[Archive] Warhammer Forge - Forge World Fantasy announced officially!

Ishkur Cinderhat:

They are only sold on the FW website, to my knowledge. And I can say that you get a lot for your cash indeed… I own most of the Imperial Armour books and there is obviously a lot of effort and work put into each one of them by the team. I find them a great read.


45 euros! Wow! Isn’t that like 75$… thats a lot of money for one book, as in as much as a rule book! Thats right the 400 pg. one. They seem well made but that seems a little excessive!


I’ve merged some threads. Please don’t discuss the Skullcracker model unveiled at games day in this thread, do it here instead


Okay, we all know what happened yesterday - but WF actually showed of quite a few other excellent sculpts - that excites me as well:

Nurgle Rotbeast

Nurgle Champion

Nurgle toad:

Nurgle Trolls :smiley:

Chaos Ogres

<img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_9Kaz35gO4Vk/TJ-r13JQrEI/AAAAAAAAMYo/Z28kT2ct1H8/s512/IMG_9482.JPG[/img]

Empire upgrades:

And one of my absolute favourites - this Empire Hero:

Picture so utterly stolen from here: http://picasaweb.google.com/muirfin/20100926#

And you should take the time scrolling through this guys album - lots of spectacular GD entries inside and the IoB 3 ups :smiley:

But also these fro GW’s stand:



The ones you called orcs are trolls. :wink:

I’m quite impressed with most of this.  I don’t really know what to think about the toads.  They are well sculpted, just the concept of giant toads is a bit strange.  I’m not sure why they called the big thing a toad dragon (unless that’s what other people are calling it?).  Looks more like a komodo dragon.

I believe the ogres are labelled as nurgle ogres, which is a wasted opportunity as they could have been a lot more characterful.

The nurgle champion model is not as good as mine.


Fixed the Orcs/Trolls- thx, Grim :wink:

I believe the ogres are labelled as nurgle ogres, which is a wasted opportunity as they could have been a lot more characterful.

Yeah, one of the looks Nurgle al right, but not this one :wink:

The nurgle champion model is not as good as mine.

True :smiley:


I have that model and its very cool, the guy on the left of the picture in the back ground is the one who was on the site looking at our response as i was talking to him about it


Hi to all , I found some Chaos dwarf photos from Wrahammer Forge, have you already saw them???


Yeah, though their always great to see again, I would convert one to have an Engineer riding on a Plague Toad but don’t trust my conversion skills (Only CD conversion I’ve ever done was putting Pulper Spikehead on a Greater Tauros lol)



Where have you been? :smiley: Think there is 4 or 5 threads now about the new WF stuff - lol


i dont mind seeing them again though :slight_smile:


Ahhh man!!! I was saving for a new flat screen tv… but these models are amazing!


This seems as good a place as any to discuss.

In my summary I noted that because they will not have any model photos in the warhammer forge books, it means that they could use them as place holders to release things months/ years later.

At the other extreme what this could potentially also mean is that they could throw in all the art work for things and have very regular releases of CD models.

I.e. hypothetically if the Nurgle books are the only ones to have the CD in, there are 2 books coming out in 2011 (hopefully) so all the CD things could have a place holder in these 2 books.  Warriors, hobgoblins etc.

I happen to know that the hobgoblin wolf riders artwork is already finished (it was showcased at some art convention in Toronto recently).  So imo that will be in the first book even if there are no models yet.