[Archive] (updated 2/11) CD and hobgoblins from Dancing Yak Miniatures


Nice stuff. Like the slightly more dynamic centaur poses as well.


thank you! hope you like whats to come big update tonight!


Very nice. Chaos dwarfs deserve to be put into every scale possible so having 10mm ones sounds very nice. Really like the hats. I enjoy the classic look. Really liking them. Excited to see what�?Ts to come!


Very nice. Chaos dwarfs deserve to be put into every scale possible so having 10mm ones sounds very nice. Really like the hats. I enjoy the classic look. Really liking them. Excited to see what�?Ts to come!

Thanks hope you like the update i just posted.:cheers


We are proud to announce we are now  a Cooperating Company with T9A !


That Taurus and blunderbuss poses look neat!


That Taurus and blunderbuss poses look neat!

thanks sending you a pm had a few questions


We are pleased to announce that we and Admiralty Miniatures have agreed to support each others projects . We will be using/supporting the use of some of there 28mm models as an alternative to ours and some like the hobgoblin slave drivers will be paired with our goblins.


Aye! :cheers

This is true CDO spirit, that pergament! I think you might like to participate in something like the Emissary Exchange later on, whenever time allows.

Looking forward to see the renders printed and cast. Best of luck. :hat off


Aye! :cheers

:hat:hat off


Cool! Btw DYM, have you considered scale mail for the 28mm?


Cool! Btw DYM, have you considered scale mail for the 28mm?

yes our bulls are wearing it :cheers


Fantastic minis. Can�?Tt have too many big hats, ... Amazing!

Uther the unhinged
Amen to all three of these points.

I may be older than Astragoth Ironhand, thus I have always been in love with Big Hats. :)


thank you i hope you like whats to come were working on the asscannon now!


Very exciting! Really looking forward to see what�?Ts to come.


thank you i hope you like whats to come were working on the asscannon now!

Cool, there should be plenty of inspiration to draw from here on CDO. :)


thank you both ,we finished most of the ass lift yesterday! should have the detail done by Sunday evening as were not working on it today. we saw some cool stuff here. but were basing it on the original and near eastern statues. we posted a small teaser to the fb page. we have done more art and as said are almost done with the model itself. we think it will be loved by most older style fans ,mid style fans and latter style fans of cd. Unlike fallout it just works :wink: . y’all see it on sunday ;we also have some other realy good news to announce and were holding off till posting the ass cannon. Gotta get that boom boom boom . cant resist and when up people hopefuly will see why.


An Ode to the Asscannon, by MadHatter, a piece of the Chaos Dwarf culture project, has been featured here in an asscannon preview by Dancing Yak Miniatures, courtesy of MadHatter who kindly declared on Discord: “All mine is CDO’s” as permission, even for miniature companies. :hat off

Url-linking in text isn’t working, so here it is. Copy-paste the entire following address into your browser:





thanks for linking cheers!


Fans of Hobgoblins are being spoiled at the moment. While Tjub sculpts new Hobgoblins in 15mm, Dancing Yak Miniatures are simultaneously bringing us updates of new 10mm & 28mm designs. Well worth checking out on Facebook!

It seems each day reveals new Hobgoblin creations for all scales. :wink: