Hey, im having trouble deciding what armies to purchase next… Any ideas?
Hey, im having trouble deciding what armies to purchase next… Any ideas?
I thought we’ve been through all this already and the verdict was Vampire Counts, which urged you to liquidate all your Skaven for shiny new VC models, and brought about the debate of whether the battalion box was too expensive, core units, corpse carts, et al.
Personally, I’d go with Beasts of Chaos. They’re relatively rare (from what I’ve seen), are versatile, have some cool models (Morghur!!) and hate Wood Elves…
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Roll a 3 sided dice and pick. It’s your choice. If we pick it for you, you won’t be happy.
Well, im heavily considering VC’s… but before i die, im thinking of some guys. Beasts of Chaos have about 80 charge maneuvers which you need to learn… But Beasts of Chaos are a nice, rare armie.
beasts of chaos!!
beastmens are cool and good fighters
More Chaos Dwarfs is always my answer to this question.
Of course, the best answer seems to be Daemons, since you could use Zombies and Gors for Nurgle conversions and include basically all the models you want with one list.
Beasts also have a new book on the way. I hear chariots may be disappearing from the list (currently one of the key units for BoC), and there will be the inevitable shuffling of the list and new models, so now may not be the best time to start them? Or if you do, then I would start with plenty of the plastics, as they are unlikely to be replaced. They are a lot of fun to use though Ambush ftw
I would say no to Daemons, they are unbalanced and you may get a lot of stick for using them…
VCs are a lot of work, so I would ask yourself which army appeals to you the most. Theres no point starting Vamps and then going Beastman crazy when the new book comes
balls to Vampires, I prefer Tomb kings.
has to be beasts they have a new book out soon and they are a cool army they i think will be my next army
With BoC most of them are very pricey… I.E 1 minotaur for $20, or 1 unit for 60-80… What about the 80 Charge Maneuvers you have to memorize?
What about the 80 Charge Maneuvers you have to memorize?lol I played Chaos for years, as with all Chaos armies it consists of Charge, or Flee with Bait and then Charge. Only thing you need to get the hang of is the Raiders rules (ie 25% of unit must be in range). And get used to panic tests :)
Armies like Demons and VC have the advantage of very powerful units, unbreakable units. The big problem with playing them is that they require less skill to play. I am going to go out on a limb here by saying that if you play armies like these you can easily get tactically and strategically rusty dealing with things like psychology, estimating combat outcomes, and making many of those crucial decisions that will win you games. In other words, I think armies dominated by fear causing units CAN make you a poorer general overtime. Granted Demons are much worse in this regard then VC.
This is just my opinion, but I am sure there are many dissenting views out there. Maul says this as he seeks cover in fallout shelter.
You can’t go wrong with Morghur! Go beasts!
beasts are getting a new book, so who knows how they are going to play…
I’m not so sure the new beastman book will have Morghur in his current rules… I’m very sure that GW will hit him with a nerf bat.
The big problem with playing them is that they require less skill to play...estimating combat outcomesI respectfully disagree, at least at high levels of play. VC are a hard army, and reliable, true, but the tactics you can employ with them are also much more limited (limited marches and no fleeing can be serious problems when facing someone half decent). And when you make a mistake, you are screwed (no escaping and rallying here, they just disappear). Look at the GT results, at the finals the VCs were very varied. Estimating combat outcomes is as crucial to VCs as any army. The tactics you use are different, so you start thinking differently. I don't think this is as much of a skill problem, I do well with Dwarfs and now DEs too (my Dwarfs have a better track record at tournies than my Vamps, and thats with my abysmal dice). They're certainly not as simple as Chaos armies...
Maul says this as he seeks cover in fallout shelter.My zombie ninjas will find you, and eat your brains :happy
I played VC for a long time. I got burned out real quickly, and honestly… the new book pushed me away from them for many reasons… not just counting balance issues. I gave up VC, which I had dubbed “old reliable” for CD…
Honestly, VC are cool and all… and can be fun to model and paint, but only do them if you can really get into them. That’s my personal opinion. I might find VC attractive again when they get redone, and go back to more letting the undead horde matter and less all about the vampires. :s
DoC are very hard to make balanced and fun. If you do them I HIGHLY suggest mono-god lists to be somewhat themey and more fun in that sense.
I voted for BoC as I always thought they were interesting and I’d like to see more BoC running around.
Well, im not sure. BoC are very pricey, and i’d like to use LOTS of Chariots… Not to mention they are hard to use…
Well, im not sure. BoC are very pricey, and i'd like to use LOTS of Chariots.... Not to mention they are hard to use....The plus side of the later... it will also make you a better general. People can perform well with them. Plus, as they'll most likely be better with the update... you should be able to do to kick some butt. Also, if they're an army you love, your local gamers and tournament scene won't see you as jumping on the bandwagon either.