Doh! Someone found the thread again
Very little progress since last time, I finished the base and painted 2 of the crew… Must try harder.
I’ve been distracted by some more Immortals and something truly kollossal
Doh! Someone found the thread again
Very little progress since last time, I finished the base and painted 2 of the crew… Must try harder.
I’ve been distracted by some more Immortals and something truly kollossal
Hashut’s Blessing:
Shame on you Not that I’ll complain. One condition on that last sentence: GET PICTURES UP!
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Awesome! Can’t wait to see it painted!
This has to be one of the sickest warmachines I have seen on this forum so far! Really awsome work grim! I also love the circle on the base for some reason it gives this energising look like the cannon
This is Perfect and Good Idea !!!
The painted shots are here (half way down):