So I’ve said before that digging around through the vast archives here at CDO is allot of fun, and have even dug up a few old threads myself to comment on a great collection or paint job from several of our revered ancestors no longer active on the forum. After a new member accidentally committed an act of Threadomancy it gave me the idea that there is certainly a place for bringing out this great old content back to the light of day, I think we have a long enough history here on CDO to actually support this kind of thread (atleast for awhile I should think).
What do people think of the idea of a thread to repost those images here to discuss and marvel at the armies and projects of members past? I think we would need to establish some ground rules, how old they have to be, how long the member has been inactive, and probably agree to some system by which we give whatever member we spot light some time to be the subject of discussion/wonder (I dunno maybe we agree only one every three days or something).
I think it could an awful lot of fun.
Edit: Ooh it occured to me we could call it The Ziggurat, said building classicly being a tower used as a crypt.
…Kinda like walking the Road of Skulls up the Plains of Zharrduk, watching the lined-up statues of all Sorcerer-Prophets of the Past looking down on us with unreadable expressions!
While I like the idea of threadomancy… make sure it’s relevant and there is something to add to the conversation. Also you’ll need to take it forward from that point. No sense addressing members who haven’t been active for long periods of time (per say).
And are people angling for a medal for threadomancy? If so I’d have to say no to that one, sorry.
Well the idea isnt to actually commit Threadomancy, but to quote post the images into a Treasure Hunter/Ziggurat Thread to comment on them their, then we can talk about the work without resurrecting a long dead thread.
Lol yeah I can’t really imagine a medal for posting someone elses images, and I think posthumanous medals for the spot-lighted members is probably a bad idea to (You left the forum? Here’s your medal!)
Unsealed Catacombs? The Road to Zharr-Naggrund? Petrified Ancients? In Stone On Pedestals?
I think this is a great idea. Most of the site frequenters have spent hours trawling through old and new logs alike, so sharing golden old finds would benefit all members, and new ones in particular. It’s also a neat way of revisiting old logs without posting in inactive threads.