[Archive] The Corroded Company (aka Hashoooot's stuff) [2020-02-07]


The usual gang of 6th ed. hell cannon crew with only minor changes due to missing parts. Not very original, but hopefully a reliable backbone for my coming war band.

Happy New Year to you all, fellow big hats & skull masks, demon smiths and abyssal painters!


Beautiful. My favourite minis. I like the little conversions, and the paintjob. Good going, man! :hat off


nice metal effects and nice atmosphere :slight_smile:


Thanks guys! As you can tell, I struggled a bit with the thing the dwarf in the middle holds in his pincers - how is a skull on fire exactly supposed to look like? Like this? More like glowing hot metal? Or rather an eerily strange color altogether?


I had to go look at my two. I didn’t realize the flame bits were supposed to be flame bits


I call him “Tiny Tin” - Reaper’s Iron Golem, new addition to my growing warband.


Very cool model und grat paint job! :hat off

Can you make a comparison shot - together with an normal Choas Dwarf besides? :wink:



The Gnoblar machinist at Tiny Tin’s feet might already give you an idea of scale, but for a better comparison, here’s one next to a dwarf:


Thanks for the pic! :hat off

The Golem is really impressive - great find! :cheers



Cool, looks like a construct worth the Dawi Zharr! Like the overall theme and feeling of your models as well. :slight_smile:


Even though the fabled Golden Hat slipped from my greedy grasp, I am proud to finally count the Admiral’s finest among my missile troops:


Great painting and basing, sir! You did a great job with Horsleben’s sculpts. :hat off

May I ask, would you be interested in allowing us to use your pictures for the likes of Etsy and share them on Facebook? Duly credited and linked back to your log of course. (Be welcome to PM me if you like.)



Great entry dude! :cheers

Great choice of colours, I curious to see much more of your stuff! :hat off



Great work and very atmospheric, love the back drop as well!

Uther the unhinged:

Really lovely job on those minis. Love the colour scheme and the bases are cool.


Bull centaurs are something really unique to chaos dwarfs. Looking at my first specimen from Forge World, I cannot help but think these guys have come a long way from the fun but pudgy 4th/5th ed. variant.


Very cool model and great paint job! :hat off

But nonetheless I like the nice old models much more … I know I’m Old School! :wink:



I’m alway torn with the new Bull Centaurs. On the one hand I just love them! In a way they are my favorite models from the new FW line. But on the other hand I miss the big hat centaurs and a big hat just wouldn’t look good one these ones. I just cannot reconcile those feelings :stuck_out_tongue:

Well done Hashoooot! Keep’em coming :cheers


Very nice work there! Your paintjob showcase the miniature well.

I like both versions, and the Boar Centaur. Omnivore here.

Uther the unhinged:

You cannot have too many bull centaurs! I prefer the FW ones to the originals (RA are nice) and yours is a mighty fine specimen. You have got to love the sheer power and energy they have got into those figures.