[Archive] The Sacred Ziggurat


Written by: Dînadan

Illustrated by: Raul “knightinflames” Gomes


The Sacred Ziggurat[/align]

Above all other shapes, the ziggurat is most sacred unto Hashut, praise be His name, for it can be found throughout our society, greatest in all Creation.

It is found in the order of races; at the base is the greenskin slave, quarrelsome wretches most numerous in number; above them is the human slave, easiest cowed and most obedient, fewer in number yet still numerous; next is the hobgoblin, the slave who does not know he is a slave, fewer in number still; above them is the Dawi Zharr, master of all races, fewest in number; at the pinnacle sits Hashut, praise be His name, one in number.

It is found in the order of classes; at the base is the low clan, least in power, greatest in number; above them is middle clan, greater in power but not greatest, lesser in number but not least; next is the great clan, greater in power and less in number still; at the pinnacle sits the Cult of Hashut, greatest in power, one in number.

It is found in the order of clans; at the base is the family, most numerous in number; above them is the House unto which they belong, fewer in number yet still numerous; next is Household, that which rules the House, fewer in number still; above them is the Overlord, Head of the Household, fewest in number; at the pinnacle sits the Sorcerer-Prophet, one in number.

It is found in the order of the Cult; at the base is the Acolyte, newly initiated, least in power, greatest in number; above them is the Daemonsmith, master of the forge, greater in power but not greatest, lesser in number but not least; next is the Sorcerer-Prophet, stonecursed, greater in power and lesser in number still; at the pinnacle sits the High Priest, Chosen of Hashut, greatest in power, one in number.

For above all other shapes, the ziggurat is most sacred unto Hashut, praise be His name, for it can be found throughout our society, greatest in all Creation.

- author unknown.  This mantra is carved into a stone tablet found in every Dawi Zharr clan’s throne room to serve as a reminder of the correct order of things and to keep them in their place.


Well laid out. and describes CD society perfectly


Yes, it’s convincing. Great stuff!


Thanks guys. The layout is actually a happy accident - as I was writing I noticed that the classes’ stanza was mirroring the races’ one, so decided to roll with it and purposely tried to model the other two’s shape on them. And then it felt fitting to end with a repetition of the opening line :wink:


Updated with this nice inked artwork, kindly donated for non-commercial community purposes by Raul “knightinflames” Gomes, also known on CDO as t5p1ny. :slight_smile: