Hashoooot :
I’m currently throwing around a few ideas for a chaos dwarf war band, Mordheim style, though probably more as a painting/collecting exercise than for actual play. Through kickstarter, I recently came into possession of these: Infernal aid and dwarf handler
Uther the unhinged :
Gorgeous big monster and cool controller. What make are they?
Hashoooot :
The corresponding crowdfundings were these:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/darkart/devils-dungeon-ii-the-resin-casts for the big guy andhttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/882426675/old-school-miniatures-presents-the-daemon-cannon for the dwarf - converted from a cannon crewman with hammer (WFB knights) and shield (WFB ogre gutshield).
Admiral :
Very nice start! I’m a fan of that duo.
Hashoooot :
These hobgoblins are from Russian Alternative. They were originally the command group, converted to represent sneaky gits.
Abecedar :
Very likeable. Great to see new stuff
Uther the unhinged :
I love your sneaky gitz. Those blades look gorgeous. I hope you do more.
Ghrask Dragh :
Love it, love it all so far
17 November 2018 08:59
tjub :
Oh a new blog, looks great so far! The RA range is tempting…
Hashoooot :
Next one up: A hero/sorcerer (Scibor) alas-poor-Yorick-style and his pal, the friendly chaos gargoyle (GW).
Admiral :
Nice going! :cheersThis message was automatically appended because it was too short.
Uther the unhinged :
Nice and dark. I have always had a soft spot for scibor and you do him justice. Great stuff.
Hashoooot :
So, digressing slightly from my skirmish focused project, I put together a war machine from spare parts and a hand full of decorating cogs.
Uther the unhinged :
Really nice! Cogs are cool.
19 December 2018 07:11
Zanko :
Very chic models! :hat off Say, what’s that shield on that crossbowman? :hashut
Hashoooot :
Say, what's that shield on that crossbowman? Zanko One of GW's ogre gut shields.
19 December 2018 12:22
Zanthrax :
Love the sneaky git conversions
19 December 2018 09:07
Bolg :
So, digressing slightly from my skirmish focused project....Hashoooot I was already enjoying this blog and your collection but these kind of quotes are always at the start of great/fun things.
Happy painting!
(and I really like the cheap but effective conversion)
23 December 2018 02:14
MC1 :
Next one up: A hero/sorcerer (Scibor) alas-poor-Yorick-style and his pal, the friendly chaos gargoyle (GW).
Hashoooot Is this a Chaos Dwarf version of Hamlet? :mask
Willmark :
I like your painting style and that gargoyle is a great mini and paint job.