[Archive] The french connection


Official game events? Like in GW stores and tournaments? Because I don't think I'd want to show up there with something that flauts copyright so thoroughly!

Thommy H
Oh come on! This is just a replica of theire own rules with no financial issue. this is a fanmade army book based on the official rules that are on the internet. What kind of problem would it cause?

And even if theire is a problem, just come to the event with your old-style army list but use your new codex when they turn back ^^

Planing to ad the story from the black library book, in french the title is "flambeau des rancunes". from now on, the pdf will be 55/60 pages wich is quite big and very similar to a real codex. ouh ah!

Thommy H:

Well, would you turn up to a tournament with an army made entirely of resin copies of GW figures? Sorry, I’m not trying to start an argument, I’m just saying that you need to fit the scope of your project to your potential audience.

GW won’t try to take you to court or anything, but you should probably make peace with the fact that what you’re doing is copyright infringement. I make no bones about the fact that my book violates GW’s IP, for example, and so I don’t try to promote it heavily all over the place.

Doing a project like this for your own satisfaction is great; doing it to produce a resource that will be used by many people is probably unrealistic given the legal issues.


I am not a lawyer, but:

IP is never an issue if you don’t make any money from it; writing your own stories or drawing your own pictures based on GW material is fine.

Copyright is an issue whether you make money or not. Giving away GW-owned material (the GW-published pictures and stories) will get you in legal trouble. If you do it amongst friends you’d be okay, if you try to give it away on the internet then you’ll get a strongly worded letter from GW and worse if you ignore it.

If you want to continue with the project then I suggest you ask for permission to use fan art or do your own, that is the biggest problem because it is such blatent copyright infringement at an easy glance. The text is easy to find in an internet search, but I’m not sure if GW has people look for that kind of thing so you might not even get away with that. This site cannot condone copyright infringement, it will give us a headache if you do it here.

Ancient History:

Copyright carries with it the ability to enforce certain restrictions on how a work is used, even if it a non-commercial work. In practice, many copyright holders don’t enforce every restriction - which is why you have fanfiction and fansites on the internet - but blatant copying of copyrighted materials is still a fairly big no-no.