[Archive] The Word of Hashut - Issue #4


Had a quick look through. Worth waiting for i would say. Once again a great job.

And what a awesome front cover. Very well done Ishkur :hat off


Hahaha, since my pic appeard two time in the zine Ill have to get a serious photo uploaded here in time for the next issue… :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, great issue peolpe. Ive been waiting for this one and it was worth it! I feel proud being a CD player…


Worth waiting for i would say. Once again a great job.

And what a awesome front cover. Very well done Ishkur :hat off

Quoted for truth! The work has *really* paid off, very nice work to all involved! :)

Thommy H:

Wow, great job.

I notice that I contributed comparatively little to this one actually - stop being so awesome, the rest of you!


Amazing works guys i am going to enjoy reading this from start to finish :slight_smile:

Kera foehunter:

Wow great issue!!! Willmark and team you outdid your selves take a bow!!!

Kera puts on some Hollywood sunglasses

and pulls out a prepared speech

Thank you very much Willmark and the his Staff!!!*Kera gives each one a hug *Thanks to the site staff of this site and my fellow members!!

This place rocks!!!



I also enjoyed the issue, It was a good read!

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Wow, that’s one mammoth of a webzine! :o Lots of great articles, even a battle report with pictures! This will be a great read for the rest of the day. :slight_smile: Many thanks.


Yeah that guy who did the cover was pretty good too. :wink:


I notice that I contributed comparatively little to this one actually - stop being so awesome, the rest of you!

Thommy H
You need to eat two bowls of Awesome Flakes for breakfast now!


My download resulted in a broken file :frowning: but I will try again!

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I am wondering if someone would be kind enough to print me off two colour paper copies of all the WoH issues? I’d like one for the store for my customers to read through and one “Good Copy” for myself. My computer with the printer can’t download any of the WoH and my store computer can, but doesn’t have a printer. Either way, my printer is a B&W printer, so the colour is lost.

Maybe we can set something up to cover postage and printing costs?

Let me know via PM.



Pyro Stick:

You might want to edit page 5 to say By GeOrc instead of By Grimstonefire beside the model at the top of the page.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

As for the newsletter…WOW! The artwork is fantastic! Page 6 looks like it was drawn and painted by artists from Magic:The Gathering and D&D!

As far as everyone else…it’s great to read so many articles and to see all the nicely finished models.

I hope someday some of mine will appear in the magazine or that I will be chosen for a “spotlight”. I guess time will tell.

ThanX again for posting about my store.

Talk to you soon!



I was definitely pleased to get a two-page spread. Here’s hoping I can pop in some journal entries from my Mordheim campaign in the next one…


Mordheim articles are always needed.



well worth waiting. I made a quick peep before starting to work, I’m looking forward to check all the juicy contents! :hat off

Lord Archaon:

In my opinion it’s the best issue so far! Congratulations to everybody who take a part in it!

I guess it time to stop being lazy and start working on the another article for me again, because i didn’t do any after WoH number 2 :wink:


Finally back!

First of all, well done! I must say that all of you have done a great job this issue (and even a few different artworks on a few pages from the previous version of issue4?). I made a list of the few errors it had before, but you have reduced my list to only one (and that´s on p.19, where it should say “tjub” and not “tjubs”.

And I had one little question about the magma pool spell. It was good that it had a range you could teleport one mini, but you don´t need any range to cast the spell on him. Hell, you don´t even need to see him to cast the spell!?! Shouldn´t there be some more restrictions on that one? I imagine that it´s based on the skaven spell, but that one have also received a lot of critisism.

Besides of that, all good. Well done!


I keep getting told that the file is damaged.

NM, got it. :~ Was accidentally trying to get the low-res version, which does seem to be corrupted somehow.