Hey gang, I am sorry for my lack of activity the last few weeks. Work was killing me, and I’ve been going crazy, we have our big annual meeting and I am in charge of doing everything with my boss, from lighting/soundtrack/powerpoints/movies/stats, etc.
Then I was all set to blow off some steam, and I went to play a basketball game on Friday night (last week). And if you saw my pic in WoH, I’m a bit out of shape (lol), but I played in college, and basketball is the other form of relaxing that I do, besides Warhammer! Well, long story short, I made a drive, got twisted between three players and suffered an MCL and ACL injury. Had the surgery, and today I am finally “awake” enough from the drugs to really get back online. This sucks and the rehab will not be fun, but it will give me more time to get some painting done!
My only consolations were that I made the bucket…and my team won again!
Anyway, I’m off to see what everybody has been up to!
Willmark and swiss, thanks, at least I can do more painting and less chores at home
Godbob, I drove to the basket and one of my players and two defenders on the other team all pretty much slammed into me, two of them pinned me up, and the third took out my knee, basically hitting it out form under me…I weigh 260 lbs. so my foot was on the ground and my wieght (and the other players) didn;t allow me to fall quick enough, so my knee was torn up (at least tore one ligament comletley and partially tore the other one).
Not fun, and I don’t recommend it! But as I said, more warhammer timenow…and my rehab starts soon, and will proabbly b pretty painful. I’m 37 now, so I want to make sure I heal well so I am not screwed when I hit 50 (and I’d like to get back to bball!)
yeah, I’ve played since I was 8yrs old, and never hurt my knee at all, broke a finger in a game once in high school, got a few concussions, and sprained a few ankles, but never really hurt much (I didn’t even know the finger was broken, I thought I jammed it).
But this was not good! And worse than I ever got playing football. (in high school)
I have played rugby in college. It is a blast, though around here (in the states) it is few and far between.