[Archive] Tusks

Kera foehunter:

then what hold there head on Wallacer


The big hats obviously.


then what hold there head on Wallacer

Kera foehunter
Their spinal column :P
I just meant that their neck could be so short that it looks like their head is basically just attached to the shoulder.
That might explain why their heads seems to be able to support so much crap.


i say childhood, as you have to remember a dwarven life span is a lot different than a humans, it would be hard to imagine that dwarfs have a puberty, as most of them are covered in hair and have deep voices long before they are considered adults.


Dwarfs are born with body hair and deep voices.

Human baby: Weeaaah! Weeaaah! Weeeah!


Kera foehunter:

okay bill i belive you!!


Yay… proclamations of belief and respect… :slight_smile:

Kera foehunter:

well bill it only from me .Now you need to get thewrest of the guys


The cows that still are capable of having horns are born with them, they need to be "polled" to get rid of them. They are meerly teeny bumps when born though so they are not a trouble for mum. So it stands to reason that Chaos Dwarves are born with them and they meerly get to a decient size around their coming of age. Good fluff could be made about them only coming of age when their tusks meet a desired length (leaving ones with stunted tusk growth to harbour resentment and turn in to vicous killers napoleon style)

Don't mention stunted growth and hemeroids to the French...


never got Brit v. French humor


i think they are born with them and they grow larger as the stunt grows older kinda like an elephant with the oldest having the largest tusk


Not necessarily… Elephant tusks grow from age, but I’d think CDs would chop 'em off every two years or so. Or like, the dwarf’d be all topheavy.

Kera foehunter:

i dont think they have teeth at birth ,and if they did it makes it hard to breast feed (ouch!!!)


Well, if Chaos Dwarfs can make the genetic leap to having tusks, I suppose mothers could have nipples made of thick leather and callous.

Kera foehunter:

ha ha yea thats the ticket.



I just realized how creepy and not-sexy that would look.

…although, it is a female stunty, so attractive went down to pooper at birth.


@ Bill: The French have blamed their loss at Waterloo on the “fact” that Napoleon’s hemeroids were giving him grief on the big day. The stunted growth explains itself but is also quite a good inuendo


Well, I learnt something new today…


Thats one of the blessings of CDO, you learn something new EVERY time


Unfortunately, not always something you want to learn, but beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose.