Wicked update!
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Wicked update!
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Despite some of the criticisms I’m liking this. Especially with the demise of our minis off the online store its nice to have ANYONE making minis for us. Let alone cool ones.
Thommy H:
I heard elsewhere (Warseer?) that that axe is going to be exchanged for a hammer. If so, I think he might make a rather nice Zhatan the Black. There’s been plenty of non-GW models of Chaos Dwarfs out there for a while, but the fact that this is a “GW style” character model is a big plus for a project of that type.
Viskar Zhragoth:
Wow, it looks completely different to me…and a flaming hammer would make him a must buy!
my only complaint is it doesn’t look like a chaos dwarf but a dwarf chaos lord. Needs more CD mutation IMO. Say what you want about the big hats, noses and tusks at least the old school CD had a unique look and not just look like short warriors.
I will be very interested to know the sales figures of this model when it is released.
Once it is, I will make a thread so that all who buy it can leave a reply.
Thommy H:
my only complaint is it doesn't look like a chaos dwarf but a dwarf chaos lord. Needs more CD mutation IMO. Say what you want about the big hats, noses and tusks at least the old school CD had a unique look and not just look like short warriors.Well it does actually say "Dwarf Lord of Chaos". Obviously Felix is going to sculpt whatever his vision is of whatever he interprets as the brief. I don't think any of us would realistically expect it to be a big-hatted guy or even a straight copy of the older Marauder figures. That's not what he's doing - his range is his own, conforming to his own background and designs.
Can somebody with an account on the arena deathmatch forum please suggest making an Archaon-like flowing cape?
I don’t see the deal with the nose though.
- Kyte
Lookie what I made:
You can see some subtle Chaos Dwarf influence now: A nose, and tusks on the mask. You can also see the Skull with Beard iconography (that exists on many big hat models) between the horns on his Helmet.
Maybe I am too excited for this miniature? Is that possible?
Viskar Zhragoth:
Awesome Xander, saw it on the AoW forum…now they are asking you how you did it…even Felix liked it…
Kyte, now with Xander’s pic can you see what I meant by the nose part of the helmet…just looks col to me, fun to paint.
Ghrask Dragh:
Nice one Xander! thats cool as hell :cheers
Holy expletive Batman! Thats sweet!
Ya, that was just a rush good too, I could make it a lot more real looking if I spent more time on it.
Thanks for the comments! I consider it my personal job to drum up as much interest in this miniature as is humanly possible.
As a side note, I think everyone who is interested int his model should sign up for the AOW forum and give suggestions. Felix listens to people, so you need to get your voice heard now!!
Arena Deathmatch
New pic:
Current state of the figure.So if you have more suggestions, make sure to send them now.
I plan to finish it during the weekend, so please, make arrive all feedback as soon as possible!
Thanks a lot!
Defintly cool but I still think he’s rather tall!
He also should change the stance of the face on his gauntlet so it points towards his fingers. Also, the hammer looks great but I can’t shake the feeling that a spikey maul would look even better!
Thommy H:
Nah, it has to be a hammer, otherwise he can’t be Zhatan the Black
Well, looks like I’ll definately be placing an order in the new year…
Looks good, and i like the little details everywhere…but i can’t help but feel a big lip with tusks would have given it a bit more character facially. Right now he just looks like an unshaven and slightly stuntier heroquest chaos warrior
I love the hammer, this guy is a total champ!
I might buy a handful of these as prizes for GH competitions. Or, even simpler, I’ll just get the address of winners, and ship it to them from AOW. Heh.
Looks good, and i like the little details everywhere....but i can't help but feel a big lip with tusks would have given it a bit more character facially. Right now he just looks like an unshaven and slightly stuntier heroquest chaos warriorWhile I agree to a point, we have to keep in mind this cannot be a "GW" Chaos Dwarf after all. Throw in the nose and tusks and it'd be awfully close to the "no-no zone".