[Archive] The Legacy of Hashut

Lord Aldades:

What does that have to do with the venerable Chaos Dwarfs?

Read on, but promise first not to weep:

An Old Belgian Otaku: The Legacy of Hashut


Ooph ;p That’s a lot of stuff…

Now get it all fixed and painted and make a group picture of your army! :slight_smile:

Lord Aldades:

What does that have to do with the venerable Chaos Dwarfs?

Read on, but promise first not to weep:

An Old Belgian Otaku: The Legacy of Hashut


Wow, thats a fantastic “purchase”. You have the skills of an old dwarf :slight_smile: . Congratulations on your acquirement of the is army and i can’t wait to see what you do with it!

Lord Aldades:

The same as with my own army I guess, slowly restoring it to glory while being distracted the whole time by other shinnies :wink:


Wow!!! That’s a LOT of CDs!


You lucky bugger, absolutely awesome catch, Just checking the mirror to see what colour green I am turning.


holy crap nice!

This message was automatically appended because it was too short.


Great catch. You’ll have a mass army by the time this one is done and incorporated into your Chaos Dwarfs.