[Archive] WIP scratch build warmachine


Doh! Someone found the thread again :slight_smile:

Very little progress since last time, I finished the base and painted 2 of the crew… Must try harder.

I’ve been distracted by some more Immortals and something truly kollossal :wink:

Hashut’s Blessing:

Shame on you :stuck_out_tongue: Not that I’ll complain. One condition on that last sentence: GET PICTURES UP! :wink:

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Awesome! Can’t wait to see it painted!


This has to be one of the sickest warmachines I have seen on this forum so far! Really awsome work grim! I also love the circle on the base for some reason it gives this energising look like the cannon :smiley:


This is Perfect and Good Idea !!! :slight_smile:


The painted shots are here (half way down):
