[Archive] Starting Warband force (250)


I’ve got a couple of weeks to paint up 250 points of Chaos Dwarfs for a warband campaign I’ve entered. It starts at 250 and builds up each week to 500. I need to focus, becasue I want to be fully painted. I think i am taking the following:

Chaos Dwarf Hero/Commander/Heavy Armor/Great Weapon (68)

5 Chaos Dwarf Warriors (45)

5 Chaos Dwarf Warriors (45)

15 Hobbos (30)

5 Hobbos/bows (25)

3 Hobbos/wolf/shield (36)

249 points

(In the Warband rules the minimum unit size is lowered: 3 infantry or 2 cav models).

Once I get some more points I want to beef one CD unit up to 15, grab a bolt thrower, and a trio of bull centaurs).

Border Reiver:

I've got a couple of weeks to paint up 250 points of Chaos Dwarfs for a warband campaign I've entered. It starts at 250 and builds up each week to 500. I need to focus, becasue I want to be fully painted. I think i am taking the following:
Chaos Dwarf Hero/Commander/Heavy Armor/Great Weapon (68)
5 Chaos Dwarf Warriors (45)
5 Chaos Dwarf Warriors (45)
15 Hobbos (30)
5 Hobbos/bows (25)
3 Hobbos/wolf/shield (36)
249 points
(In the Warband rules the minimum unit size is lowered: 3 infantry or 2 cav models).
Once I get some more points I want to beef one CD unit up to 15, grab a bolt thrower, and a trio of bull centaurs).

Looking at this list, it looks fairly solid, except for the limited ranged capability you have for the number of units.

The build for the hero is excellent, and probably should remain unchanged until you hit or pass the 500 pt mark. It is that solid.

The problem I see is your Chaos Dwarf infantry. They really are quite small units, and are extremely vulnerable. Personally, I would drop the wolfriders (for now) and beef one unit up to nine. This gives you a solid unit with a rank bonus.

With the expansion of your forces you should beef up the other unit of CDs to prevent having to take panic tests from shooting (half of your decent infantry running off the board is bad), and then add the wolfriders (more if possible).


I would be tempted to do something like this

Hero - as you have him - a good solid cheap build - 68 points

14 Warriors with Standard - 136

12 hobgoblins - 24 points

11 hobgoblins - 22 points

I don’t think missile troops will do anything at this size of game and dont represent a good investment. The list above gives you a nice hard core and 2 flanking units. All depends though on your opponents and what they will be using and the rules of your campaign


I would be tempted to do something like this
Hero - as you have him - a good solid cheap build - 68 points
14 Warriors with Standard - 136
12 hobgoblins - 24 points
11 hobgoblins - 22 points

I don't think missile troops will do anything at this size of game and dont represent a good investment. The list above gives you a nice hard core and 2 flanking units. All depends though on your opponents and what they will be using and the rules of your campaign

I'd have to disagree about missile troops, they can be absolutely devastating in these small games as can be bolt throwers. Table size is a factor, however. A 4' by 4' table (too big for these games, really) inhibits footsloggers in a very painful way and Elves (repeater crossbows especially), Dwarves, and Empire shooting lists will rule the day.

That being said, I'm not experienced with the Chaos Dwarf rules but they'll probably be outclassed in the shooting department at this size game. I agree with going goblin-heavy but suggest bows and wolves, with Bull Centaurs later on.

Border Reiver:

At small game sizes, shooting can really dominate. However, blundrbusses are only really effective with more than one rank or in a wide formation, so at small sizes, they aren’t effective.

The best choices at this points level for CDs is either hobgoblin archers, or orc arrer boyz.

I find that at infantry units that are going to end up in HTH should have at least 2 ranks, unless they have multiple attacks or are an elite nature that will allow them to generate lots of CR from wounds.


I suppose the dilemma is that even at the 250 Warband level (as I understand the rules), there has to be 2 core choices, and only chaos dwarf warriors count.

I wouldn’t mind getting more archers in there (maybe for the block of hobs), but the wolf riders are there to try and take out an opponent’s warmachine (nothing else has a shot).

This warband campaign will be my first shot at actually playing dwarfs of any kind, and I’m sure my tactics will evolve. Thanks for the feedback: I’ll play with the list a bit. I am worried my CD units will never see combat…


I’d drop the wolfriders and get bows out there. 2 units of 6 could be sweet.

The rest of the list looks fine, honestly.