After many months of other races taking my attention, i have decided to return to chaos dwarves!
I tried to modernise the ‘big hat’ theme, combining it with the mask idea. I like to think that he is an apprentice fire sorceror,yet un-affected by the Curse of Stone, and with fire in his veins
Most of the model was sculpted whilsy listening to the Chaos Dwarf Podcast! Kudos to Xander, Hashut’s Blessing and Wilmark, i thouroughly enjoyed it!
Sorry for the bad piccy-atures!
- Warplock
P.S: If anyone is intrested in buying him, i am open to suggestions, although i did enjoy sculptng this model, and would like to paint him, i need the moolah for Games Day
Looks damned fine! I liek the flaming hatmet, good use of techniques. I like the inclusion of the “shield” on his belly and I DID notice the nipple ring Good pun with the “fire in his veins”, he he he. Looks very nice and I’d be tempted if I didn’t already have two sorcers and no need for more just yet (one of which is already fire). Why not USE him at Games day?
Mosk, please don’t double post. there’s an edit button to the bottom right of your posts. thanks.
However, I do agree, you could cast this miniature without problem (as far as I can see and legally at least) and hey presto. Money for GD will be easier to come by!
Look up the casting thread in the ideas and adveice section. It’s a beautiful model, wish I had the funds right now. How much do you normally charge for your commisions?
I could cast it for you in resin (well, my brother could^^) We have a ‘suction’ machine so there are hardly any airbubbles and my brother is an experienced caster by now.
I’d need to ask him if he’s up for it but let me know if you want specifics. :cheers:
Obsidian: That would be very kind of you sir! Where are you stationed? As in what country are you from? And hopw much would it cost me to have it done?
AGPO: I actually have no idea of how much i would want for it, how much would it be acceptable to charge?
I hail from the Netherlands, currently in the south. The machine is in the north but you’re lucky! NL isn’t that big!
I’ll have to ask my bro what the different materials cost and if he wants anything in return. Hope you are a bit patient as I don’t quite come overe there for quite long periods…