[Archive] Warhammer in a flash


Ok so I am getting back into warhammer, I am playing a warhammer in a flash game (just google search warhammer in a flash if you dont know what it is) set at 500 points. Just so I can get to knwo the game better with the new edition since I have not played it since the edition change.

I have 1 hero with hw and shield

1 sorceror

24 warriors

12 BB

no hob goblins for now :frowning:

6 bolt throwers (scratch built em)

This is what i have to choose from.

I am playing regular dwarfs, empire, orcs and goblins, and vampire counts over the next two or so weeks.

Once I submit my list, it is stuck that way, so what could I do to learn how to use the CD and still have a shot at winning?

I know I should probably have hobbos but I dont for now, and really am on the cheap side so I dont really want to buy any goblins.

At this level what tactics should I be using?

What is a good sorceror type to use?

What else should i know?


How about this
Sorcerer - Lvl 2 - 100
12 Blunderbusses with standard - 154 - deploy them 6 * 2 - lower strength but better resilience when charged (rank and standard, vs just standard)
24 Warriors with Standard, Champion and shield = 243

Total = 497

Wizard goes with main combat unit till they look like they are going to get charged then hops out. I would suggest lore of fire mainly as it will give you the most bang for buck in small games or lore of metal if facing a mostly mounted army.

You will have to watch your flanks but your best tactic is to get into blunderbuss range and angle them to shoot across as many units of the enemies as possible. They can take a charge from light cavalry or small units and hold their own so don’t think of them as just normal missile troops.

hope that helps


Considering what you’ve got I’d probably do a list like this.

Lv 2 Sorcerer = 100 (goes with the BB for St5 shots)

11 BB + champion(to save mister Lv2 from challenges or if you prefer a mus) = 142              tot. 242

15 warriors + std,mus = 155     tot. 397

8 warriors = 72               tot. 469

Boltthrower 30                tot. 499

The sorcerer goes with the Blunderbusses to get strength 5 shots.
This gives you a somewhat more flexible army. The boltthrower might come in handy if you meet stuff like knights or ironbreakers.

Hope this helps.


In my experience in Flash games, magic has little effect. I usually play Empire in Flash games but If I’m going Chaos Dwarf I think I’d use this list.


Chaos Dwarf Hero: Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, Biting Blade = 84


10 Warriors: Banner, musician, Heavy Armour, Hand Weapon Shield = 110

10 Warriors: Full Command, Heavy Armour, Hand Weapon Shield = 120

3 units of 5 Hobgoblins: Bow = 75 (Yes you can have units of 5 in Flash Rules)


10 Sneaky Gits: Full Command 80

Bolt Thrower = 30

Total 499

Blunderbusses will be ignored in this small a game, move and shoot archers seem to do better.


I haven’t played warhammer in a flash, but are all those little 5 and 10 man units a liability bilbo? Or are the bigger units too inflexible?


You really never see more than two ranks (well except for Skaven/Goblins) so the maneuverability (especially of the shooters) helps. You could remove the Sneaky Gits and put in Wolf Riders for fun.

My Dwarf list was something like this.


Thain with shield and cossbow

10 Warriors hand weapon/shield

10 Thunderers

5 Crossbows

5 Crossbows


Bolt Thrower (Rune of Penetration)



Captain or Warrior priest (for hatred) on horse


5 Knights

10 Halberds or swordsmen

5 handgunners




Lumpin Croop’s Fighting Cocks

Plenty of shooting to reduce size of opponents.

Knights are for keeping others honest and hitting flanks.



Dragon Slayer: Killing Blow


11 Slayers (1 Giant Slayer and Banner)

2 Doomseekers




Goblin Hewer

I know that is 498 points. But the Goblin Hewer is the equalizer.



Dragon Slayer: Killing Blow

11 Slayers (1 Giant Slayer and Banner)
2 Doomseekers


Goblin Hewer

I know that is 498 points. But the Goblin Hewer is the equalizer.

I think that list isn't allowed, if i remember correctly you can't buy warmachines that are worth more than 100 points. I might remember wrong though.


I don’t think it’s legal, but it’s funny. The problem is that it’s a warmachine with hero. Since you don’t need a hero charater but nominate one unit champion as general.

So the reading of Rules 2 and 9 could say that the Hewer being allowed.

Rule 2. Says that you do not have to purchase any character models, but you have to nominate a model to act as the general. This figure can be either a character model or a unit champion. Champions, even if action as the general, must always remain in their unit.

Rule 9. Says that you may spend no more than 100 points on a single model, war machine, or chariot (But you cannot take giants, dragons, really large monsters, hellblaster, or flame cannons). This restriction does not apply to character models.

Call Malakai Makaisson the general and make it a Slayer Engineer army. :o It would depends on the ruling of your friends/club/store/gaming community.

I knew there is a reason I haven’t used Slayer Army for Flash Games.

So lets see if I can make a truly legal Slayer flash army that nobody can bitch about, other then being entirely Slayers.

General and Special

Long Drong and 9 Pirate Slayers = 195


6 Slayers w/1 Giant Slayer = 81

7 Slayers w/1 Giant Slayer = 92

2 Doom Seekers = 130

If I had the skill, maybe paint them all as Kera’s pirates. Yes, Pirate Doom Seekers. :slight_smile:

Total Points 498 if I added correctly

It can be overwhelmed by hoards and with the exception of the doomies can be killed quickly in combat by most armies. But there is a reason I have shooting in my Chaos Dwarf, Empire and Dwarf armies. :hat off