[Archive] Very Basic question (from Newbie)



I know this is a bit of a pain for established CD players but;

Is there any etiquet/ rule that says a CD army has to either be mad up of “big hat” type guys or the helmet type FW ones?

The reason i ask is, i am just about to embark on buying up models to start a CD army and i dont want to buy loads of both types of models only for people to tutt loudly and whisper under their breath "what the hell does he think he’s doing…"

I have got the Tamukhan book and from what i can see (i haven’t read all of it yet, i haven’t had it long…) the CD army described is a specific army…with not “top hat” type guys. But for the purpose of building an army can i use both or is this a bit of a no-no

Thanks in advance and sorry for the obviouse rudimentary nature of the question.


Thommy H:

Use whatever models you like. The Legion of Azgorh is intended to represent a specific faction of Chaos Dwarfs, but the rules were written specifically so that players with the old Chaos Dwarf models could still use their collections. That why, for example, there’s an option for blunderbusses despite there not being any models for them. Almost everything from the 4/5th Edition list (except the Orcs and Goblins units) should translate into something in the LoA.

For reference:

Sorcerer Lord = Sorcerer Prophet

Lord = Sorcerer Prophet/Infernal Castellan

Sorcerer = Daemonsmith

Hero = Infernal Castellan

Bull Centaur Hero = Bull Centaur Tau’ruk

Hobgoblin Hero = Hobgoblin Khan

Chaos Dwarf Warriors = Infernal Guard/Ironsworn

Hobgoblin Warriors/Archers/Sneaky Gitz = Hobgoblin Backstabbers

Bull Centaurs = Bull Centaur Renders

Death Rocket = Deathshrieker Rocket

Hobgoblin Wolf Riders = Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders

Earthshaker Cannon = Dreadquake Mortar


Thank you for posting a perfectly legitimate question, especially as a new player. There are no stupid questions, only grumpy veterans :stuck_out_tongue:

The CD army list in the Thamurkhan book is, as far as I have understood it, meant to represent one Chaos Dwarf army called the Legion of Azgorh. Here you will find the core of the army made up of dwarf so disgraced that they wear masks and not hats. Some characters and war machine crew from Forge World have hats that give a nod to the original Big Hats (see pictures of the latets Bull Centaur Taruk, for instance) This way they tie in with the older models, without being a simple remake.

My view on mixing old and new, is go for it :slight_smile: Some of the models will look very different (3.ed and FW) but can be mixed and still look cool.

Edit_ninja`ed x 2. Agree with them both btw :slight_smile:


Also, while the FW Infernal Guard don’t have hats, their Daemonsmiths pack does, as well as the new Bull Centaur Taur’ruk even! So they are doing a bit of mixing, too. It’s not “one or the other”, imo, it’s just what looks good :slight_smile:


I’m a bit of a mix-and-match person. My characters all have hats since it is a status thing, my common infantry don’t. However, in larger games I will field units of old big hat models who I play with the same stats as the non-hats. I call those guys the upper classes - not any better at fighting but they come from a privileged upbringing.


Exellent! Thank you for this.

I shall commence the “shelling-out” of cash forthwith!

I was a bit worried as i have bought some units of guys from FW and have bought some units off auction sites on the net, the latter being the “big hat” guys.

I am fairly sure that with a bit of modelling work i can make all these guys look as if they are part of the same army.

To be brutally honest, if it wasnt for the big hat guys i may well have passed the CD army over but i saw this;


and i have to say, this is one of the most amazing looking armies that i have ever bared witness to. Dont get me wrong, i can understand why some people might be a bit unwilling to go for the whole “Phineus Freak” look, but to me the sheer imagary of this army was so cool that i just had to have a go myself.

Having said that, once i started to read about the CD in the Tamurkhan book it portrayed a slightly different image to me. This is backed up with the amazingly realistic and superbly detailed mini’s from FW.

Having both options open to me caused some confusion as i really wanted to incorporate both these things in my army. I am really hoping i can do that.

who ever made the “Phineus Freak” style guys (ie put this army together) deserves a massive pat on the back, they are truely amazing (IMO), but i do get why some people would shy away from their comic book/ cartoon style kind of look. Equally, as i have said, the FW models are awesome.

Maybe, sometimes, CD players dont realize just how lucky they are having the option to do both things.

I am new here, so from a view point of very little knowlage, this army offers the amazing oppertunity of both comic-esq humor and downright evil-ness all in one go. I can’t wait to get started on my army build and i hope that i wont upset or offend CD regulars with an army that contains both the Big-hat guys of old and the modern CD models as made by FW.

If i didn’t say thanks for your comments, then thanks, and i better get started on learning how to sculpt both beards and hats, as well as helmets and death masks.


Lava Lord:

:slight_smile: G-H all that they have mentioned works. I’m in your boat also, just further along. that list is an excellent resource, thanx Tommy. enjoy and as your army grows keep in touch…:hat off


I’ve only one thing to say gh, its your army when your happy with it, its good