[Archive] (updated 2/11) CD and hobgoblins from Dancing Yak Miniatures


Hi all long time lurker first time poster. I am proud to announce a new line of demon/chaos/abysmal dwarfs for the 10mm and 28mm ranges.We are making these due to a lack of 10mm models.Being long time fans we felt it was a crime against the dark god that no range was available.so we offered prayers and went about addressing this . we have been asked by nearly 100 people in over 24 to do 28mm also so we will. Please take a look for more info We hope hope you enjoy. :cheers  

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Update 2/11

New wolf, and wolf riders working on assassin now

From your friends at Dancing Yak Miniatures

Update 2/11

update 2/8

update 2/6

Update 2/3

Teaser    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUJ5Kzu2GzY&t=6s            




Nice! Welcome aboard!


Pineapple hats! :hat off

Love the designs! Might need a bit thicker shafts for the weapons in 10mm? Btw resin och metal? …and 28mm as well seems like a great idea? Btw, the Bullcentaurs will they be old school size or Forge World sized?


first thanks for the kind words to both of you. we have printed about 30 tests dwarfs and they have been fine on weapons.will be printing slightly larger to del with mold shrinkage . we are not worried based on research on the castablitly we should be fine . If we need to enlarge the shafts we will but im 95% we wont. No we 110% will do 10mm ones in metal . resin would be to thin and many would brake shipping out… so all will be metal … seen 10 and 6mm resin spears and swords its a farce …further all models were made to be printed and cast at 10mm will be enlarging and cleaning up and adding details for the 28mm. further we might end up doing 28mm in resin if its more then 25% less in cost to make without substantial loss in strength and quality. apreate concern. on the point of the centaryaks they will be old school size about slightly larger . our dwarfs are very lazys slaves do most work . feel most cd are dieting :wink:


Those super spikey hats are great.

I think you’d need to add hair texture to do the models in 28mm or it will look weird.


Looking Awesome bro well done


Those super spikey hats are great.

I think you'd need to add hair texture to do the models in 28mm or it will look weird.

thank you for your input we will 100% add more detail to the 28mm models . all models were made to print and cast well in 10mm hence lack of hair detail. further will be more types of units with greater veration. this is the teaser and we make great progress daily. final step before crowd funding is adding extra details to 28mm.we honestly didnt plan on making 28mm but many people wanted it so we agreed as it. hope you follow and like them when all done . cheers


Looking Awesome bro well done

thank you! hope you like whats to come.

Uther the unhinged:

Fantastic minis. Can�?Tt have too many big hats, and 10mm wow, how dextrous are you guys? Amazing!


Fantastic minis. Can�?Tt have too many big hats, and 10mm wow, how dextrous are you guys? Amazing!

Uther the unhinged
Thank you .no never enough hats. Not as nimble as I wish .

Fuggit Khan:

I think these are f*#�^sin awesome!

I love the porcupine/pineapple/pinecone Hats

:hat off


Like the look of these guys, those super-spiky hats look neat. One small quibble I have, is that the crew of that cannon are brandishing weapons rather than actually acting as crew operating the weapon. Should have a loader, gunner, and a gun captain (perhaps with a set of range-finding glasses), I think.


I think these are f*#�^sin awesome!
I love the porcupine/pineapple/pinecone Hats
:hat off

Fuggit Khan
thank you we are thinking of moving the extra spiky hats to other units also we have as of now several more hat veraints and plan on doing more. hope you kile whts to come


.Like the look of these guys, those super-spiky hats look neat. One small quibble I have, is that the crew of that cannon are brandishing weapons rather than actually acting as crew operating the weapon. Should have a loader, gunner, and a gun captain (perhaps with a set of range-finding glasses), I think.

thanks. we plan on adding an ammo pile at least. heres the issue at 10mm that a scope wouldn't be notable further there are 3 more artillery peaces we are making and possible one as a stretch goal . these will be usable with all all artillery . we will have some 2 unarmed hob goblins in there to both holding the ammo to load. there choas dwars . slaves do the lifting not the dwarfs.magic andd slaves or serfs are. further we may add a wip in for one for good measure . also why they only have weapon in one hand so they can fire or adjust levers. there may be other changes or less less dwarfs for the 10mm.


those models reminds me a lot the zonk sculpts “taste”, do you have the same impression guys?


those models reminds me a lot the zonk sculpts "taste", do you have the same impression guys?

They take some inspiration from the worms work. However unlike zonks im not running a scam.Further plan on making other ranges after this hope to be in for the long hall. further i live in the usa were they dont take kindly to fraud as certin country's will.also i am part of the wargames community last thing i wish i to ruin my name with the 100s of people ive dealt with and many friends.your welcome to wait till after the kickstarter and we have filled all order to get them. or not get at all . hope you support us though !they will be cheaper threw the kickstarter though and you will be able to get months before. didnt think you were talking about more then sculpts but this needs to be said as you brought up the POS name.


I would love to see the actual miniatures.Quite a lot of detail there for 10mm.


I would love to see the actual miniatures.Quite a lot of detail there for 10mm.

Yes there are for 10mm, we will be adding details for the 28mm. ones there is a little lost but all things are clear. Have done some prototyping on the models. issue atm is i dont have a good camera.taking pictures with a 4 mp phone camera is counterproductive as i cant get the detail. Bought 13mp one of ebay but it wouldn't turn on so sent back . will be buying another within a few days. and hopefully posting some pictures within a few weeks.hope you like whats to come .


didnt think you were talking about more then sculpts but this needs to be said as you brought up the POS name.

yes, just talking about the esthetical side


didnt think you were talking about more then sculpts but this needs to be said as you brought up the POS name.

yes, just talking about the esthetical side

:cheers:hat off:cheers figured .his were lovely if he only followed threw we wouldnt need to do 28mm :( . :mad. thanks for responding and I hope you like ours when done cheers!