[Archive] Transporting ur miniatures


I wondered how u transport ur miniatures on short or longer trips. I use GW suitecases for my DE army, but I am not gonna do that with my CD, cause to GW suitecase suck imho. Foam not that god, and the lid dont lock up secure enough.

I am thinking of buying a Batlefoam bag, but not sure if the Bale Taurs or my Destroyer (Krull) will fit in the foam.

Some friends of mine use a plastic box with a lid for short travel, and since the models are magnetized they wont fall, pretty god actually. I am thinking about the same thing for short travel.

So, what do u guys do?


I use this.

While not as sturdy as GW’s this case has got a very practical shoulder strap and 2 pockets where to stuff your books & dice. The stitching is very good and seems to be fairly resistant. Also, the foam is of a very good quality! Finally, you can personalize your case and the price is pretty cheap compared to market standards! I’m considering about buying xtra trays to stuff my Fireborn & Bullcentaurs…


I have bought quite a few KR-multicase products lately (http://www.krmulticase.com) , and am really happy with them!

Cheap, flexible and good quality foam. Have never had any breakages (that wasn`t my own fault anyway) The foam trays come in cardboard boxes, which makes it easy for me to pack away different armies using the same system, and just grab the boxes I need when heading off to a tournament!

Recommended :cheers


Same as soulassasin. I have their suitcase for my Warmahordes warband and a double backpack for when I go to a tourney. Plus the cardboard boxes keep my armies organised at home as well, supernice! :slight_smile:


I have always use tool boxes and bubble wrap but as you can imagine there was a lot of paint chipping and broken models needing constant repair especially as they�?Tre pretty much all metal armies.

My new Forge World chaos dwarf army is the first time I�?Tve actually invested in a proper army case and I went with one of the big green half and half GW cases. So far it�?Ts been great but I�?Tve never travelled more than about 100 miles with it in a car. I certainly wouldn�?Tt trust it through an airport but then I�?Tm not planning on travelling with it.

I am starting to look at another case myself as the one I have the side where I keep the bigger stuff (i.e. not infantry) is full and I�?Tm looking to expand a bit more. Though the infantry side still has plenty of space to go.

I�?Tll check out some of those links when I get home as they are blocked from work.




(...) Plus the cardboard boxes keep my armies organised at home as well, supernice! :)

That is what I found as well. I live in an apartment in the city, with limited storage space, so packing things away from time to time is great. So thinks the girlfriend ;)

PS: Bad Dice podcast just did a daily episode on this - traveling abroad for Adepticon. http://baddice.co.uk/daily228/


Tnx for ur replies. Whats ur take on Batlefoam?


Tnx for ur replies. Whats ur take on Batlefoam?

The owner is a prick that's what I know, also it's pretty overpriced compared to the competition.


Tnx for ur replies. Whats ur take on Batlefoam?

The owner is a prick that's what I know, also it's pretty overpriced compared to the competition.

How come? and yea, those are pricy, but god i have heard.


Tnx for ur replies. Whats ur take on Batlefoam?

The owner is a prick that's what I know, also it's pretty overpriced compared to the competition.

How come? and yea, those are pricy, but god i have heard.

I've met him plenty of times in person and he has walking DB syndrome.

Anyways thats beside the point, battlefoam is overpriced compared to the competition. To be honest all I use is a giant tote from target thats tall enough for all my monsters, my plan is to put a sheet of metal on the bottom and magnetize everything. But if you want a case without spending battlefoam prices I would suggest Sabol or KR.


I use KR multicases. Work great for my dragons and Tauruses.


Whats your take on Batlefoam?
I would say Battlefoam is better if you plan to travel a lot in airplanes because they have very strong cases.

IMO it is just overpriced if your plan is only to store your minis inside and move them on foot or by car.

In that case, KR is enough, i think. KR is probably the best quality for their price. Still the "Dreadnought" offer Skink talked about is looking great.

Avoid GW cases. Foam is poor, suitcases are poor. They used to be pretty nice, but with time, as everything else in GW, the quality lowered.


Battlefoam is easily the best bag I’ve found on the market. I’ve ran everything from KR to GW cases, to Armytransport, and nothing matches up quality-wise to battlefoam.

I have no idea as to how the guy that owns it acts, but what I do know is that it’s worth the money. It’s very rigid foam that keeps it’s consistancy for years, and the case itself is virtually indestructible, while protecting the minis. After countless eight-hour trips, being smashed around with baggage for tournaments, and virtually every day use I’m pleased - the guy may be a Dbag, but he makes a hell of a case.


KR Multicase anyday, Best carry case ever.


I have given up the GW case, as said before, it sucks. In my research last couple of days, it seems like BF bags come out really god, and people like them. Though they are overpriced, it may be the way to go. KR also come out strong, but those who have compared, say that BF is the best bag.

I will listen to my wallet when the time comes:)

IMHO, the army is worth a lot of money, both in buying and hours of painting, so if I have to give a litle extra for keeping them safe, I think its worth it.


I have 2 army transports and like 5 armines they are a hassle to deal with. I personaly hate the foam and trying to buy foam for every army is retardly expensive. I plan to get one of these in a few weeks.


Was at a tourney recently where a fello brought one and it was AWESOME!!! The same fellow also has a pod cast called the deployment zone where he reviewd the case. Below is a link to their podcast!



For transport and storage I use KR. Recently a friend introduced me to a pretty elegant solution. He stuck a single small magnet under every base, then glued metal strips to the bottom of some stackable boxes. It stores his stuff really neatly, and takes up much less space than foam boxes. He’s made movement trays for all his models using the same metal, so there’s no risk of them falling off during play.



when I was starting my Ogre army I had a similar type problem with transportation. I asked a similar question on another forum and ended up getting a Stanley tool box after advice given there. My original question was about magnets, but check the reply from AshBorn at post 8#, this is what I do now as it works really well for Ogres, and I will be doing the same for my CD army;

Check post #8 from AshBorn

Hope this helps or at least opens up some other options for you.



Again, tnx for the replies and help guys, helps out a lot. And maybe the thread have give others some idea aswell :slight_smile:


For transport and storage I use KR. Recently a friend introduced me to a pretty elegant solution. He stuck a single small magnet under every base, then glued metal strips to the bottom of some stackable boxes. It stores his stuff really neatly, and takes up much less space than foam boxes. He's made movement trays for all his models using the same metal, so there's no risk of them falling off during play.

I am in the process of doing the same thing.