[Archive] Wanting to trade or sell for 5th ed metal warriors


Hi guys

I’ve got a number of excess items I don’t need in which I would love to get some more 5th ed warriors.��

I’m particularly interested in the guys with horns on the shoulder pads/flat hat and the floppy condom head as I call them.��Also a musician.��I also could do with another 10 bb’s.

What I have to trade.

1 x earth shaker cannon

2 x death rockets

30+ x 5th ed plastic dwarf warriors (no shields)

9 x 3rd ed dwarf warrior (with horns and skull mask)

24 x Sneaky gits

5/6 x bull centaurs

I do have a few other bits and pieces around like hobgob riders.

If you do have something then I’m sure we can come to an agreeement.��Thanks


Pyro Stick:

Are you just wanting to trade? Or would you sell? I have a musician i might not need but i only want a metal warrior, not any more of the plastic ones.


Are you just wanting to trade? Or would you sell? I have a musician i might not need but i only want a metal warrior, not any more of the plastic ones.

Pyro Stick
I'd probably just swap in this case. One metal warrior for a metal musician. Let me know if your interested.

It is the musician with s shaped horn?

Pyro Stick:

It is the musician with the s shaped horn but until i write up my army list i wont know if i need it. YOu see i am not sure if my second unit of blunderbuss will need a command or not. Also im trying to buy some models of ebay that have warriors in it which i just remembered about. If i end up with a spare Musician i will let you know.


It is the musician with the s shaped horn but until i write up my army list i wont know if i need it. YOu see i am not sure if my second unit of blunderbuss will need a command or not. Also im trying to buy some models of ebay that have warriors in it which i just remembered about. If i end up with a spare Musician i will let you know.

Pyro Stick
If you don't have any success with ebay. Let me know if you're wanting the plastics to buy then that's not really a problem. Have a think about it and let me know. Cheers


Hi Jason, I have some BBs that I’d willingly trade for your 3rd ed warriors. LMK.


Hi Jason, I have some BBs that I'd willingly trade for your 3rd ed warriors. LMK.


Send me a post message. Sorry for the delay as I'm in OZ. Look forward to hearing from you. :cheers