Plus you got the Rune of Hashut down, and the arrows down which are two things that give me endless headaches when trying to convert. How did you do them?
A sharp, wet knife? Just smush out a big expanse of green stuff and cut carefully. For smaller arrows it's sometimes easier to make the shaft and arrowhead bits separate, the first before the second.
Really like your hats, what have you used? A small pin with a buckler?
A buckler and wooden dowelling for the war machine crew. A piece of push pin and wooden dowelling for the warriors (pics in the first post).
I can't be arsed to take any pictures right now, not that I have a whole lot to take pictures of. Made a swivel gun to add some character to my Blunderbussier unit, started converting up an Engineer for my Bolt Thrower inspired by Captain Nemo from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (the excellent book, not the atrocious film), prepped a few more Warriors for paint and started painting the prototype Slaver, but all this is irrelevant because I'm not happy with either the paint scheme on the Warriors or the converting. They don't look Chaosy or evil enough, and while this army is admittedly a compromise between Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs as I like them both but wouldn't collect them separately, to me they look like regular Dwarfs with top hats.
Although I've been distracted from modelling the past month or so and will be for probably a few more weeks, I'm committed to upping the quality of my models at the risk of making the modelling/painting process even longer. In a nutshell, better and more and more appropriate greenstuffing, specifically the armour as I'm wanting it to mimic the scalemail of the GW big hats more. The platemail-looking crap I've done so far is frankly lazy, and also the hats too look bland and devoid of interest. The weapons will be redone, at least the axe blades, cut from plasticard in the style of 4th/5th editions. Lastly, I'm going to try to sculpt tusks and big noses but I dunno yet how well I can churn those fiddly details out.
The paint scheme too is going to change and I've already sorted it out in my head. The old adage, "bad guys wear black", has begun to make a lot of sense to me. I'm not satisfied with the orange or the red as primary colours. Grey and black will predominate, while metal and Tin Bitz (favourite GW colour) will provide contrast, perhaps with some dark red. The skin tone too needs to be darker.
Finally, I've been reading up a bit on Dwarf tactics and army lists and revised my 1000 point target army list to its (probably) final form. It's a tad generic as far as 1000 point Dwarf lists go, but whatever, it's just a stepping stone to 2000 points:
Taskmaster (Thane) w/ great weapon, shield, pistol, Rune of Stone
19 Warriors w/ hand weapons, shields, full command
15 Oppressors (Longbeards) w/ hand weapons, shields, musician and standard bearer, Runes of Stoicism and Battle
10 Blunderbussiers (Thunderers) w/ shields
10 Slavers (Quarrellers) w/ great weapons, shields
Bolt Thrower w/ engineer
Orgun Gun
The Warriors and Oppressors will both feature unit fillers, the troll from earlier in the thread and a slave wagon type thing. I'm gonna do the whole decorate-them-with-trophies-appropriate-to-armies-I-defeat-on-the-field-of-battle thing, assuming I ever start playing again. Kinda starting to bug me that I don't have an evil proxy name for the Organ Gun and Flame Cannon yet. Any suggestions?
Well, if any of you actually read all that mess, no, you can't have your 10 minutes back. They're mine. And now I'm off to sculpt, I'll get some pictures of my new vision up tomorrow.