[Archive] Taking my CD's to a tourney


So i am taking my LoA CD’s to an April 14th Tourney. It is The Great Lakes Warhammer League end of season tourney (i didnt play in the season, but they had some open slots in the open category).

30 players and 3 games. Not very many restrictive tourney rules either, which I like.

I have only played one game with my list, and i stomped over a Skaven army. I think that was a bit flukey, but will probably bring the same list.


Do us proud or don’t return!



You should be fine, i take a balannced list, and have been doing well

against other top tier players.

I run

a destroyer


Magma cannon


hobgoblin archers

a lvl 4


dreadquake mortor

and a hefty unit of bc with hero support.

The loa list doesnt give up points very easliy.

Time of Madness:

Throw your list up in the army list section for us to take a look at.

Time of Madness


Here is my list: http://www.chaos-dwarfs.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10855


So i went to the Tourney this weekend. 28 people were playing. I was the only Chaos Dwarf player :), but a lot of people came by to see the army, book, and conversions. I would not consider my list super-competitive, but thought I would do ok. All 28 players are very good. There was no kids at all.

So I went 1 and 2, but could have easily been better with a little less bad luck.

Game 1: Vs High Elves

Great opponent. He had 3 chariots (2 lion), 3 eagles, 2 x spear elves, White Lions, Phoenix Guard, archers, 1 lvl 4, 1 lvl 2, and a BSB.

He feared my army. I had high hopes. Sabotaged myself though. I completed setup first, and he had his PG and WL’s left. He put the WL’s across from my Destroyer and then the PG on the far flank away. Then, after consideration, he switched them around. As this was an open list tourney, I knew they had the flammable attacks banner on the PG. I asked him WTF he was doing and reminded him of the Destroyers save vs flammable attacks. He promptly switched them back.

The Destroyer was a sad boy when he eventually charged into them and found out that the BSB that joined the WL’s also had the item making all attacks magical. He was turned into kindling. Game got bad for me. Got worse when the Hellcannon puked up a str 10 shot and couldnt fire again. I lost bad.

Game 2: vs Chaos Daemons

Horde of Bloodletters, huge block of Daemonettes, 2x Blood crusher, 2x fiend, flamers, furies, Tz herald on disk, Tz herald on foot, Sn herald in daemonettes, Krn BSB in BL horde, Bloodthirster.

I was a little worried here, until she got hosed in her deployment rolls. The BL, BT, furies, and a BC all ended up in the far right zone, and had to go around a impassible piece of terrain to reach me. All my stuff was cdeployed in the center zone. I was able to take the rest of her army apart without worrying about the powerful stuff on the flank. Add that to dead on warmachine rolls and unstoppable magic, I easily pulled a victory. Heroes of the game was the unit of hobgoblins. They took a charge from the BT in the flank and kept it occupied for 4 combats before dying to a man, er, hobgob.

Game 3: vs Lizardmen

3x chameleon skinks, skinks, 2 huge units of saurus, large skink/krox unit, salamanders, l4 Slann BSB (ethereal), old blood on cold one.

I had hopes for this one, but it turned out to be a VP denial game. He was a very good general and worked this perfectly. He was able to take out enough points while keeping his units together enough to win. This includes charging his ethereal slann into the flank of my destroyer and tying up other of my units where they couldnt assist. Also shutting down my magic where I had to drop all 6’s when casting.

Lessons Learned:

The destroyer does not have magical attacks. Frak me sideways.

While mildly effective in 2 games, the Iron Daemon never made up its points (other than by intimidation).

A unit of 20 hobgobs with HW and Shield is very resilient. This unit was amazing in all 3 games. When it held up a Bloodthirster for 2 turns (even with bad rolling on its part for 2 rounds of combat), I fell in love.

Deathshriekers are awesome vs T3. Was even good vs T4.


Nice report. It sounds from your first game that you are you should’ve got a sportsmanship award for pointing out the Destroyer thing. I know a lot of tournament goers would never have given that away.




Yeah, but I am more a ‘friendly’ player. Very rarely if ever do the tourney scene.


It looks like you did well. And thanx for the report. (dont be to friendly, looks like you gave away battle 1 with that act of kindness)


Nice report.  It sounds from your first game that you are you should've got a sportsmanship award for pointing out the Destroyer thing.  I know a lot of tournament goers would never have given that away.

It's a mixed bag really. I've been a regular tournament player for almost 20 years and a good number of the players I've played will point things out like this. I'll usually point things out like that as well. Of course, you have the other side of the coin that will take advantage of anything they can for the sake of a win and those games usually aren't much fun.


The destroyer does not have magical attacks. Frak me sideways.

This is my biggest fear especially with the number of VC players out there. This is why I've made it a point to give every character in my army a magic weapon even if it's a 10 pointer (of course Daemonsmiths get one for free). I've also made sure to make at least one of my war machines hellbound (my Magma Cannon). I'm using a Taur'ruk and I game him the Golden Sigal Sword (15 points). If any ethereal troops get anywhere near my Destroyer, I'll run my Taur'ruk out of his Bull Centaur unit and either block them or help him.


great battle reports, thanks for that! insightful on CD’s competitiveness.

i agree with you about telling your opponent, i probably would have as well.

how effective was the shooting? i’m starting to buy my chaos dwarfs but don’t want to spend my money on everysingle model (although in the end i might anyways). should i save my money and buy more infantry? i wanted to buy some hobgoblins, but i didn’t think they would be useful, now someone is telling me they are??

and now i’m wondering if i should have spent my money on fireglaives?!?!?!? i only have 10, but i’m going to get another 6, and with command i’ll have 19 total. should i try to get rid of them on ebay and buy more infernal guard with hand weapon shields?!?!?!


The Iron Daemon shot pretty well, but you really have to line up your shots. It kills chariots and multi wound monsters/monstrous inf/etc pretty good.


So i went to the Tourney this weekend. 28 people were playing. I was the only Chaos Dwarf player :), but a lot of people came by to see the army, book, and conversions. I would not consider my list super-competitive, but thought I would do ok. All 28 players are very good. There was no kids at all.

So I went 1 and 2, but could have easily been better with a little less bad luck.

Game 1: Vs High Elves

Great opponent. He had 3 chariots (2 lion), 3 eagles, 2 x spear elves, White Lions, Phoenix Guard, archers, 1 lvl 4, 1 lvl 2, and a BSB.

He feared my army. I had high hopes. Sabotaged myself though. I completed setup first, and he had his PG and WL’s left. He put the WL’s across from my Destroyer and then the PG on the far flank away. Then, after consideration, he switched them around. As this was an open list tourney, I knew they had the flammable attacks banner on the PG. I asked him WTF he was doing and reminded him of the Destroyers save vs flammable attacks. He promptly switched them back.

The Destroyer was a sad boy when he eventually charged into them and found out that the BSB that joined the WL’s also had the item making all attacks magical. He was turned into kindling. Game got bad for me. Got worse when the Hellcannon puked up a str 10 shot and couldnt fire again. I lost bad.

Game 2: vs Chaos Daemons

Horde of Bloodletters, huge block of Daemonettes, 2x Blood crusher, 2x fiend, flamers, furies, Tz herald on disk, Tz herald on foot, Sn herald in daemonettes, Krn BSB in BL horde, Bloodthirster.

I was a little worried here, until she got hosed in her deployment rolls. The BL, BT, furies, and a BC all ended up in the far right zone, and had to go around a impassible piece of terrain to reach me. All my stuff was cdeployed in the center zone. I was able to take the rest of her army apart without worrying about the powerful stuff on the flank. Add that to dead on warmachine rolls and unstoppable magic, I easily pulled a victory. Heroes of the game was the unit of hobgoblins. They took a charge from the BT in the flank and kept it occupied for 4 combats before dying to a man, er, hobgob.

Game 3: vs Lizardmen

3x chameleon skinks, skinks, 2 huge units of saurus, large skink/krox unit, salamanders, l4 Slann BSB (ethereal), old blood on cold one.

I had hopes for this one, but it turned out to be a VP denial game. He was a very good general and worked this perfectly. He was able to take out enough points while keeping his units together enough to win. This includes charging his ethereal slann into the flank of my destroyer and tying up other of my units where they couldnt assist. Also shutting down my magic where I had to drop all 6’s when casting.

Lessons Learned:

The destroyer does not have magical attacks. Frak me sideways.

While mildly effective in 2 games, the Iron Daemon never made up its points (other than by intimidation).

A unit of 20 hobgobs with HW and Shield is very resilient. This unit was amazing in all 3 games. When it held up a Bloodthirster for 2 turns (even with bad rolling on its part for 2 rounds of combat), I fell in love.

Deathshriekers are awesome vs T3. Was even good vs T4.


Nice report. It sounds from your first game that you are you should’ve got a sportsmanship award for pointing out the Destroyer thing. I know a lot of tournament goers would never have given that away.




Yeah, but I am more a ‘friendly’ player. Very rarely if ever do the tourney scene.


It looks like you did well. And thanx for the report. (dont be to friendly, looks like you gave away battle 1 with that act of kindness)


Nice report.  It sounds from your first game that you are you should've got a sportsmanship award for pointing out the Destroyer thing.  I know a lot of tournament goers would never have given that away.

It's a mixed bag really. I've been a regular tournament player for almost 20 years and a good number of the players I've played will point things out like this. I'll usually point things out like that as well. Of course, you have the other side of the coin that will take advantage of anything they can for the sake of a win and those games usually aren't much fun.


The destroyer does not have magical attacks. Frak me sideways.

This is my biggest fear especially with the number of VC players out there. This is why I've made it a point to give every character in my army a magic weapon even if it's a 10 pointer (of course Daemonsmiths get one for free). I've also made sure to make at least one of my war machines hellbound (my Magma Cannon). I'm using a Taur'ruk and I game him the Golden Sigal Sword (15 points). If any ethereal troops get anywhere near my Destroyer, I'll run my Taur'ruk out of his Bull Centaur unit and either block them or help him.


great battle reports, thanks for that! insightful on CD’s competitiveness.

i agree with you about telling your opponent, i probably would have as well.

how effective was the shooting? i’m starting to buy my chaos dwarfs but don’t want to spend my money on everysingle model (although in the end i might anyways). should i save my money and buy more infantry? i wanted to buy some hobgoblins, but i didn’t think they would be useful, now someone is telling me they are??

and now i’m wondering if i should have spent my money on fireglaives?!?!?!? i only have 10, but i’m going to get another 6, and with command i’ll have 19 total. should i try to get rid of them on ebay and buy more infernal guard with hand weapon shields?!?!?!