[Archive] What Willmark wants for next Christmas


Your wife better start saving up!

Have You Ever Wondered How Much It Would Cost To Build Your Own Death Star? Hint: I Didn't Even Know That Was A Real Number - Geekologie

it’s a little pricey and may need to be your Christmas AND birthday gift. :wink:

Kera foehunter:

lol i thow in a few bucks

zorn sabretooth:

what’s the point? it’ll just get blown up again


He some of the comments are funny, whats the warranty on this thing?

Kera foehunter:

no zorn i think willmark will make itwherel small one man firghter will not have a chance

this time


I’ve got one. You want it?

I got bored of killing people…


I’ve had two of them but that pesky rebel alliance seems to have an issue with them, something about blowing up planets being not to good for the environment or some such.


Lol, a friend and I were discussing this. Wer think we’ve found a cheaper way of doing this:

As elements are the same anywhere, we reckon it’d be pretty easy to find iron and carbon on the moon. It hasn’t suffered thousands of years of human exploitation for its resources and no one has yet extended property rights on Lunar Steel. Its also cheaper to ship this to the death star for construction as it requires less power to escape the moon’s gravity… That 2 septillion just keeps falling and falling

Kera foehunter:

why not project a hologram of the death star on the moon. Then when the rebels attack it

they can’t destroy it due to the point of no exhaust ports 2 meter tall


Bah, holograms and hollowed out moons are not to the Dark lord of the Sith’s liking!

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

What is the insurance on that thing?

A way to stop it blowing up is to clog that damn hole-up show here by Family Guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcL6DwSufMI&feature=related

Hashut’s Blessing:

Endsleigh Insurance, here I come!