.  Giving it 4 legs and replacing the arms/ shoulders with the spare legs for instance ( a big shoulder plate of armour to cover the join).  Also a mechanical bull head.

I think it could work, but you would need to plan it out very carefully.

The base size could be an issue too unless you brought the feet closer together, maybe doing the 4 legs I suggested above and having it rearing up on the back two?  Might just squeeze onto a 50mm base if you had a slab of slate.

Another option would be to put it on a larger base (say 100mmx100mm), and mark out where the corners of the 50mm base would be for gaming (with skulls/rocks/spikes/lava bubbles etc).

To make it more CD I’d cover it in loads of chains and spikes.  I’d also very carefully cut grooves into the larger plates of metal and show where they’re bolted together), basically make it look less well built = more fantasy.

If there happened to be another robotic upper body of a suitable size you could use I’d replace it all.  Can’t think of anything though. Maybe something off warmachine if you knew someone who didn’t want it, otherwise it would be big money for something that may not work too well.


I’m not looking to necessarily make it a Kolossus as described in Grudge Bearer, because those have gunners and are not half-giant daemon monster, so I’m probably fine with the six legs and fleshy arms and torso, beyond the basing problem. I was thinking of converting the head to look more bull-like, adding some Chaos Dwarf-y bits, and doing something to make it look less high-tech… maybe a large boiler or something.

By the way, does Hashut have a distinct symbol, or is it just generaly agreed upon to be a bull head or something?

Addendum: Here’s what I’m thinking now: replace the head with a Balrog head, give one of the arms the Balrog whip or an axe, or maybe one in each, and narrow it down to four hooved legs. It’s still going to be very hard to get it on even the largest of bases. Would it be absolutely necessary to mount it on a base if I’m only planning on using in friendly games with my regular gaming group (who would not have a problem with it if it does not impede gameplay), or would it be too difficult to play with?


when you don’t use a base, its hard to tell wich enemy models can attack your model


I just wanna ask:

What is your own personal idea to make this one into a CD machine? :slight_smile:

Lord Darkash:

The Balrog head is considerably smaller than the soulgrinders so it may look a tad out of place! Thought i’d better let you know before you went buying stuff needlessly :slight_smile:


when you don't use a base, its hard to tell wich enemy models can attack your model
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. I'll see how it works out. Maybe I could just combine more than one large base with green stuff and make a really big base.
What is your own personal idea to make this one into a CD machine?
I don't understand the question. I said what my idea was and then asked for feedback...
The Balrog head is considerably smaller than the soulgrinders so it may look a tad out of place! Thought i'd better let you know before you went buying stuff needlessly
Oh. Would it not work at all or just look slightly off? Does anyone possess both of these models that could take a picture of them together for comparison? Thanks.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Well, I would sculpt some extras onto the head, like horns, maybe elongate the face into a bulls, add bull ears etc. Also, that mouth cannon would HAVE to be turned into teeth, IMO. Add lots of cogs to the joints of the legs (I keep saying this recently, but Dwarfc crossbow parts can be handy for this…). Make sure you remove any other gun-like weapons and anything to 40kesque. As others have suggested, chains and bondings could be a good idea… Possibly a “pilot|” of some kind stood on a platform on its back (maybe fuelling the boiler you’re thinking of as well). As for the base, you could always have it standing very much upright (so straighten the likes vertically) or just make a base from cardboard that would fit the feet. I wouldn;t add extra armour as giants have no armour and it’d seem silly to me.