[Archive] The Doom Seeker Issue #2


The Doom Seeker is Back!

The Issue #2 of The Doom Seeker is now out.

You can download it today here or view it on issuu.com here.

Note: There is a new painting contest in the issue.

Comments and suggestions can be made at The New Slayer Brotherhood.


Wow you got that up fast bilbo(I did the finishing touches this morning)!  The cover looks quite nice in the end, I wasn’t sure if you were going to flip it and keep the writing on the left.

I think that fits the ‘doomseeker’ theme quite well.


Now we need an image of The Doom Seeker (like The White Dwarf) by himself and have a contest to name him. :smiley:


I’ll have to dowload this tonight cover looks great.

Kera foehunter:

Once again you did a great job by your self Bilbo

* now take a bow*


Thank You Kera.

Grimstonefire is the great cover artist and my buddy ironlord has been coming through with stories for every issue.

I’ve been working on getting more staff members and if they come through there is a possibility that the next issue will be nearly double the size.

Kera foehunter:

Shhhhhhh !!Grims is undercover here! Don’t blow his cover

Well good luck on getting the staff