[Archive] WFRP, Talisman, Dark Heresy back in production


After knee-capping Black Library and (apparently) killing off WFRP, Talisman and Dark Heresy it now seems that GW have sold off the rights for these games to FFG:



I actually looked through the book last night pretty interesting.


Fantasy Flight seems like a pretty good boardgame company. It’s kind of wierd that they do Rackham products too, but whatever. Now I’m hoping that they redo Warhammer Quest at some point in the future.


Fantasy Flight make good products, but they are kinda over the top on the boardgame front. They mostly do licensed stuff so Warhammer et al is right up their alley. A typical Fantasy Flight game has a TON of components to it, numbering in the hundreds - cards, pieces, counters, maps, boards - all quality stuff, but the complexity of the games are usually pretty high. It will be interesting to see what they do with the license.

re: Rackham

That is only a distribution deal so I doubt it will affect things that much. Unless FFG drop Rackham because of GW’s presence it should be good times, at least in the US/North America, since its rather hard to find Rackham stuff around here.


GW are saying that they will never outsource any of their games that contain a lot of miniatures, so WQ is unlikely. GW will probably do it again anyway, can’t be that difficult. The models are all sculpted already, they pretty much have the rules…


Plus its a game in a box so it’d be a great christmas release - like Talisman was this year


GW are saying that they will never outsource any of their games that contain a lot of miniatures,

Hm, that's unfortunate. When I worked for GW I was told that the reason they stopped doing WQ, Necromunda, Mordheim, Gorkamorka, and so on was because card in those quantities was too expensive to print - same reason they got rid of the Dark Millenium/Warhammer Magic style expansions. If that's still the case then I won't hold out hope for a GW redo of WQ - even tho it would probably sell like crazy.


The trouble with most specialist games is the lack of profit GW make fter the initial sale. If you only need a book and a handful of miniatures theres only so much you can sell. With an entire world/universe of races and armies Warhammer/LoTR/40k don’t have this problem. Thus why LoTR will never become a specialist game - thats where all the unprofitable games go


The trouble with most specialist games is the lack of profit GW make fter the initial sale.

But that low entry cost is not necessarily a bad thing.
If people perceive it as low cost then they may buy it (and thus be sucked into the hobby), whereas if they see Warhammer or 40k and their high start up costs they may be put off and lost to the hobby forever.

GW need to take a more holistic view than "what will we get out of selling product X". They should instead be thinking "if product X can suck people into the hobby then what will we be able to make out of them in the years to come?"


Wallacer if you want to try and explain basic economics to GWHQ then good on you but you’ll be fighting a losing battle my friend


Wallacer if you want to try and explain basic economics to GWHQ then good on you but you'll be fighting a losing battle my friend

Touche, sir :hat off