[Archive] The Mage is for sale eBay



As said the Marauder Sorcerer is for sale - this time it’s from The States.

Look here

Item: #150217422267

And Insanitybyte is on the loose! :frowning:

The seller: “citadelfanatic” also has a lot of Marauders and Renegades for sale as well.

Pyro Stick:

Thanks for this find! I guess ill be bidding on this as well. Did you know that insanitybyte has started to sell the mage in his ebay shop for around £45!!! I definately cant let him get this one.

EDIT: I just checked and its £39 from his shop http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RARE-warhammer-chaos-dwarf-marauder-mage-sorcerer-oop_W0QQitemZ110225577758QQihZ001QQcategoryZ31400QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQ_trksidZp1638.m118.l1247QQcmdZViewItem


Yeah! saw it! That’s insane - he is doubling the price. Wonder if he has customers for it.

Btw! - why are you in a need for a second one - Pyro?

Pyro Stick:

Btw! - why are you in a need for a second one - Pyro?

I must have a Shadowmancer!!!


So it ended at $52. Know that Drum & Drone Ulsen were also in the lot - so the Mage itself is about $45 - He doesn’t come cheap. Think I’ll never get one :frowning:

Pyro Stick:

So it ended at $52. Know that Drum & Drone Ulsen were also in the lot - so the Mage itself is about $45 - He don't come cheap. Think I'll never get one :(

I doubt Drum put the price up by much as it was damaged.

I think ill make a thread just for posting links to the mage when it comes on ebay.


I think ill make a thread just for posting links to the mage when it comes on ebay.

Pyro Stick
We could use this one then - I have edit the title a bit.

From Italy:

This one:

Warhammer Marauder OOP Chaos Dwarf RARE
Item number: 250221058378
Seller: wickedirish76

And insanitybyte is on to it :mad