As I said in my other thread about this beasty, I have started working on it AND made some WIP shots (although they are outdated as I speak, but hey, better something, than nothing, right?)
The body
The demon’s head
And for those of you who haven’t seen the sketches yet, here’s a link
Yeah I filed the bottom down before adding most of the fat so he looks quite good on a flat base thingy ^^ that is actually a better idea than my one, i wanted to go for metal strips pinned to the demons base (a wooden board thingy)
Gonna try that ^^ with something like chains attached to them =D
Thanks for the positive feedback and for the idea mate ^^
i dont really understand how it should fire.does the canonballs come out of his mouth or works it like the arse cannon?
and will he get legs and arms or is he a maggot looking demon?
I added a link to the concept thread in the first post, it´s explained a bit clearer there. Short explaination here: He will get a cannonball stuffed into his mouth, then a CD will beat him with a ball and chain in his stomach, so he will throw up and then fire the cannonball.
I am planning on giving him really small arms and feet, so it looks kind of comical, like he is so fat that he can´t stand up anymore.
More WIP shots, got rid of the horns though and his face has more detail at the moment, but do not have pictures of that yet. Also, the surfaces and stuff are a lot smoother (my dad made me some shots in between sessions ;P) Enough talking, here come the photos:
looks like your on the right track.Definately interested to see where it goes from here.If you need some more inspiration beyond that disgusting thing from Blade look up the Brood Mother from Dragon Age