[Archive] WIP Avatars of War Chaos Dwarf

Ghrask Dragh:

Well Felix has said he is a fan of the old marauders and he has just gone and proved it IMO :smiley:



Click the monsters in my sig’ and go to the forum for more info :cheers

EDIT: If a mod could move this to Chaos Dwarf Discussion if they feel it should be so :slight_smile: Thanks

EDIT: Xander here, be sure to check the Avatars of War Forum to leave feedback on his WIP! Make your voice heard!


Oh yes, that’s starting to look very cool! Seems a bit tall though, right?

Kera foehunter:

wow that’s cool !! love the spikeand the ax


Looks good, and will probably find a place in my “Chaos” Dwarf army eventually. I do think there’s a certain dwarfishness missing though. Its a bit too skinny for my taste, not quite WHFB Dwarfy enough if you will.

Too much Chaos and not enough Dwarf perhaps?


Finally, I have been waiting for this so long (since March :D) - but this was worth waiting for - and yes, he looks a bit taller than a Marauder Dwarf.

So when will it be avalible? - Christmas :smiley:

Pyro Stick:

This is looking awesome. It looks like a warrior version of the mm90 mage. cant wait for it to be released and check out its rules.


Still very WIP, but looking good already.


helmet and the shoulderpads!



It’s a big one ain’t it…

bit too much chaosie bit too little dwarfie

But still a must buy for me!


Zoh Mah Gawd!

Awesome! Our wishes have been fulfilled! :smiley:


Somebody should tell him he can’t sell that as a ‘Chaos Dwarf’ Lord.

Must admit I was hoping for better. He has monkey arms and the pose isn’t great considering the angle of the legs. A swirling cloak would have really helped…

Seing as how felix resonds well to contructive comments we can go on his forum and suggest things.

Viskar Zhragoth:

Grimstonefire: I think he still has work to do on the cloak…

But I would have prefered a more “active” pose myself, but as far as trying for the old marauder look, he’s pretty darn close.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

Well I thought it could be better mainly because like Someone said it’s to chaosie

But it’s still WIP

but I would of hoped for a better pose


I’m liking it, to be honest. I’m a big hat fan myself, but if I had the money… I might buy enough of these for a unit (especially if I end up using regular Dwarf rules).

Ghrask Dragh:

Update already :slight_smile:


And a good one too! :cheers:


Awesome! I could never for the life of me convert a hero/lord, and here’s a beautiful model


He looks a bit too much like a regular dwarf with a skull shoulder pad. The horns are too much like regular dwarf iconography. Hopefully he will evil it up a bit.


He looks a bit too much like a regular dwarf with a skull shoulder pad. The horns are too much like regular dwarf iconography. Hopefully he will evil it up a bit.

feel free to join the AofW forums and give your input.. otherwise, it's just wishful thinking.


I have several problems with this model. Mainly the weight balance between upper and lower body, also the unrealistic overlapping of armour plates and the terrible cloak. other than that it’s a very good start!

The stylised curly details he’s done are what I want the CD to have all over their armour plates. Very ornate.

Kera foehunter:

wow !!! now that’s better ! cool beard


It’s eerie how close that looks to what I have planned for my army. Who’ll believe me that I got the idea “first” grumble:mask