[Archive] Will Liam - Off-Topic Showcase Thread

Will Liam:

Having my first game of Dark Heresy and my DM asked me to create a backstory for my Assassin - So I raided my Dark Angels bits box and I’m very happy with the way he turned out - I still don’t know what gun he can use so he has no weapon atm :slight_smile:


Thats an epic wheelchair bound commander! looks great, Always inventive!


Hes that wheelchair guy from Little Britain. When no one is looking, he gets up and walks away

Will Liam:

Thats an epic wheelchair bound commander! looks great, Always inventive!

cheers Enjoysrandom my 12yo son wants me to bits bash up one for him now - He keeps saying - But without a wheelchair Dad!

Will Liam:

Hes that wheelchair guy from Little Britain.  When no one is looking, he gets up and walks away

Man you crack me up lol - might use that as a twist in the game though :)


also as for the gun… concealed remote controlled wheelchair mounted mini guns with a noticeable button somewhere within reach? Could even just put the button on and say they are totally hidden? Being covert is part of the assassins shtick!

Will Liam:

also as for the gun... concealed remote controlled wheelchair mounted mini guns with a noticeable button somewhere within reach? Could even just put the button on and say they are totally hidden? Being covert is part of the assassins shtick!

yes sounds awesome and strategically placed magnets so the guns can interchange - yes yes I think ill do it! :)


Great conversion, and wild idea as always Will! Nice pick of bitz (you’re tearing through that bitz box?!) and slick paintjob. Well done, I really like the metal wings and rear sun wheel.


So many silly ideas come to mind. Totally not do-able in a mini.

See “Baby Cart” or “Shogun Assassin”. The cart has blades that pop out from inside the frame when the frame is hit.

Or “Reaper Locks” from a sci-fi book I know. Bars and maybe blades swing around from the sides to hit the opponent