Hello everyone and welcome, please take a moment to peruse the second issue of the Word of Hashut, the official webzine of Chaos Dwarfs Online. I’m not going to give away too many details (read it to find out!) but suffice of to say this second issue represents a large step forward for the webzine in many facets: from layout, look and feel, production values, and a host of others. The Staff of the webzine is proud and I think rightly so, to me this is that big of a step forward.
Brief note: Sorry about the week delay. If you are looking for someone to blame, blame me. I made the decision to push it back a week. Without going into too much detail I felt it was better to take the extra week to make sure that everything looked good and as close to perfect as we could possible make it, so to quote the great Harry Truman “The Buck Stops Here”.
I would also be remiss if I did not thank everyone who had a part in this from those that helped create it, that submitted articles or art, created awesome minis and the like, thank you all. You can see the full rundown of who did what on page 2.
Special thanks for Xander and Sojourn: Xander for help with the graphical work and Sojourn for making sure everything when smooth on the proofing process. I’d also be remiss if I did not give out major kudos for Baggronor for turning out another stunner of a cover. Phenomenal work there once again.
Also of interest is the 1st issue. In looking back on it we decided to make some retroactive changes to the 1st issue to make it closer in content look and feel to the second issue. You can re-download it here: http://www.chaos-dwarfs.com/pdf/wohissue1.pdf
Note: None of the content changed, but we rearranged it and made it flow better.
Next our work is never done. Now that issue #2 is out of the way (and the revamp of #1)… you guessed it: time to work Issue #3. At this early stage much outwardly remains the same, but behind the scenes we are changing a few things to make the process go smoother. As always we are now accepting submissions for the next issue. (Cover has been decided and is done already, but there is always issue #4�?� ) The sooner you finish a submission the better to help with layout. Also please take special note of the Submission Guidelines at the end of the webzine this will help immensely.
Lastly as always if you have constructive criticisms as to how we can get the webzine to look even better let us know here in the thread or PM me.
I hope everyone enjoys the material herein.
For those with lower speed internet connections you can access a low res (its around 9.51 megs) version here (caution it will look terrible if you print it from this file) http://www.mediafire.com/file/mzyz2dmzmkz/wohissue2lr.pdf
I’ve been really impressed from day 1 with this issue. I think it looks stellar. Excellent work Willmark, I couldn’t have done what I did without all your effort first
Well our dowenload limit just hit and we’re down to bugger all dl speed plus the net is being pissy so I shall have to wait 2 more days to attempt to download this. I see you’ve gota Chaos Dwarf band for Mordheim, I’m gonna have to go over that with a fine tooth comb and do some playtesting of them. Should be fun. Congratulations on initiating this project and seeing it through to a second issue at the least.
Very impressive. A great improvement over issue 1, especially with the layout and graphics. It really does look like a very professional piece of work.
I also like how I’m contributing more than I expect every issue, with my character rules and my Hellcannon making it in this time!
Amazing jobb, must of taken lots of time, I know lots of people appreciate ur work guys, keep it up!
p.s gona take some pictures of my painted cds soon, who should i talk to about pictures and stuff? would love to contribute to this holy work (or unholy whatever)
I also like how I'm contributing more than I expect every issue, with my character rules and my Hellcannon making it in this time!
Thommy H
lol, editing it I added a comment that said "what is this? the Thommy H-zine?"
you've been a great contribution to the webzine Thommy, and all your efforts and articles are appreciated (as is your excellent spelling and grammar - makes my job nice and easy! ;))
Excellent issue ,Kudos to all in the creative team just had a read through and every article is professional ,well put together and of interest also the pictures/artwork throughout set the right atmospheric theme.
The story is good and engaging however the lack of a picture of wallacer’s battleline in the battlereport is the only glaring omission when Reading the text.
My favourite article is the bloodbowl tactica ,concise and easy to follow Greatstuff :hat off