So, after a long break from working on my Chaos Dwarf Army I�?Tve decided to return to it and refresh it, and as part of that refresh I�?Tve decided to wipe the slate and start a new blog.
Spent today starting to work it by starting on a couple of characters. First up the army Overlord:
The base model is the Greywater Fastness Warden (Belegar Ironhammer to us longbeards) with the hat from a 4th ed Chaos Dwarf Hero, as are the axe blades (had one spare blade from a conversion I made years ago to be a CD BloodBowl coach) and the shield from a plastic Ancient Greek hoplite. My plan is to sculpt a nose, pair of tusks and a lower lip over the mask and sculpt coils over the beard and scale armour in place of the mail. I�?Tm also considering lopping off his shins to make him shorter as he�?Ts considerably taller than the old Big Hats who will be making up the bulk of the army. I�?Tll probably also add a skull or other such ornament on top of the hat.
Next is the BSB:
Base is the hero that so kindly donated his hat and axe to the Overlord. I was initially considering using him as the Overlord but couldn�?Tt find something satisfactory to use as a Daemonsmith, so decided to get the aforementioned plastic to use as the Overlord and bumped this guy down to BSB (and the Champion mini I was planning on using as the BSB got reassigned to be said Daemonsmith). The replacement weapon is from the Ironbreaker/Irondrakes kit (who I�?Tll be using to kitbash a unit of Immortals), with the plan to be to incorporate the hammerhead from the Belegar mini on the reverse of the axe. Not sure where the shield is from; think it might be an old Orc shield. Originally I was going to have him holding a standard but then decided as this mini still had the back banner that these old CD characters had I�?Td use that as the battle standard instead, but as the poles weren�?Tt perfectly straight I�?Tve decided to opt to replace them with wire pikes (I�?Tll cut the length down to a more suitable size; might also remove the pike tips or cover them with something as I know from personal experience those things can be painful if you�?Tre not careful, lol). Hat is obviously a push pin and may or may not be a place holder, haven�?Tt decided yet.
That�?Ts it for now in regards to pictures, will add more as I do more work. In the pipeline are:
A Sorcerer-Prophet on palanquin (unlikely to take to the field much, but doing it because I think it�?Tll be a nice conversion)
A Sorcerer-Prophet on foot (uses an AoW Runepriest; is from the previous iteration of my army and for the most part is done, will just be repositioning his arms/staff so I can enlarge his hat so as not to be overshadowed by the common grunts)
A Daemonsmith as mentioned previously (will be replacing the left hand which is currently sculpted to hold a shield; haven�?Tt fully decided what it�?Tll be replaced by yet)
A second Daemonsmith (no conversion work needed, will just be repainted from the previous colour scheme I used on him)
A unit of warriors with great axes (the old plastic CDs, some with hat swaps with the blunderbusses; conversion work was done previously so will just need painting)
A unit of warriors with axe and shield (to be converted from the BfSP dwarfs)
Two units of blunderbusses (some with hat swaps with the plastic warriors as mentioned above; for the most part will just need repainting although the command group for one still needs to be converted)
Some Bazukas (to be purchased from Admiralty Miniatures when I have the funds; the spare hats will be used on the axe and board unit)
A Deathshrieker (using the 4th ed Death Rocket mini; using as is with the addition of an old BB CD as the third crewman)
A unit of Immortals (converted from Ironbreakers/Irondrakes with the great weapons from hammerers)
A Dreadquake Mortar (current plan is to use the conversion I made for the previous iteration of my army; never got around to painting it. Will need crew converted unless I luck out and manage to snag some extra Death Rocket crew off eBay)
A Siege Giant (using a limited edition resin casting of a Mantic Ghoul; it�?Ts a 3-up they sold many years back that I won off of eBay years ago)
I also have a boatload of 4th ed goblins who will be becoming hobgoblins for a 1k Hobgoblin Army. In the distant future I�?Tm hoping to expand it up to 2k with a bunch of hobbos on wolves; need to get the CDs and the hobbos on foot done first, then need to source minis with the right look.
And on top of all this, I backed Admiralty Miniature Tjubgob Kickstarter so will have a boatload if 15mm Tjubgob and Tjublings arriving before long.