Have anyone thought of making a skaven army.Thought about it, then realised I would have to paint 200+ rats :o
Kera foehunter
Have anyone thought of making a skaven army.Thought about it, then realised I would have to paint 200+ rats :o
Kera foehunter
I'm thinking about Daemons (Fantasy), Imperial Guard (40k), Tyranids (40k) and Tomb Kings (Fantasy) every now and then. But so far my Chaos Dwarfs still motivate me.. :)I'd love to see your take on daemons Ishkur.
Ishkur Cinderhat
Have anyone thought of making a skaven army.Thought about it, realised the EPIC cost of a horde army and dropped the idea at once. Skaven are for Mordheim
Kera foehunter
I sort of work on many projects at once with a main army which is my CD ,once i have finished painting 2000pts i will be able to relax a bit .
I can then paint some more of my wood elves,tzeentch or vampire counts
While painting the CD i am also working on my three 15mm ancients armies arab conquest,mahamuddian Ghaznavid and Babylonian /elamites
And my huge 25mm french napoleonic with opponents brunswick,prussians and dutch /belgiums
Oh i mustnt forget my massive ELDAR or my old D&D collection 30 years of badly painted minis just there
I think i have enough going on at the moment :D.The tzeentch may get attention next depending on the book as the current get you by list for Chaos isnt encouraging and my Tzeentch army is 50% mortals /demons:hat
Have anyone thought of making a skaven army.I actually have a rather large Skaven army ready to go, but of course it's not painted, like all my armies. I have been reading the Skaven book a bit lately. I really like the background they created for them. I was kind of bummed they got rid of the Great Horned Rat as one of the special characters. I always liked that model. Of course, they got rid of most of the special characters. Ikit Claw, Lord Skrolk, Deathmaster Snikch, etc. (But in looking up how to spell "Snikch," I came across rules to use all of the above on the Oz GW site. No Great Horned Rat still though. Good to see the others!)
Kera foehunter
When the rumoured plastic Plague Bearers are released I suspect I will struggle to resist the temptation to start a Daemon army.
Now that my CD army is complete except for the painting, Pygmies and Amazons for WFB is my next task. I am not going to make them specific to any particular list, but keep the models ambiguous so as to let them be any army on 20mm bases (25mm for Amazons). I already have wolf rider pygmies for fast cav and pygmies on bats for flying cav, bunches of bow pygmies and a unit of 20 hws pygmies. The pygmies are being built out of the new ghoul, old skeleton and wolf rider boxes.
hrmmmm, I don’t think I’ll ever finish my current army, but IF I do, I’d maybe continue with some wood elves (they’d tie in very nicely with my faeries) and maybe Brettonia 'cause I like the horses. Or some Dark Elves so I could use purple when I paint.
And if I ever improve my painting skills, I’d love to do some of those Harlequins from 40K (I think… you know… the ones with the brightly coloured and patterned outfits!)
you don’t need to play dark elves to use purple, I play chaos and us purple for them and pink to
After my Scratch Build Zhurak Raiding Party, collect and paint the classic Chaos Dwarfs, create a Mordheim Black Dwarf Warband and a Chaos Dwarf Bood Bowl team … … G! - I really don’t know
Think I’ll pay some attension at my Ork Force - those new plastics - WOW! And still have a stronge desire to do a DKoK-army - all 40K though!
For fantasy?? - have 5000p of Dwarfs laying around, so could finish what actually started this quest (ahh maybe not! - not those traitorous cousins). Ogre could be fun, but I would also like to try out a Nurgle teamed Chaos army some day. And those new VC … WOW!
And a Warmachine/Hordes army (know it’s taboo here @CDO :shy:). Have already some Protectorate figs. laying around, but would also like to try out a Cryx, Khador, Orboros or Legion army too.
All “Might be’s” May 2008, but ask me again at summer ends. I’ll keep on dreaming
- Clam
Thousands of unpainted miniatures are staring at me saying “want do you mean your starting a Vampire Counts army”, I don’t have the heart to tell them that it’s all ready started.
More CDs first though.:hashut
Thinking 'bout a imperial guard/witch hunters army, but now that there is a rumor that HOC will be updated soon i guess i’m going to pick up that project again.
I’m on to high elves and khorne daemons.
Well, Merchant and I are having a bunge of skavens… and someday (“and that day may never come”, Don Corleone added) when my three other armies are done, and his two armies too, we’ll make a Skaven army together
goblins goblins goblins i already have a mass goblins force, then after chaos d’s i’ll collect orcs, it all goes hand in hand u know like instead of 3 armies in the end i can use it all in the same army its like an empire, oh yea not to mention ogres that will be used as mercenairies and the gnoblars as goblins
by the time im thirty i oughta build a kingdom for them all to live in
14,000 points of high elves wonder why I have 4000 more unpainted…
Perhaps rebase my Khorne army.
hrmmmm, I don't think I'll ever finish my current army, but IF I do, I'd maybe continue with some wood elves (they'd tie in very nicely with my faeries) and maybe Brettonia 'cause I like the horses. Or some Dark Elves so I could use purple when I paint. ;)On another forum there is a player who plays pink necrons :)
And if I ever improve my painting skills, I'd love to do some of those Harlequins from 40K (I think... you know... the ones with the brightly coloured and patterned outfits!) :)
Godbob and his jolly rogers:
i don’t know if i can but i’m making an all goblin force (that is CG,NG,FG,HG,GN)and i’m making lot’s of conversion on my gnoblar lord
While painting the CD i am also working on my three 15mm ancients armies arab conquest,mahamuddian Ghaznavid and Babylonian /elamitesYou must show me those ones. Im preparing slaves for you.:cheers