[Archive] What does everyone want?


I look at this forum and I see a pile of awesome. Admittedly the big hats were weird, and thats probably why most people didn’t like them. But I like them. And most of the people posting here appear to like them. I think what they should do is have some of them with hats and some without. Give the option for masks… like, have a sprue of legs and bodies, and then a sprue of heads. Some with hats, some with masks, and some crazy ones even. Mutations by chaos even. But I think that’ll make them cool enough that people will look at them. If GW can get 300 or 400 people to buy a 2000 - 3000 point chaos dwarf army, I think they’ll have paid for the development.

I’d like to see more chaos dwarf units, sure, but using the slaves and allies in the army list is part of what make the chaos dwarfs so unique. Give them Immortals as a special, and something else more interesting maybe. And then more awesome war machines! Give them war machines like the skaven, but more reliable and more devastating. And more catastrophic if things go wrong. Bazookas come to mind… The Hellcannon would be cool, but I think thats a given. And considering their relations with the Ogres, I think they should have some kind of insane cannon.


Zhatan the black, black orcs as special, kollossus, hell cannon, astragoth, and some sort of palanquin!