[Archive] What do you do in your free time?


What do you like to do in your free time, besides dealing with the hobby? Here is what I dabble in, when I’m not working on game design:


Thommy H:

I write.

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Kera foehunter:

cook ,i like to cook i like to make great meals …From fried bread to corn chowder

I can fatten up anyone!! I have cats and friends to prove it !!

Goltor Lintrepide:

The hobby is what I’m doing with my free time beside studying math, working on the farm and playing the ukulele. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway, I just wanted to say what you’re doing is really amazing veso! :o
Sincerely, bravo. :hat off


Thanks, my goal is to change up the scale and get into miniatures sculpting as I really really want to produce some evil looking dwarfs


Eat, sleep and breath anesthesia, work providing anesthesia for FREE, get yelled at about providing the anesthetic’s that I do all the while paying a university 30K a year to do it (but I enjoy it none the less!)… and of course workout.

Yep that sums it up.

Kera foehunter:

Eat, sleep and breath anesthesia, work providing anesthesia for FREE, get yelled at about providing the anesthetic's that I do all the while paying a university 30K a year to do it (but I enjoy it none the less!)... and of course workout.

Yep that sums it up.

Work out with dumb bells or you have a trainer :) lol


Eat, sleep and breath anesthesia, work providing anesthesia for FREE, get yelled at about providing the anesthetic's that I do all the while paying a university 30K a year to do it (but I enjoy it none the less!)... and of course workout.

Yep that sums it up.

Work out with dumb  bells  or you have a trainer  :) lol

Kera foehunter
Classmates or my brothers which sometimes are synonymous with dumbbells.

Kera foehunter:

I belong to the local ymca but i don’t adventure back to the land of metal weights.

Just the machines and Yoga Tuesday


I belong to the local ymca  but i don't adventure back to the land of metal weights.
Just the machines and Yoga Tuesday

Kera foehunter
Funny I don't use metal weights either... I use bumper plates (recycled condensed rubber), but I get what you mean... Anyways my Tuesdays are habitually filled with all you can eat rib night at a bar not too far from where I live (probably the exact opposite of yoga), but whatever it takes to relieve stress and stay healthy I'm all for it Kera!

Take care


I like jogging, and the general freeweight prison routine (bench/biceps) which I can manage at home


I spend a lot of time these days watching the stock markets.  More time than I spend on warhammer by far.

I do a lot of reading of BL books, almost non stop actually as a way to fill in time commuting.  In the last year I must have read about 17-20 novels.

Are you wearing body armour in that? Looks like a tough gym! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I spend a lot of time these days watching the stock markets.  More time than I spend on warhammer by far.

I do a lot of reading of BL books, almost non stop actually as a way to fill in time commuting.  In the last year I must have read about 17-20 novels.

Are you wearing body armour in that?  Looks like a tough gym! ;P


Now the markets, that's a true mystery to me couldn't even begin to image what my two friends who work at the mercantile exchange go through on a daily basis. More power to you. As for the picture, no it's not body-armor, it's just a weight vest. I put on the vest when I max out my bar doing deadlifts to add more weight in whatever way I can. And yes that gym used to be the toughest around suburban Chicago a few years back, but now that I don't live there anymore I had to retire it for now (putting all my stuff into storage). I actually had a pretty serious training blog for nearly three years while religiously doing crossfit about 4 years ago, but since school started (actually even before then) I had to give it up. It was a blast and I loved having all my friends over to do crazy stuff in my subdivision, but anyways I need to retire from the forums for tonight and get back to studying.

Take care, oh an here's a nice pic and the link. It's like a walk down memory lane for me, but could very well be others nightmare (I kidd).



I’ve been designed games. I started by expanded on existing games, but now I’m trying out my completely original stuff. The main one at the moment is where engineers contruct robots to fight each other. You can probably guess where the inspiration came from!


In my free time I have some fun with my classic car ^^ :

Da Crusha:

besides judo right now and miniatures, I spend most of my free time watching tv or visiting forums. other than that filling out applications.


here is what i do some times with my NJROTC Bros


(im the one in the front left around 2:11)


I like to shoot stuff


I like to shoot stuff

same here were i live


Lately I´ve been reading heaps! I´m also into a lot of outdoor sports, I´m an average windsurfer and a pretty decent hiker - skier - diver. Also, i used to draw a lot but since early 2012 my inspiration got frozen…

BOY today the snow was amazing on Grouse Mountain!!!