[Archive] Thommy's Dungeon (lots and lots of words, lots and lots of pics...)

Thommy H:

It�?Ts time for me to confess: for many years now I�?Tve had this fantasy about a deep, dank dungeon, and six women trapped inside who have to�?�

Wait. That sounds bad. I�?Tll start again.

I think we all remember our first exposure to the hobby. For me, as with so many other children of the 80s, this came in the form of the Games Workshop/MB joint-venture board game called HeroQuest. It�?Ts well known on this board, and some of you will have seen pieces from my own set creep their way into my various armies. I never had HeroQuest as a kid. But one of my best friends who lived a few doors down from me did �?" or rather, one of his older brothers did. We were too young to actually play the game ourselves: we just played with the models, setting up dungeons, maybe moving some figures around a bit, doing the voices and stuff. I don�?Tt know exactly how old we were, but I was quite precocious, so if it was before I could handle HQ�?Ts pretty basic rules, it must have been young�?�

I don�?Tt remember if I ever actually asked for HQ myself. I think I must have, but it was also towards the end of its life-cycle, so what I got for various Christmases and birthdays was knock-offs designed to cash in on the popularity of GW�?Ts mainstream juggernaut. So I found myself with the D&D starter set around at the time (a brown box with a big fold out map of Zanzer Tem�?Ts dungeon and lots of stand up counters inside), and something called Dragon Quest which was basically the same thing, albeit simplified and with lots of cards. Both sets had a few plastic figures (and metal ones in the case of Dragon Quest), but they didn�?Tt have the tactile appeal of HQ with all its furniture. Next I got Dark World which was an incredibly blatant imitation of HQ, even down to having its own special dice. Actually it wasn�?Tt that bad as a game, but you couldn�?Tt make your own dungeon �?" there were just nine rooms you proceeded through and a big temple complex at the end. For some years I created my own games with a couple of my friends using these components. D&D was still a bit complex for me I guess, though we did try it a couple of times later on.

Naturally enough, this all led to Warhammer. Or Warhammer 40,000, to be more accurate. It was just one of those hobbies that was hovering in potential for years and finally reached critical mass. But the thing that had originally captivated me as a child was still there in my brain, and it occasionally leaked out. Now and then I�?Td try to run some sort of dungeon crawl game again, making tiles out of card, or using the boards I had from the games described above. I was also an occasional RPG player, doing some D&D, and later GURPs, Fudge and dabbling with many, many others. Warhammer Quest would have been perfect for me, but again I arrived just a little too late, and it was on its way out by that time. This was before eBay was much of a thing, and the idea of trying to get hold of a second-hand copy wasn�?Tt even on my radar. So I continued, always with this vague idea of dungeon crawling in my imagination.

As a student, I�?Td go some way to realising my childhood fantasy by finally buying a copy of HeroQuest. It was a nostalgic delight and I played the game a few times but, after spending so many years tinkering with rules for Warhammer, 40K, Epic, Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim and all those RPGs, I found it a bit lacking. I was glad to have bought it though, and freely used the models in my armies when they fit. But still�?�I was unsatisfied�?�

My casual yearning for dungeons was just so much background noise until a few things came together at once. First, with a new edition of D&D just released, I began to think about RPGs again (well, I�?Td never really stopped to be honest) and I also discovered that it was possible to cheaply buy old PC games compatible with modern operating systems from GOG.com. One of my favourite games as an adolescent had been (can you guess?) Dungeon Keeper, in which you play an evil overlord who designs a fiendish dungeon to thwart hapless heroes. So, basically what I�?Td been doing for years. I bought and started playing Dungeon Keeper again, revelling in more of that warm nostalgia, but it made me want to do something with my toys too. So began some vague planning of a tabletop version of DK, that gradually evolved into thinking about a traditional dungeon crawl, which then calcified and I finally resolved to ease over two decades of yearning.

Hm. I guess this still sounds pretty gross�?�

I had the HQ board, which is fine, but what I wanted was the modularity of Warhammer Quest. Full sets and even just the tiles are relatively easy to find on eBay, but I didn�?Tt feel like forking out for that. There are also plenty of PDFs online that let you print out your own onto cardstock, and many, many alternative options from various more recent games, not least Mantic�?Ts dungeon crawl games. But then I was walking by my painting table one weekend and saw an unused plate from the Warhammer movement tray kit. It was a grey plastic square covered with smaller squares �?" 20mm on one side, 25mm on the other. It occurred to me suddenly that it was a perfect dungeon room. I started thinking. I wasn�?Tt going to buy a load of GW�?Ts movement trays; too expensive for too little, but I would explore similar sorts of things. I looked at plastic bases used for historical wargaming (nice enough, but hard to get the right sizes in enough quantity), movement trays (too limited) and then another lightbulb moment: MDF. Historical gamers often use MDF to make bases, and since different systems often require different basing types, there are a few companies that do a service laser-cutting sheets of MDF to whatever size is required. This then, was the answer: the solution I had been (largely unconsciously) searching for for so long. I promptly worked out what tiles were included in WHQ and its supplements and built a shopping cart of bases in the correct size, along with a few other useful bits and pieces, on East Riding Miniatures. I didn�?Tt know quite how much it would cost, but when I had everything I needed I went to inspect the damage�?�

About £15. Huh.

So that was that. I had plenty of monsters too, and heroes if I needed them, but I wanted to do something special and so I also went and bought a few figures I�?Td been wanting an excuse to get for a long time, as well as repurposing a couple I already had. I wanted to have a party of classic fantasy archetypes, but I also wanted them to have a slight twist, which will become clear as you read on. When my MDF arrived, it was just blank sheets of board smelling faintly of charred wood where the laser had done its job. They were nice and crisp though and pleasingly tactile. They still needed some work though: out came the pencil and ruler and then a heavy-duty file not at all designed for miniature work (I once used it to make my Hellcannon fit together �?" that should give you an idea of what sort of tool we�?Tre talking about). I�?Td purchased bases in 30mm increments, so I now divided them up into rough squares and filed along the lines. I did a pretty shoddy job and gave myself a chesty cough for a day or two, but they didn�?Tt have to be perfect. Then came the paint: I bought some dirt-cheap tubes of kids�?T poster paint in black, white and brown and made a thick gloopy mess that I daubed onto the primed bases. Then I just kept mixing in white and drybrushed to taste. The poor quality of the paint was actually a boon as it dried with a great rough texture over the smooth MDF meaning the drybrushing actually worked! I added a few details to some of the tiles, not to the extent of incredible work like Nico�?Ts astounding 3-D Warhammer Quest set and other similar examples on Warseer and elsewhere, but enough to spice things up a bit.

This is what I ended up with:

With shipping, paint, etc. I estimate this cost me a total of £25. Can�?Tt really argue with that.

But what of heroes who might dare to plumb the depths of this deadly labyrinth? Well, that was a project in itself. I�?Td already started thinking about rules, and one of the first things I decided was that I�?Td use GW�?Ts LOTR/Hobbit rules since for my money it�?Ts one of the best skirmish games around and, of course, it�?Ts designed for exactly this sort of thing. The basic system was written to allow people to refight the events of The Fellowship of the Ring, in which a small band of exceptional individuals travel across mountains and under them, facing down weaker but vastly more numerous enemies. Sometimes there�?Ts a big monster, and sometimes there�?Ts a nasty villain, but basically it�?Ts a couple of rangers, a couple of fighters, a wizard and some class-less halflings (Frodo could be a rogue I guess?) hacking their way through orcs. The Fellowship is in fact the original dungeon crawl, so what better rules to use? I had to add some of my own bits and pieces, such as proper rules for doors, traps, new weapons, monsters (hundreds and hundreds of them�?�) and, most importantly, the heroes themselves. I started with the �?oclassic quartet�?� from both HQ and WHQ: Barbarian, Wizard, Elf and Dwarf and gradually expanded the list to cover a whole host of traditional fantasy archetypes. This informed how I went about choosing the figures, but let me start with the four we know and love:

Frieda Sigridsdottir �?" The Barbarian

Frieda is from Hasslefree Miniatures, and a very nice model she is too. A classic female barbarian, complete with chainmail bikini, although the thick cloak makes it a little more practical an ensemble. And despite being a little bit cheesecake, Frieda isn�?Tt someone you should take lightly, as her tribe�?Ts rivals, the Bloodwolves, are about to find out:

The Bloodwolf tribe have long been a scourge to the Bearskins, of which Frieda Sigridsdottir is the foremost warrior. Recently they burned her village to the ground, carrying off two Bearskins to sacrifice to their ravenous wolf god. Frieda sought retribution, but it turned out the Bloodwolves were now migrating en masse across the Great Mountains to the weak southern lands. Why is a mystery, but Frieda had already sworn vengeance and, against the wishes of her father, chieftain of the Bearskins, she set off alone in pursuit. Now she has caught up with their rearguard who have set up camp in an abandoned dwarf mine. Wasting no time, Frieda enters the dungeon, stumbling across her first enemy soon enough.

Having slain the warrior, she advances to the next room and comes face to face with more reavers and a grim chieftain, the notorious Ulf Eriksson�?�

After a hard-fought battle with Eriksson, Frieda explores a side-room, and encounters a hideous troll guarding a locked door! Letting out a war cry to the bear god, she charges in without hesitation.

Still reeking of noxious troll blood, Frieda kicks down the door and beyond discovers what every adventurer really seeks �?" treasure!

Now loaded down with dwarf gold, Frieda ventures deeper into the complex and finds herself face to face with a Bloodwolf shaman and his bodyguard. She hefts her axe, preparing for battle.

The bodyguard goes down easily enough but the shaman is a little tougher. He has foul magicks at his disposal and Frieda must call upon all her cunning, resourcefulness and raw barbarian strength to overcome him. Will she win the day?

Katherine d�?TArgent �?" The Wizard

Another great Hasslefree miniature. This time there�?Ts no denying the sex appeal, so Katherine is a rather different sort of hero than the others �?" a woman of noble birth who is used to getting people to do whatever she wants them to. Her familiar �?" Midnight the raven �?" is from GW�?Ts Radagast on sleigh, where it�?Ts a small scenic element for his base. Don�?Tt underestimate her either:

Katherine is pursuing rumours of the renegade wizard Asp Wattle, who has allegedly been using forbidden magicks to obtain wordly power. As she enters his tower, she realises it is much worse than even the rumours suggested, as she is confronted by two animated skeleton guards!

Such trickery hardly impresses Katherine, and she disposes of the restless dead with a mere flick of her wrist, then unbars the doors they guard and storms into Wattle�?Ts study to confront him.

Wattle cackles at his rival wizard and activates a secret door. Before Katherine can follow the ground bursts open and two more skeleton soldiers rise up on either side of her! They�?Tre no real threat, but the distraction gives Wattle time to escape. He leaves behind only his evil grimoire �?" at first Katherine rejoices, but then realises that if he would so readily abandon it, this can only mean he has now moved beyond what it can teach him�?�

Karri Stonecutter �?" The Dwarf

This adorable little dwarf lady (another Hasslefree one) used to be in my Chaos Dwarf army, back when it was the Black Host of Lord Zhurduz. She led one of my blunderbuss regiments. Like most of that army, she�?Td just been gathering dust for a few years, so I stripped her back to bare metal and transformed her into a goodie. It�?Ts hard to know what to do with the dwarf archetype and I couldn�?Tt figure out how to paint her for a while, but then I was inspired by The Hobbit. This presents the dwarves as a wandering, landless folk, still retaining a trace of their old majesty, but basically now miners, peddlers and tinkers. I find it odd that this trope hasn�?Tt caught on more with modern fantasy dwarves, since a) Tolkien�?Ts dwarves are where it all started and b) all dwarves are essentially the same (there�?Ts even a TV Trope for it�?�), so why aren�?Tt they more like the source material? They�?Tre always rich and live in mountains these days �?" the whole point of Tolkien�?Ts dwarves was that they didn�?Tt live in the mountain! Anyway, Karri�?Ts clan has fallen on hard times following a devastating war and, after her father was killed by orcs and their hold plundered, she takes up his axe and armour and goes out to seek her fortune in the world. The helmet�?Ts a bit big, as you can see.

Karri Stonecutter, seeking to find some of her lost kin in a distant hold, enters what seems to be an abandoned hallway and finds an ominous trail of blood leading her onwards�?�

Duergar! The corrupt grey dwarves of the underworld have obviously found a way to the surface via the foundations of the shattered hold. Luckily for Karri, the Duergar guards aren�?Tt expecting her and she�?Ts able to charge and overcome them.

Karri hesitates to continue, but she can�?Tt ignore the fresh blood on the flagstones. Clearly the Duergar are up to no good. In the next room she meets one of the evil dwarves carrying a drum. Its use becomes clear when he beats out a warning rhythm on it as soon as he sees her. This gives her the perfect opportunity to strike off his head, but the alarm has already been raised.

Beyond lies a dim chamber in which some terrible ritual is underway. The cleric standing at the head of the pentagram levels his finger. �?oSeize her!�?� he bellows. The two guards by his side are only too pleased to acquiesce. Has Karri got in over her head this time?

Lelith D�?Trax �?" The Elf

Everyone loves drow, right? I certainly do: they�?Tre like regular elves, except they�?Tre more obviously capricious and arrogant, which is really the only thing that makes elves interesting anyway. This is a model from the now-defunct Spyglass range sculpted by Steve Buddle. He now works for GW and was responsible for a lot of the most recent Dark Elf range, so this sort of references that. You can still get her from Heresy Miniatures though, as Andy bought the rights to the sculpts when Spyglass stopped trading. I got her in a pack of three models some years ago, one of which became my female vampire in my VC army, and the other of which was a gift for my wife, which you�?Tll see in just a second�?�

Lelith is an exile from the subterranean city of Abyz, realm of the drow. She turned on her house in battle when it looked like they were about to lose, only to find her matriarch had a sorcerous back-up plan that turned the tide, leaving Lelith on the wrong side. She fled to the surface world to escape retribution, but that exposes her to more danger: most recently she has fallen into the hands of a green elf patrol who have brought her back to the court of their queen to answer for the crimes of her people.

The elven captain, Adriel, seems a reasonable woman and Lelith attempts some negotiation. She manages to persuade the suspicious green elf to take her before the queen to be judged.

Granted her audience with Queen Gilraen, Lelith attempts to talk her way out, but the queen is made of sterner stuff than her captain. �?oYou are drow; your words are tainted. However�?�I am not qualified to sit in judgment over your evil race. Your fate can only be determined by the gods themselves.

Lelith feels relief, but she has misunderstood the queen�?Ts words. She will not go free, instead she must undergo trial by combat, and her opponent steps into the centre of the courtroom: one of the wild dervishes of the green elves, mystic shaman-warriors known for their deadly skill and grace. Sighing, Lelith retrieves her sword from Adriel and prepares to win her freedom.

Okay, so that�?Ts the main four, but there are two more members of this dysfunctional adventuring party:

Sister Ayesha of the Order of the Undying Flame �?" The Knight

Yet another Hasslefree miniature. I loved this one the moment I saw it and was so glad to have an excuse to buy it. She has a very simple paintjob, and to add a bit of colour and I had to put some red bricks on her base �?" it was just grey at first, and she looked unfinished. The texture was made by the deeply unimpressive technique of covering the base with a thick layer of liquid green stuff and roughly indenting it with the tip of a narrow file. Ayesha is essentially a D&D paladin, a crusader against evil with access to some limited divine magic. In her case, she serves Ano, Goddess of Light, and is one of the militant Sisterhood, a contrast to the more passive Brotherhood (clerics).

Rumours of strange things happening in the sewers below her home city of Freehold have drawn Sister Ayesha down into the darkness, and there her worst fears are confirmed as the living dead shamble from the shadows, low moans escaping from their rotting mouths. She smiles grimly and lifts her sword.

Further down the foetid tunnels lurk more hideous zombies, but they do little to bar the progress of one so blessed by Ano as Ayesha.

As Ayesha enters the next room, she is surprised by a pack of cannibalistic ghouls that leap and bound towards her. Whispering a prayer to the goddess, she adopts a defensive stance�?�

The ghouls are led by a hideous ghast and a bloated henchman. This explains the rising zombies: his dark power suffuses the sewers. Ayesha cannot allow him to remain, lest all of Freehold fall into darkness and decay!

Polly Twelvetrees �?" The Halfling

This model comes from Andrew Rae�?Ts Statuesque Miniatures, but it�?Ts now OOP, so don�?Tt bother checking the website (although there�?Ts lots of other good stuff there, including some fantasy figures that offer a more traditional take on the HQ/WHQ quartet). Again, this is a figure I saw a long time ago and always wanted, but by the time I came to start this project, I discovered she was no longer available. After googling around for a bit, I discovered a webstore selling it �?" they had only one left in stock! I placed an order straight away before it was too late. So, this may be the last example of this wee lass floating about, short of scouring eBay. She�?Ts officially called Esmerelda Tyke if you want to try. I think the name and short trousers make it clear she�?Ts a halfling, but she is a little bigger than you might expect (standing straight, she�?Td be taller than Karri!) and her bow makes her seem a bit more elvish. I painted her feet with hair to remove any doubt. One thing I like about this model is that the bandana lends her a slightly unexpected aspect, and it took me a while to figure out what it reminded me of �?" I knew I wanted to paint her with a darker complexion and hair but didn�?Tt know why, then I figured it out. She looked Roma, like a traditional gypsy, and that got me thinking about halflings, and I decided that in my setting, rather than being a settled folk, they would be just the opposite. Thus, halflings are travelling folk, searching for their homeland that they lost fleeing a terrible war. They yearn for fields and hobbit holes, but roam the land in brightly-painted wagons. They aren�?Tt always welcome, so much so that some of them have fallen foul of human authorities and have had to leave their clans. Polly (actually named Poppy, but she thinks that�?Ts too twee) is one such; a woodland ranger with a temper who doesn�?Tt trust anyone over four feet tall.

A group of human soldiers forcibly evicted a halfling clan a short time ago, and stole some of their possession into the bargain, knowing they wouldn�?Tt dare fight back. Polly has tracked them to their base of operations, an old fort in the forest, and now enters boldly. Her first obstacles are two ruffians guarding the entrance hall.

After slaying the guards before they can raise the alarm, Polly enters the armoury to find a surly quartermaster waiting for intruders. He grabs a shield and halberd and attacks!

Beyond the door is a dining room, filled with soldiers! Polly is hopelessly outnumbered�?�

However, it looks like there�?Ts some sort of party going on. Everyone�?Ts distracted and a little drunk. Polly takes advantage, setting an arrow to her bow.

Before anyone knows what�?Ts going on, the odds become a little more even!

Our Heroes united:

And, as you�?Tve seen bits and pieces in action so far, the painted Her



Some great stuff Thommy!! Always a champ in the fluff department, and your painting is awesome!!! I love that there are a only woman characters in the dungeon… Great stuff!!


Nice work, wouldn’t mind seeing a delve with the whole party working together.

Thommy H:

Nice work, wouldn't mind seeing a delve with the whole party working together.

Yep, that's the plan when (if...) we get some free time in the New Year. There's still a couple of bits and pieces to do: I want to paint up some of the HeroQuest monsters, like the orcs and goblins, since I'm sorely lacking in those, and I'm going to make some trap counters too. Spears, falling blocks, pits, and I have the parts to make a big rolling boulder a la Dungeon Keeper and Indiana Jones. It's a fun project!


Great stuff, all of it! Not least the medieval human dungeon, that’s something a bit different from the usual adventure. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to future development here, not least the traps. This dungeon crawling stuff sure looks fun. :cheers

As for Tolkien’s Dwarves almost all of them actually live under mountains and invariably grow rich even after a big fall, even though they might have been kicked out from a grand mountain kingdom to a smaller one. Even Thorin and company had settled in Ered Luin/Blue Mountains and worked their way back up to some measure of wealth before trying their luck in Erebor. Thorin’s halls was probably somewhere near the old Dwarf strongholds Nogrod and Belegost (Silmarillion stuff). But, yeah, the wandering Dwarfs concept isn’t used enough in fantasy. Warhammer at least have Rangers, Bugman and Imperial Dwarfs. Even Fantasy worlds with their share of rich mountain dwellers can make do with Dwarf wanderers, whether hunters, poor clansfolk seeking their luck elsewhere, or exiles, refugees from lost holds, traders, mercenaries/adventurers or whatever makes Dwarfs go out into the world.

After all, Dwarfs can make do without the outside world, but no decent Fantasy world can make do without Dwarfs!


That Barbarian lass is really cool despite being amazingly 80s fantasy cheese. Nice find. And nice paint jobs too.


Thanks for showing!

This message was automatically appended because it was too short.


Looks like you have the jump on me - I’ve been planning to make my own dungeon over xmas. I haven’t yet decided on MDF (selfcut) over foamcard, but I’ll probably use cork to produce a more varied tile on top. I’m glad you used 30mm squares, since I wasn’t sure if I would go with that or inches, but the extra space of 30mm looks much better with 25mm bases so I am now sure I want to go with that.

Thommy H:

Actually, I should have said, Cornixt: the 2-page dungeon crawl you posted came along just as I was thinking about all this stuff at the start of the project and made me lean in the direction of doing the traditional game I’d always wanted to. I think when it was “tabletop Dungeon Keeper”, I was going to use a version of the HeroQuest rules, then changed to SBG. But your thread was part of the melting pot of inspiration at the time, so thanks!


HeroQuest for life.

Expertly done!


Actually, I should have said, Cornixt: the 2-page dungeon crawl you posted came along just as I was thinking about all this stuff at the start of the project and made me lean in the direction of doing the traditional game I'd always wanted to. I think when it was "tabletop Dungeon Keeper", I was going to use a version of the HeroQuest rules, then changed to SBG. But your thread was part of the melting pot of inspiration at the time, so thanks!

Thommy H
Glad I could help.

The best thing about this kind of system is that there are so many rulesets that will work for you depending on your players, or just what you feel like.

Thommy H:

Yep. I might even run D&D on it!

Thommy H:

Luna Godric �?" The Thief

In the slums of Freehold, survival is a matter of wits, speed and sheer ruthlessness. Most have the good sense to align themselves with one of the criminal gangs or the Thieves�?T Guild, paying extortionate protection money to ensure their safety, but not Luna Godric. No one knows where she came from, despite her insistence that she grew up in the shanty town. Rumours abound of her resemblance to the missing Montfalcon daughter, Isabelle, but any who have voiced their suspicions in public have wound up with a dagger in their throat. Whatever her origin, Luna Godric has swiftly carved out a name for herself as the most fearless ne�?Ter-do-well in Freehold and made enemies of the legitimate authorities and the criminal underworld alike. By night she stalks the alleys and rooftops of the most dangerous neighbourhoods, �?~liberating�?T a fortune in coins and gems from those who rule the streets with an iron fist. Where does her money go? No one knows. Luna gathers no allies, courts no influence, does nothing to improve her station �?" all she does is sharpen her knives and nurse whatever grudge lurks in her dark heart.

This model is from Privateer Press, one of their Warmachine figures from the Mercenaries faction named Anastasia di Bray. Like a lot of models for this project, it�?Ts one I�?Tve been looking at for years and wanting an excuse to buy. She�?Ts a nice figure, but maybe a touch taller than the other heroes �?" not helped by the way I�?Tve done her base so she�?Ts raised up. Actually that sort of helps though, because you excuse the additional height it grants. It was made by cutting up bits of wooden lectern things from the Empire Flagellants kit and then rearranging them into floorboards. The wanted poster on the floor (I didn�?Tt paint it in enough detail, but it�?Ts obviously supposed to be Luna on there�?�) is from the same kit. The mug is from the Bretonnian Men-at-Arms kit. The story is someone tried to apprehend her in a tavern. You can guess how that went.

I got this figure for Christmas but, more excitingly, my wife got a new camera! So I�?Tve been playing with that and taking some new shots of my models, which you�?Tll find at the bottom. I think they look better, though I�?Tm still an extremely indifferent photographer and this level of detail really shows up the flaws in my painting! But it might be instructive if nothing else. I also, as you�?Tll find out, turned my attention to some more HeroQuest pieces�?�

On the edge of Freehold is Lord Du Marseille�?Ts castle, an ugly heap of black stone. Du Marseille was well known as a ruthless tyrant and a cruel miser. Rumour had it his cellar was stuffed with chests filled with ill-gotten riches. However, a month ago, the aged Du Marseille finally died, leaving no heirs. His downtrodden servants fled, taking everything they could, but his hidden wealth remained unclaimed. But some say something has now gained entry to the locked basement from beneath the earth, and that the treasure is there for the taking, if one is bold enough to brave the darkness�?�

Luna breaks into the castle�?Ts basement, and her keen ears pick up the sound of movement, sneering laughter and low grunts in the shadows. As she passes the first door, she sees two stunted creatures arguing over a dusty rack of weapons. Goblins! She sneaks past, ducking behind a table.

In the next room, cases of mouldering tomes. Another goblin stares at the gilt-edged books uncomprehendingly. A king�?Ts ransom in collected knowledge is there for the taking, but neither the goblin nor Luna have any interest in wealth of that kind. She eases a dagger from its sheath.

The goblin turns, but before it can even squeal in alarm, the knife is hurtling towards its throat!

Stopping only to retrieve her knife, Luna steps over the goblin�?Ts corpse. One of his fellows lurks in the next corridor, guarding a locked door to which he had feebly been trying to gain access.

He doesn�?Tt last long.

The door is firmly bolted and the lock is fiendish indeed, but the portal has not yet been crafted that Luna Godric can�?Tt open. She takes out her thieves�?T tools and works the lock with practiced ease.

It springs open and Luna steps inside, her eyes widening at the sight of the chests filling the small room. But before she can even investigate, a strange sound fills every room of the cellar �?" an alarm! The door was trapped!

Several rooms away, orcs and their goblin servants start at the noise. They don�?Tt know what it is, for the sound is carried by some enchantment, but they go to investigate anyway.

The goblins come to see what the racket is, and discover their dead comrades.

Luna charges from the shadows, shortsword drawn!

Two deft slashes later, and two more goblins lie dead on the flagstones.

But now she bursts in a room rapidly filling with brutal orcs.

Using the table as cover, she hurls a knife that finds its target, the closest of the orcs. Then, as the others dive for cover, she makes a run for it, knowing she has no hope of fighting her way out.

She passes through the doorway and turns. In her belt: her secret weapon �?" a bag of steel ball bearings. She empties them across the floor and darts away.

The ungainly orcs and goblins pile through the doorway, and slip and fall on the ball bearings, then each other as they burst into the corridor. Luna makes her escape �?" the treasure remains unclaimed, but her skin is intact for one more night at least�?�



New, slightly better pictures of the other heroes:

(Okay, this one isn�?Tt better �?" but it felt odd not to include it after putting the others in. Lelith doesn�?Tt photograph well. Probably her drow dislike of bright lights or something?)

The Party (who are actually still yet to meet, technically�?�)


Can’t help but feel like you need to add a male member at some point; usually there’s a token female in an otherwise all male party, so seems only fitting that the thus far all female party needs a token male, possibly also taking the role of the token comic relief character for a twofer ;p

Thommy H:

I could use the jester figure maybe? But no, I’m happy with it being a girls-only club tbh. It’s sort of the point of the project.


I could use the jester figure maybe? But no, I'm happy with it being a girls-only club tbh. It's sort of the point of the project.

Thommy H
Plus having a comic relief male may be detrimental to the badassness of the all female party as it runs the risk of implying the girls are only badasses because the sole guy is so pathetic in comparison.


Ha that was a lovely reead trough (and look at) thanx Thommy.


Very nice Greenskins, dungeon report and thief addition to the party. I’m curious as to what will turn up by next update.


Great read, and the minis and board looks awesome!!