[Archive] Wizuriel's battle reports



Massacre:   1

SV:            1

MV:            1

D:              1

ML:            1

SL:             0

Massacred:  2

Avzool stood atop the hill reflecting on the events that dragged him so far from home. Magdar the clan eldest sorcerer had a vision of some amulet that could control stone. Already showing signs from the curse of stone Magdar was desperate to know more. Could the amulet be used on a sorcerer to keep them alive after the body was petrified? Slaves were being sacrificed by the thousands for just a deeper glimpse into this artefact. The slave pens were now running low and Avzool had the unpleaseant task to venture into the Old World and bring back fresh slaves. Avzool looked around at the face of the two sorcerers�?T accompanying him, kurza the pyro and Nellict the deatheater. While both were powerful they were young and didn�?Tt yet show the signs of the curse of stone. What was even more impressive than the two sorcerers, were the bull centaurs; Magdar�?Ts own body guards. Avzool looked around at his army and than across the hill to the bright pennants and armour of the humans gathered across the ruins. At least he did not have far to travel he thought.

My force:

Avzool CD hero + greatweapon + armor of gaz + talisman of protection = 109 (general)

Nellict lvl 2 sorcerer + dispel = 125 (lore of death spells 1 & 2)

Kurza lvl 2 sorcerer + dispel = 125 (lore of fire spells 1 & 6)

17 BB Warriors + champ + banner = 224

17 BB Warriors + champ + banner = 224

19 warriors + champ + banner = 191

10 wolf riders + larm/shield + musician = 140

15 hobgoblins = 30

15 hobgoblins = 30

2 bolt throwers = 60

1 death rocket = 80

6 bull centaurs + harm + champ + banner = 156 (using US GT rules)


Empire force

Warrior Priest with AoMI, and Hammer of Judgement and Warhorse - General = 150 pts

Warrior Priest with shield, heavy armour, Icon of Magnus and Barded Warhorse = 135 pts

Battle Wizard with Power Level 2, and Rod of Power = 130 pts (lore of shadow spells 2 & 4)

P: 25 Spearmen with shields, musician, standard

D: 9 Swordsmen

D: 5 riflemen

256 pts

P: 25 Spearmen with shields, musician, standard

D: 9 Swordsmen

D: 5 riflemen

256 pts

5 Knights with musician = 123 pts

5 Knights with musician = 123 pts


5 Pistoliers with musician and outrider who has repeater pistol = 114 pts

5 Pistoliers with musician and outrider who has repeater pistol = 114

Great Cannon = 100 pts



I had 1 hill in my deployment zone. To the middle left were some impassable rocks. Right had a forest. His side had some light cover ruins in the middle and 2 rocks towards middle on either side.


Both throwers and death rocket on hill. Bull centaurs Left flank. Kurza�?Ts blunderbuss unit and generals warriors unit just left of the hill. First hobgoblin unit is on hill in front of Death rocket. Second hobgoblin unit is right of the hill with Nelict�?Ts blunderbuss unit behind them (between hill and forest). My wolf riders are on the far right flank (right of that forest).

He had the cannon in the ruins. Both spear men in the middle a bit to side of ruins. Each spear unit had one of the warrior priests on it. Each flank had a knight and Pistoliers unit. Wizard was on his own.

Empire Turn 1:


The empire force was not caught as unaware as Avzool had thought. All units advanced forward.


The wizard was hard pressed to get off any magic and any blessings the priests tried were overpowered by the dwarf sorceress fell magic.


The cannon shot travelled a bit farther than the empire units had hoped for a landed right behind the death rocket.



CD turn 1


The Chaos dwarf units were not dismayed that the empire force was not as caught unaware as hoped for. Nearly all units advanced forward. The hobogoblins wolf riders staring down at a unit of knights and pistoliers however were unsure how best to proceed. They ended up fighting amongst themselves about what to do and stood still for the turn.


The 2 sorcerers tried to blow up the empire formations but their magic couldn�?Tt take hold. Nothing managed to get off


The cannon landing behind the death rocket crewmen had apparently startled them more than Avzool would have liked. The crewmen forgot to put blasting powder into the rocket and it failed to fire that turn but should be fine for next turn. All magic dispelled and no hits from the bolt throwers



Empire Turn 2


The Left most knights spur their mounts into movement and charge at my chaos dwarf warriors. Trying to follow the knights example the right pistoilers attempt to charge my second nekkid hobgoblin unit, they flee at the sight of charging pistoilers and manage to get away. The spear units move forward with their rifle men out in front and the right knight group decided to wait to see what the wolf riders do. The Left most pistolers try to run behind the bull centaurs but end up right beside them. The right knights wait to see what the wolf riders will do.


The wizard disgusted at the nakedness of my first nekkid hobgoblins casts creping death. His rage helped fuel the spell as he shoot 18(!!) times at the poor goblins. Luck was on my side though as only 2 were killed from the magical barrage.


Following the wizards lead both riflemen units open fire on the first nekkid hobgoblin unit. Between the 2 of them 5 more hobgoblins fell; however, with Avzool nearby reminding them what fleeing meant they held their ground. The cannon shoot again at my deathrocket, hitting the keg of blasting powder utterly destroying the machine and its poor two dwarf crew (the cannonball landed on the deathrocket and did 6 wounds!!). The pistolier unit beside the bull centaurs open fire but don�?Tt manage to damage the bull centaurs (only like 2 had a shoot. didn’t have a good view since he wanted to get far away from my bull centaurs to prevent a charge)


In combat the knights lances manage to pierce the armour of 3 dwarf warriors. Avzool enraged at the sight of slain kin strikes back embedding his axe into 1 knight. The knights lose combat and flee behind the empire swordsmen detachment.

CD turn 2


The poor hobgoblins fearing the bullets of the empire gunman rush forward to close the distance. Their momentum however only carries them an extra 2�?� forward. The 2nd hobgoblin unit rallys. The wolf riders now realizing that they will be thrown into a mine for not advancing last turn spend all of this turn squabbling on how best to try and please their chaos dwarf masters. Avzool yells into the wind threatening them with time in the mine for their failure. Once again they stand around being useless. Avzool and his warriors charge the blocking swordsmen detachment. My Kurza blunderbuss unit seeing that the pistolers are right beside the bull centaurs reforms to face them hoping to take them out next turn. The bull centaurs not wanting to play cat and mouse with the pistoilers advance up the middle.


Nellict with his foul magic reaches out and steals the soul of 1 riflemen. The rest is dispelled.


Seeing a wonderful sight my both throwers had view of both pistoller�?Ts flanks. The first bolt thrower spears 3 pistoliers causing the unit to flee. The 2nd unit takes 2 wounds but shows some insane courage and holds.


In combat the chaos dwarf tore through the empire swordsmen. The swordsmen break from the onslaught and are run down by the evil dwarfs. Unfortunately the chaos dwarfs stubby legs could not take them far enough to catch the fleeing knight s and they pull short 0.25�?� away from the knights (grr)

Empire turn 3


The 2 remaining pistoliers of the first unit can�?Tt take any more abuse and flee off the table. The knights rally and face the warrior unit. The 2nd pistoliers decides to try and run up the middle of the field past Nellict�?Ts blunderbuss unit. The 2nd knight unit tired of waiting for the wolf riders marches towards them. The generals spear unit decided to reform to start heading towards the vulnerable left flank and brings it swordsmen detachment with it. The 2nd spear unit charges the first hobgoblin unit who try to flee but they don�?Tt run far enough and are caught (grr fleeing 3�?�).


The wizard again casts creeping death targeting my generals unit. Kurza decided to use his dispel scroll not wanting to risk his leader. Not deterred by the dispelled scroll the empire wizard casts some magic on the 4 remaining knights making them fearful to behold (joy of rod of power an saving dice).


The empire forces were badly of position now that the warrior unit had tore up one of their flanks. Both units of riflemen can�?Tt see anything and the cannon misses shooting at the bolt throwers. The pistoliers try to take out the bolt thrower however they can do no wounds to the metal monstrosity.



CD turn 3


The wolf riders finally realizing just how much trouble they are in surge forward an entire extra 1�?� (guess they were sorta eager to finally do something or heard me threaten them with mine time). The wolf riders not wanting to risk charging the knights head on run passed the unit and reform thinking to charge their rear (sneaky lil buggers). The general and his warriors unafraid of the fancy scary knights charge forward. Kurza�?Ts blunderbuss unit no longer having a target on the left flank decided to reform to once again face the middle and the oncoming spearmen. The bull centaurs advance up to the middle of the field and Nellicts blunderbusses move into position to shoot at the pistoilers.


The empire wizards defence was strong. Nellict was completely shut down and kurza could only get 1 fireball off. Even than the anti magic caused the fireball to be on miniscule size only flaming 1 spearmen.


The first bolt thrower shoots the spearmen that reformed. 2 spearmen that were trailing behind are both skewered. The 2nd bolt thrower shoots at the pistolers that were bugging it but missed. Nellict�?Ts Blunderbusses manage to get 1 pistoiler who once again the pistolers show insane courage and hold.


The general and his unit fluffed their attacks only killing 1 knight. The knights were unable to pierce the dwarf army though. They lost combat and ran head on into a rock.

Empire turn 4


The empire spearmen unit charges the 2nd hobgoblin unit. The knights not fooled by the wolf riders trick reform to see the wolves again. The 2 remaining pistoliers advance right in front of my bolt throwers. The generals spearmen unit advances towards my generals warriors.


Wizard creeping deaths the bolt thrower with irresistible force but causes no wounds.


The gunners now have a clear shoot at Nellict�?Ts blunderbuss unit and shoot at it killing 1 dwarf. The pistoliers open fire on the bolt gun managing to kill off 1 of its crew. The empire crewmen now having a good idea on the range of my bolt throwers are a bit too over eager. 1 crewmember messes something up clogging the cannon good. They will need an extra turn to fix it.


The spearman and warrior priest vent out their frustration on my poor 2nd nekkid hobgoblin unit. They originally fluff their attacks but with hatred manage to compensate and kill 3. The hobgoblins do no wounds in return and flee 11�?� (1�?� away from table edge).

CD turn 4


My 2nd hobgoblin unit are 1�?� away from the table edge. With my general all the way on the other side of the battlefield they decide to take their change and make a break for it hoping the empire wins and they don�?Tt get caught. The wolf riders tired of this cat and mouse game end up charging into the empire knights. Nellict�?Ts unit of blunderbusses wheels to try and get into range of the spearmen heading towards my generals unit. The bull centaurs advance to support the generals unit.


Nellict decided to try to steal another soul from the offending riflemen. Unfortunately something goes wrong and searing pain hits the sorcerer (3 for miscast). Showing true dwarf toughness Nellict shrugs off the magical backfire coming out of it unharmed.


Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses now finally having a target, open fire on the spearmen. They have a weird shoot though and only manage to obliterate 2 spearmen. The bolt throwers both manage to miss the pistoliers that are a stone�?Ts throw away. Nellict�?Ts unit is out of range of the empire general�?Ts spearmen.


The hobgoblin wolf riders�?T weapons and the wolves�?T teeth were unable to pierce the knights�?T armour. The knights in turn managed to pierce the hobgoblins armour with their weapons killing 3. The wolf riders flee 15�?� however the knights were only a few inches behind.

Empire turn 5


The knights urge their mounts forward and manage to catch the fleeing wolf riders destroying the unit. They then decide to camp out in their corner hiding behind a rock and claiming that table corner for the rest of the game. The empire general�?Ts spearmen fail to charge my general�?Ts warrior unit. The 2nd group of spearmen wheel to face my blunderbusses unit.


The wizard managed to cast creeping death again at my generals unit and this time Nellict used his scroll to stop it. The general casts hammer of Sigmar and my 2 sorceress fails to stop it from going off.


The riflemen shoot at the Nellict�?Ts blunderbuss unit killing 2 more dwarfs. The pistolers open fire at the fully crewed bolt thrower killing all its crew members. The cannon crewmembers manage to fix the cannon

CD turn 5


The bull centaurs charge the cannon crew. The general�?Ts warrior unit shifts forward and to the left to prevent the empire unit from flank charging. The left blunderbusses unit decided to face towards the the generals riflemen unit and the empire wizard but eaves it flanked exposed to the next spearmen unit. Kurza leaves the unit.


Nothing managed to cast and forgot about the hammer of Sigmar spell.


Kurza�?Ts(former) blunderbuss unit shoots at the empire wizard and rifle men but was short of the spearmen. They manage to obliterate the riflemen unit and put 1 wound on the wizard. Nellitcs blunderbusses unit was out of range again. The bolt thrower kills one of the 2 remaining pistoilers who flee into Nellicts unit and are destroyed.


The bull centaurs obliterate the cannon crewmembers and reform to charge the spearmen flank next turn.

Empire turn 6


The generals spearmen unit charge my warriors and their detachment also charges (both in front). The 2nd spearmen unit charges the blunderbusses flank and they decide to flee. The chaos dwarf blunderbusses manage to run 11�?� to safety (also setting a record for the fastest chaos dwarf dash ever).


Nothing happens


Everything fires at the lone hobgoblin crewmen but fail to kill him


The 2 generals face each other off in an epic duel. With the reroll to hit the empire general hits both times. Avzool fails 1 of his toughness test (and ward save) taking 1 wound. None of the hits manage to wound. Avzool manages to hit with all 3 attacks and wound twice but both wounds are saved. Neither the spearmen unit nor the swordsmen manage to pierce the tough dwarf defence. I lose combat by 3 but they stay in the fight (ld 10 ftw).

CD turn 6


The bull centaurs charge into battle and hit the swordsmen detachment flank. The blunderbusses rally.


I open up all my magic from my sorcerers. Kurza send a fireball into the empire wizard putting him out of his misery. Nellict Launched death missiles at the 4 remaining gunners killing 3 and then stole the last one�?Ts soul. Once again I forget to dispel the hammer of sigmar (though was out of power dice but killed the wizard and got me a table quarter so figured good deal?)


Nothing I could target


The bull centaurs rush into combat filled with the sense of victory (especially after clearing out the cannon). They fluff their hits though and only manage 3 kills. In the duel the empire general again manages to hit once and with the reroll get in that 2nd hit (damn reroll). Once again Avzool fails 1 of his toughness test�?Ts and ward save, causing him to lose to the puny human general (rest of the hits didn�?Tt matter). The empire swordsmen and spearmen are still unable to pierce the dwarf defence and my dwarf warriors get no wounds in return. For combat resolution I had 2 ranks left, 2 banners, a flank charge and 3 kills. The empire player had 1 wound, 3 ranks, banner and out number. I won combat by 1. It all came down to these final dice rolls and the empire spearmen fled. They were run down by the dwarf warriors and bull centaurs avenging Avzool.

Post game:

I had 2 quarters, the general and 1 captured banner (1481VP). The empire player had my general and 1 quarter (649VP).

When Avzool recovered conscience he looked around the field of battle. His hobgoblin slaves were either dead or attempting to flee and probably wishing they were dead. His dwarf warriors though seemed reasonable unharmed. What did he care of slaves they were expendable. It had been a profitable battle and upon his return Magdar should be pleased with all these human slaves.



Massacre: 1

SV: 1

MV: 1

D: 1

ML: 1

SL: 0

Massacred: 1

Avzool was waiting in his tent for word from Magdar. The human slaves had been sent back to Zharr-Naggrund. Suddenly the tent flap opened and a hobgoblin wolf rider stood in. �?oWho told you to interrupt my�?� Avzool erupted as his drew his axe. �?oI did�?� claimed a deep voice and in walked a bull centaur. Not just any Bull centaur but Maltor himself, the leader of Magdar�?Ts bull centaur bodyguards. �?oMagdar is pleased with your work but requires more slaves. I�?Tve been sent to provide assistance. As well I have brought fresh servants an Earthshacker!�?�. Avzool eyes lit up with the news of such a strong force under his command. �?oMagdar wants us to investigate the forest lands just east of here. Even from the towers of Zharr-Naggrund he fells a powerful magical force�?�. By the dawn of the next day the chaos dwarf army had marched.

CD List

Maltor Bull Centaur lord + black hammer + shield + armour of furnace = 263 (with wolf riders)

Nellict lvl 2 sorcerer + dispel = 125 (lore of death spells 1 & 4)  

Kurza lvl 2 sorcerer + dispel = 125 (lore of fire spells 1 & 6)  

Avzool hero + greatweapon + armor of gaz = 94 (with warriors)

17 Blunderbusses + champ + banner = 224

17 Blunderbusses + champ + banner = 224

19 warriors + champ + banner = 191

10 wolf riders + larm/shield + musician = 140

25 hobgoblins + larm/shield + musician = 110

14 hobgoblins = 28

15 hobgoblins = 30

1 death rocket = 80

2 bolt throwers = 60

2 bolt throwers = 60

1 earthshackers = 110

5 bull centaurs + harm + champ + banner = 135


HE List (might be missing soem seaguards, he had closer to 2k points. think one of the unit might have been 20)

Teclis  = 475

Mounted Noble + dragon armour + shield + BSB, lace with the + battle banner = 218

Lvl 2 mage + silver wand + talisman of Saphery (lore of fire spells 1, 2 & 4) = 180

15 seaguard + FC + banner of ellyrion (mage in this unit) = 220

15 seaguards + FC (teclis) = 205

Lion chariot = 140

10 dragon prices + FC + foebane + banner of sorcery (BSB in here) = 425

1 RBT = 100



I had 1 hill on far left than a forest and hill on the far right of my deployment zone

He had a hill on the far left and a forest on the far right


I had the Earth shaker and 1 bolt thrower on the left right hill. Also had 1 nekkid hobogoblin unit there that I forgot about the entire game (grrrr). Everything else was on the Far right side of the board. In front of the forest was the armed hobogoblins, Nellict blunderbusses beside them, Avzool warrior beside that, wolf riders beside Avzool, Kurza blunderbusses behind the wolf riders and the bull centaurs against the edge.

The high elf player put his RBT in the woods and everything on the far right as far from the earthshacker as he could.

High Elf 1


Nearly all the forces that the high elf could muster advanced forward. Teclis seaguard unit stayed in their spot and armed their pitiful non black powdered ranged weapons.


Dwarves are naturally a resilient race to magic. Even though the Chaos Dwarves had dabbed in magic they were still considered resilient to its strange ways. Even though Avzool had never once looked at the black arts he could fell the incredible intake of power. Teclis and the high elf mage had 14!!! Power dice. Luck was on my side though as nothing cast was in range and Teclis suffered a miscast (maybe this wouldn�?Tt be so bad).


The RBT sent a hail of arrows in the air and managed to strike down 4 of my armed hobgoblins. The seaguard let loose with their pitiful wooden arrows at my wolf riders. 9 arrows hit their mark and 6 wounded. Okay not so bad at least my wolf riders have a 4+ armour save. 6 wolf riders dead!! Damn wooden arrows!! Maltor�?Ts stern gaze kept the wolf riders from fleeing.



Chaos Dwarf 1


The hobgoblins eager to fight rush forward an extra 1". Rest of my forces advanced forward (except Nellicts unit that walked while loading their guns).


Teclis shows my mages up. Nothing gets cast


With a great bang the earth shaker shoot its deadly missile towards the mages seaguard unit. The missile was aimed well and should have landed right on top of some poor high elf seaguard. Unfortunately there was a gust of wind (I�?Tm thinking it was unnatural!!) and knocked the missile off course. The missile landed on top of my armed hobgoblins killing 3. The bolt throwers let lose against the dragon prince unit and after all the smoke and flying spears clear the air, 5 dragon princes were dead.

Nellict�?Ts blunderbusses fire at the mages seaguards just clipping the side. 1 Elf fell to the hail of metal.



High Elves 2


The dragon princes unafraid of the bolts that nearly killed half their unit charge my Avzool and his warriors. Avzool stares at the incoming Drakemaster and issues a challenge.  The lion chariot charges Nellict�?Ts Blunderbusses that stand and shoot but miss the chariot and the seaguard unit (why do I keep failing these 4+ rolls). Teclis�?Ts unit reforms.


Teclis takes the center stage. First up he casts Furry of Khain with IR and kills all my bull centaurs. He then casts arrow attract with IR on my wolf riders and finally puts shield of saphery with IR on the dragon princes. Nothing but irresistible force spells were cast for the entire magic phase :S.


The RBT fires at my poor wolf riders. With the arrows veering unnaturally towards the unit, 3 more wolf riders fall and an arrow wounds Maltor. Once again they hold.


The lion pulled chariot crashes into poor Nellict�?Ts unit killing 2 upon impact, 3 more dwarves die from the lions claws and chariot crew. I do nothing in return but with Avzool nearby inspiring the troops they hold.

The drakmaster manages to put on wound on Avzool (yes I failed a 1+ armour save). Avzool outraged by the high elves (especially since his hat was bigger than Avzool�?Ts) slays the drakmaster. 2 more warrior falls to the high elf lances. With the banner and 3 wounds I lose combat by 3 but my dwarfs inspired by Avzool�?Ts duel hold.

Chaos Dwarf 2


The armed hobgoblins once again are eager to reach combat this time running 6�?� forward right into the high elf seaguard unit. Marlot and my lone wolf rider flank charge the dragon princes.




Nothing hits


Nellicts blunderbusses lose 4 more dwarves to the lion chariot. Once again I lose combat but With Avzool nearby hold.

Between Marlot and Avzool 2 more dragon princes are crushed into the dirt. I had 2 ranks, banner, 2 kills and out number and a flank charge. The dragon princes got no kills but generated 5CR and with their banner only lost by 1. They continue to hold.

The seaguards kill hit 5 hobgoblins and wound 3. Once again I fail all my 4+ saves. The hobgoblins flee and get away from the pursing seaguard.

High Elf turn 3


-Teclis�?Ts and his seaguard march forward. The seaguard charge my hobgoblins. One of them has the bright idea of fleeing into the nearby forest hoping the dense cover would save them. Unfortunately for them the high elves laughed as they caught my hobgoblins and watered the trees with blood. They stop at the edge of the board.


Once again Teclis takes center stage. Irresistible force arrow attract on Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses and shield of saphery on the dragon princes and to finish it off fury of khaine kills 2 of Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses.


The RBT kinda had a shoot at kurza�?Ts blunderbusses but was really close to clipping combat. We diced off and the RBT was deemed unable to shoot them. So no shooting this turn


The lions kill another 3 blunderbusses, my blunderbusses showing dwarf stubbornness continue to hold. Marlot and Avzool kill another 2 dragon princes leaving just the BSB noble left. The BSB generates 6CR and stays in the fight.

Chaos Dwarf 3




Kurza actually managed to cast a fireball into Teclis Unit :open_mouth: I roast 5 high elves. Kurza then gets greedy and miscasts attempting wall of fire. I got a 6 on the miscast roll so Teclis decided to cast fury of Khaine back on Kurza. At this point we were unsure of the rules since the miscast says I can use power dice to dispel but doesn�?Tt mention if that�?Ts all I can use. Nellict uses his scroll to clean up Kurza�?Ts mistake.


Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses obliterate another 5 seaguards. All my bolt throwers try and shoot at the seaguards. Only 1 of them hits and unfortunately the hobgoblins used the novelty rubber bolt doing no wounds.


Lions maul some more blunderbusses. They manage to strike back putting 1 wound on the lion chariot. Nellict and his unit hold. Marlot slays the BSB noble. Avzool and his warriors advance forward with the kill and Marlot stays where he is.

High Elf 4


Teclis and his seaguards charge Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses. The Blunderbusses stand and shoot killing 2 more seaguards. The mage seaguard unit reforms to face the other direction back towards the forest and my bolt thrower.


The first cast in the game that Teclis doesn�?Tt get IR and I use my last dispel scroll to finally stop the shield of saphery (was being cast on his unit).


Nothing to shoot at


The lion chariot�?Ts finished off Nellict and his blunderbuss unit and then overruns into one of my bolt throwers. Teclis and his seaguard bomb in combat. Teclis ends up taking 1 wound and only 2 seaguard are left. They flee and outrun my chasing chaos dwarfs (damn 11�?� runaway).

Chaos Dwarf 4


My slave unit actually does something and advances to the middle of the battlefield. I decided to try and get that top quarter since figured they couldn�?Tt defend the war machines now anyways.  

Marlot wanting to avenge Nellict rear charges the white lion chariot.


Kurza once again set a fireball into Teclis�?Ts unit doing another wound to Teclis and killing 1 more seaguard.


Disaster befalls the death rocket crewmen. The poor dwarf used a faulty rocket and when the crew tried to fire; it exploded killing the crew. Rest of my shooting is uneventful.


The impact hits from the white lion chariot kills the crewmen. Marlot than strikes back turning the chariot into kindling (go strength 7 lord).

High Elf turn 5


At this point the high elf player only has the 1 seaguard unit left and his RBT. Teclis and his lone seaguard are running off the field.


The RBT fires at my slave unit in the middle of the field killing 3 hobgoblins.


The seaguard mage gets an irresistible fireball (figures) and kills the bolt thrower by the forest.



Chaos Dwarf 5


The slave unit upon reaching the middle of the field gets confused and ends up stopping there to plan what to do next. I don�?Tt have anything nearby that can kill the last seaguard unit so decide to ignore it. Marlot hides (didn�?Tt want to risk him going at the unit alone even with the flank charge though thinking back he might have been able to win).




Nothing hits (blunderbusses out of range of the fleeing Teclis)



High elf 6


Teclis runs closer to the table edge but manages stays in the game.


The seaguard mages launches a fireball at my nekkid slaves. I use all my dispel dice to stop it getting 4 1�?Ts :S (yeah I forgot my sorcered was dead and used 1 extra dice, my opponent was fine with that). The fireball roasts 5 hobgoblins that stay on their own leadership (I guess word of what happened to the last fleeing unit got around).


The RBT fires at the nekkid hobgoblin unit again killing 4 hoboglins (leaving just 2 left). Once again they hold on their own leadership (looks like next game they are being promoted despite the anomisty preventing me getting that last quarter).



Chaos Dwarf 6


Avzool attempts to charge Teclis but fails (out of range but had to try). My blunderbusses are now in range to shoot Teclis back. The slave unit can actually move this turn but not far enough to get the final table quarter.




My blunderbusses are in range of Teclis. I just need a 4+ to hit Teclis or the last sea guard left. Luck is not with me as both my shoots miss, leaving Teclis alive and the seaguard unit with 1 elf left.

My earthshaker fires at the RBT and actually lands on top of it. I fail to kill the crew but manage to get past the RBT toughness. Luck is still not on my side as I only do 1 wound.

Post game:

I killed everything but the seaguard unit, Teclis and 1 guard and the RBT. Captured 1 stand, the BSB and 1 table quarter (2 others were in conflict and the last unclaimed by anyone)

The High elves killed Nellict and his unit, my armed hobgoblins, my bull centaurs, death rocket, 2 bolters, all but 1 wolf and all but 2 slaves and got 1 banner.

1213 to 918 so draw favoring me. I was just 4 points away from a minor victory. I feel like I got robbed. Last turn if I managed to kill teclis or that 1 sea guard would have got me a win, likewise if my earthshaker killed the RBT. High Elf magic with Teclis is disgusting. He was averaging like 10-14PD each turn and was getting nothing but IR the entire game :expressionless: (except towards the end but by than only had 1 sorcerer left). The dice really hated me with like 8 IR cast spells from the high elves and I kept failing 4+ rolls.

Avzool looked around the field. It was a tough battle with many dwarves dead. What was even worst in his mind is the cowardly wizard Teclis had managed to escape his wrath. The High elves caught would suffer greatly before Magdar could sacrifice them for his visions.

Edit: actually realize when I killed the lion chariot would have recaptured my banner. So would have had a minor victory :smiley:


Nice, interesting and detailed reports with a little fluffiness to the side. A good read, thanks for the effort! :hat off

A thing I noticed

The lion chariot�?Ts finished off Nellict and his blunderbuss unit and then overruns into one of my bolt throwers
Your opponent shouldn’t have gotten to overrun, you can only do that if you kill all opponents during the first turn of a combat when you charge (as I understood it you had been fighting for a few rounds).



blah yeah your right. I misread the rule and thought you could do it if you wiped out all enemies so my mistake. would not have changed much though since I did it a round before


Off in the distance Avzool could hear a sound, no many sounds. There was a lot of yelling and roaring going on. Whatever was in the distance there were a lot of them and they weren�?Tt trying to be stealthy. Avzool smiled thinking just one thought, fresh slaves. [/i]

I used the same 2000 point list, since my opponent had 2003 points I added 1 extra hobgoblin so both units were 15. Nellict took lore of death spells 1 and 5 and Kurza took lore of fire spells 1 and 3.

Orc and Goblin list (from memory)

1 black orc general + amulet of protectyness

1 orc big boss on boar (not sure type think might have been a normal orc) + Ulag’s Akrit axe

1 goblin hero on wolf

19 big un orcs with spear and shields + fc + morks spirit totem

20 orcs + fc

20 orcs + fc

25 night goblins (no fantics or nets)

9 wolf riders

15 black orcs + fc

2 spear chukkas

Boar chariot

5 boar riders + fc

Slave giant

3 stone trolls


My zone was bare. In the middle on the right side was a forest, on the left side was a forest and a hill behind it. The orc player zone had a hill in the middle (he won to choice sides and took the hill =()


Starting from the left flank I had both my nekkid hobgoblin units. Maltor joined the nekkid hobgoblins closest to the edge. Death rocket and 2 bolt throwers beside the nekkid hobgoblins. In the middle were my blunderbusses with Nellict, Avzool warriors, armed hobgoblins, Kurza blunder busses, than had my earth shaker and 2 bolt throwers. Far right flank had the wolf riders and bull centaurs.

Opponent had his wolf riders, boar boys, giant and chariot on the left flank. His black orcs and a orc unit on the right flank and everything else in the middle.

O&G 1 (yes even with the +1 I lost roll for first turn)


In true orcish fashion the enemy rushes to fight. Only the boar boys suffer from anomisty everything else rushes forward. The giant and chariot taking cover by the forest to prevent 2 of my bolt throwers shooting at the giant.



All the hobgoblins seem to see the glimmer in Avzools eyes and are eager to engage. No units suffer from anomisty


Nellict makes the trolls suffer from doom and darkness and then Kurza fireballs them. The trolls suffer 1 wound.


My bolt throwers take 2 shoots at the giant and both miss the giant behemoth. The last 2 shoot at the goblin wolf riders spearing 2 riders. The earth shaker and death rockets shoots go wide neither hitting anything. The earth shakers mighty tremor though slows down the trolls.



With everything engaging on the field the orc general lets out a fearful yell. The sound is soon voiced by the rest of the army and the horde WARRRGHS. The wolf riders move 1�?� forward, the middle orc unit gets confused and squabbles taking 1 wound and the far right orc unit runs into the forest.

The giant inspired by the warrgh flank charges Nellicts blunderbusses (misjudges his charge range =()

The generals unit charges Avzool. Since his base was bigger and all my units were base to base he chooses to double charge the warriors and my armed hobgoblins instead of the warriors and blunderbusses.

The trolls suffering from stupidity and the earth shaker tremor stumble forward at ¼ of their normal movement.


The spear chukkas let fly a might barrage of metal. When the dust clear the air 1 bull centaur is slain and 4 of Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses.


The giant rushes forward to Nellicts blunderbusses, picks up 1 warrior and puts him in a bag. The big un orcs manage to kill a few chaos dwarfs (including my champion) but both the warriors and armed hobgoblins stay in the fight.



One of the nekkid hobgoblin units seeing Nellict in trouble and looking for a promotion manages to inspire his fellow nekkid hobgoblins. The nekkid hobgoblins pass their anomisty and terror check to rear charge the giant.

The other nekkid hobgoblin unit discusses how best they can help and Maltor watches in terror as the unit stops listening and squabbles. The wolf riders get into position to try and flank the approaching black orcs.


Only get off the burning head spell and 1 more wound on the wounded troll.


The death rocket lets fire its might missle and the blast kills 2 goblin wolf riders. The earthshaker attempts to do some damage to the approaching orcs and trolls but the rocket explodes before it can leave the cannon doing pretty hefty damage to the base. It�?Ts going take my crew an entire turn to fix the earth shaker. The bolt throwers prove to be ineffective only 1 of them hitting the boar chariot and putting 1 wound on it. Kurza spying the approaching black orcs orders his blunderbusses to open fire, obliterating 5 of the black orcs.


The nekkid hobgoblins rush into the giant and strike at its feet with whatever they are armed with. The nekkid hobgoblins actually manage to hurt the giant!! The giant begins to yell in pain (or humiliation) and unfortunately all the noise scares the nekkid hobgoblins who run away from combat. Nellict continues to hold watching the hobgoblins that came to save his unit flee. Meanwhile the orc general issues a challenge to Avzool who answers it. The general cannot penetrate Avzool�?Ts armour, and Avzool�?Ts mighty axe does 1 wound to the fearsome orc. Inspired by their general the chaos dwarfs and armed hobgoblins brutally attack the big un orcs breaking them in combat and the armed hobgoblins chase them down and steal their banner.



The trolls enraged at the flaming attacks charge into Kurza�?Ts unit. Kurza seeing the approaching trolls order his unit to stand and shoot. The blunderbusses fire forward and hit the black orcs killing 4 more. The black orcs than join the trolls in combat against the blunderbusses.

The boar chariot charges Nellicts blunderbusses at full force doing 6 impact hits (killing 5 dwarfs). The wolf boys attempt to charge the fleeing nekkid hobgoblins forcing them to flee back towards the giant, with them out of the way the wolf boys redirerct into the bolt thrower.


The trolls and black orcs make short work of Kurza�?Ts unit breaking them in combat and chasing them down. On my other flank the giant and chariot breaks Nellicts unit chasing them down and the chariot runs into Avzools flank (giant limping on his injured leg only moved 3" stopping just short of Avzool’s unit). The earth shaker crew seeing Kurza�?Ts unit overrun flee in terror and abandon their machine. The wolf riders kill the crew of the first bolt thrower and overrun into the 2nd bolt throwers crew



My earth shaker crew fail to rally and a howl of frustration escapes Avzool�?Ts lips. The nekkid hobgoblin unit rallies. Maltors unit squabbles again!! Denying my slaves a flank charge on the goblin wolf boys and Maltor from charging the approching boar boys =(. One of my right bolt thrower crew abandons their bolt thrower and runs towards the earth shaker stopping short just 2�?� away. The bull centaurs charge the orcs in the forest. The wolf riders move behind the black orcs and trolls.


The death rocket blast manages to kill 2 more of the orcs in the middle.


The bull centaurs unleash their anger at the orcs and manage to slay 5. The orcs stubbornly refuse to flee. The chariot fluffs its attacks against my sturdy warriors; however my warriors Fluff their attacks back doing no wounds. I win combat by 1 and the chariot flees. The warriors persue the chariot but are distracted by the giant and charge it instead. The wolf riders make short work of my 2nd bolt thrower and overrun into my nekkid hobgoblins unit.



The boar boys seeing a prime target charge Maltor and his nekkid hobgoblin unit. The middle orc unit charges my armed hobgoblins. The chariot fails to rally and ends up 1�?� away from the board edge. The goblin unit flank charges Avzools unit (was either going be flanked by the giant or the goblins so took the goblins). The black orcs turn around to see the wolf riders. The trolls unaware of the wolf riders behind them stupidly stumble forward.


The wolf riders wipe out my nekkid hobgoblin unit and overrun into the death rocket crew. Maltor challenges the orc boss; however, he is so frustrated by the nekkid hobgoblins he only hits with 1 of his 5 attacks doing 1 wound. The orc boss fails to get past Maltors armour and toughness. The boar boys though massacre the nekkid hobgoblins forcing Maltor to flee and the unit is overrun (yes the hobgoblins squabbling for 2 turns cost me my lord). Avzool in combat puts another wound on the giant’s foot, once again the giant yells in pain. Avzool holds keeping his warriors inline against the fightful noise. The right orc unit can�?Tt wound the bull centaurs that do another 5 wounds and this time breaks the orcs and runs them into the ground. The middle orc unit fluffs their attacks only doing 1 wound. The hobgoblins strike back against the orcs also doing 1 wound. The orcs stay in combat

CD 4


The bull centaurs charge the spear chukka crew that choose to flee and run off the table. The bull centaurs now seeing the 2nd spear chukka crew redirect their charge and the 2nd crew also flees from the bull centaurs. The hobgoblins reach the earth shaker. The wolf riders have a beautiful view of the troll�?Ts rear but they squabble instead of charging.


The lone bolt thrower shoots the black orcs spearing 2 of them. They stubbornly refuse to run (only 4 left).


Avzool points a 3rd wound into the giant. This time the giant doesn�?Tt yell but answers back with his club. Not even the firm stare of Avzool is enough to keep the warriors in line after that kind of brutality. The warriors break and are overrun. The armed hobgoblins and the orcs both Fluff their attacks and no wounds.

O&G 5


The chariot rallys (1�?� away from the edge :@ :@). The black orcs charge the wolf riders that flee to safety into the forest. The giant moves forward towards my earth shaker and bolt throwers. The 2nd spear chukka�?Ts crew continues to run off the board following the first ones.


The middle orcs are still failing to wound the armed hobgoblins. Much to the shame of their fellow units the orcs are beaten in combat by the armed hobgoblins who proeced to chase them down stealing their banner (yes the unit that doesn�?Tt even have their own banner is now carrying 2 of their enemy�?Ts banners).

CD 5


The wolf riders fail to rally and continue to flee. The earth shaker hobgoblin crew feeling empowered that they are manning a true chaos dwarf war machine are unafraid of the giant standing 4�?� in front of them (they got double 1�?Ts for their terror test).


The earth shaker fires into the goblins. The shoot goes wide though only killing 1 goblin. The tremor though is so fierce that it�?Ts felt for 11�?� around where the missile landed affecting the goblins, black orcs, trolls and the giant.

O&G 6


The giant charges the earth shaker crew. This time the crew seeing the giant, and not just the machine, flee in panic running off the board. The giant tries to redirect into the last bolt thrower but the affects of the earth shakers tremor shake him up enough that he is out of range.

CD 6


The wolf riders prove to be stubborn and refuse to rally.


My lone bolt thrower faces off against the giant. With a bang the spear soars throw to the air and head shoots the giant killing it.

Post game:

I had 2 quarters, the general and 3 captured banners earning me (1771VP). The orc and goblin player had my general, 3 banners and 1 table quarter earning him 2226. Minor loss to the chaos dwarfs (5 points away from a draw, damn those wolf riders). Yeah setup just killed me not getting first turn or the side with hills =(. Also made a real stupid move putting my lord with the nekkid hobgoblins, figured would protect him from any shooting for a turn or so than would leave the unit and he would just do his own thing.

MVP definitely goes to my armed hobgoblins that out fought 2 orc units and stole their banners. Props also go to my right most bolt thrower crew members for killing a giant and being able to crew an earth shaker (granted took like 4 shoots before I finally hit the giant but was a sweet headshot).

LVP: this is a tossup; it either goes to my slave unit that cost me my bull centaur lord for squabbling every turn but the first. Or the wolf riders that refused to rally and squabbled instead of rear charging some trolls.


Magdar had not been pleased with the costly delay due to Avzools blunders. Word had spread around the great city about Avzool�?Ts defeat humiliating Magdar and casting doubt on his vision. Avzool could still feel the burn marks Magdar had left on him. It had been over a week since the defeat but Avzool was back on the hunt. From across the hills and trees of this deserted area once again there came a sound of a large force moving in the distance. The wolf riders were sent out to scout and when they came back Avzool could tell by their grins that his prayers had been answered. It was time to get revenge against the Orc General. [/i]

So rematch against the orcs. More or less the same list but he dropped the goblins for some spider riders. Spell wise Nellict had 2 and 6 from death and Kurza had 1 and 4 from fire.


My zone had 2 hills on each flank. His zone had 1 hill in the middle. On the flanks just a few inches from my hills were 2 forests.


Starting from the left flank I had my death rocket and 2 bolt throwers on the hill. Nellicts blunderbusses, my wolf riders (with Maltor in them) and some nekkid hobgoblins were beside the hill. My warriors and armed hobgoblins were in the middle. The rest of my units on the right flank.

He had his wolf riders and giants on the left, boar and spider riders on the right and rest up the middle.

CD 1


My wolf riders still basking in the success of their scoutning mission fail to realize my forces are moving forward and stand still. Rest of my forces advance


The blunderbusses let out loud bangs as they shoot forward. A bolt pierces the giant doing 2 wounds and on the other side a bolt spears 3 black orcs.

O&G 1


The orcs eager for combat all move forward.


Trying to imitate the successes of my black powdered bolt throwers the goblin spear chukkahs let lose killing 1 bull centaur.

CD 2


My hobgoblins are really eager to show up their green skin cousins. EVERY hobgoblin unit rolls a 6 for animosity surging towards the enemy. Kinda arguement if could flank charge his wolf boys with my riders. I had LOS but the death rocket was kinda blocking the lane so would be an awkard charge. we diced it and I lost so no charge from them. The turned to try and get the wolf boys after they obliteraed the bolt throwers.


Well more bolts are fired but appear to have used rubber bolts this turn. 2 bolts hit their mark and on both of them I rolled a 1 to wound. Kurza blunderbusses fire hitting a lone troll and just clipping a few of the generals big un orcs. 2 orcs fall and the troll takes a wound.

O&G 2


The wolfboys charge my 2 bolt throwers on the left flank. Once again I underestimate the giants charge distance and it tries to flank charge Nellicts unit. My chaos dwarfs wisely flee this time from the giant getting away. The chariot tries to ram my 1st nekkid hobgoblin unit but appears to hit a rock on the way. It still hits the unit but only does 2 impact hits.


The chariot not only fluffs its impact hits against the nekkid hobgoblins but also fluffs its attacks killing 1 more hobgoblin tieing combat. The wolf boys kill 2 of my bolt throwers and then run into the death rocket (thought had them placed in a way to prevent that but he made a funny angled charge last turn so just managed to clip it =( )

CD 3


My armed hobgoblins stare across the field at the opposing orcs. Remebering their battles from last week and eager to prove themselves to their dark dwarfish masters the goblins surge forward a few inches and then charge across the field of battle to engage the orcs. The orcs I guess hearing horror stories about how my hobgoblins crushed orc units last game pull out an extra choppa eager to slaughter the lil buggers. Nellict manages to rally his blunderbusses and turns to face the giant head on.


Kurza is finally able to get a spell off against the stubborn orcs. A mighty fireball flies across the field of battle, bathing a troll in its hot deadly flames and killing it.


Even with the extra choppa the orcs fail to steam the hobgoblin tide losing. The chariot continues to fluff its attacks against the nekkid hobgoblins actually losing to them in combat. Both the chariot and orcs laugh at each other for losing to hobgoblins and because neither wants to be the first to run from combat they both stubbornly hold. The wolf boys kill off the death rocket. The bang of the death rocket exploding frightens Maltor�?Ts wolf riders who start to flee stopping just at the edge of the board.

O&G 3


The orc general seeing his units in combat and frustrated how the earth shaker keeps delaying his big uns and black orcs from combat starts to yell in his frustrating. Soon the terrible sound is carried by all the units on the field and the green hordes WARRGHS. The power of the WARRGH though proves to be too much for the spider riders that suicide. Though the loose of 1 unit just eggs the rest on and a orc unit flanks my bull centaurs and the boar boys hit them dead on (damn 6�?� movement towards nearest enemy gave him the wheel he needed to get the flank). The giant charges Nellict again and fearing the giant is too close I decided to stand and shoot (missing the huge target anyways).


The spear chukkas let lose spearing 4 of Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses.


The bull centaurs fight to the last man but with so many orcs pressing in they are killed to a centaur. The chariot only able to stand seeing nekkid hobogoblins for so long breaks in combat and runs away. The nekkid hobgoblins try to peruse the quick moving chariot but get distracted and flank charge the orc group fighting the armed hobgoblins. The giant charges Nellicts unit and gleefully beings to jump up and down on the poor dwarfs killing 6.

CD 4


Maltor�?Ts reigns in the wolf riders who rally and turn back eager to get their blades wet with blood. Avzool and his warriors charge the 2 lone trolls. The 2nd nekkid slave unit flank charges the orcs that killed the bull centaurs.


Nellict knowing he is in serious trouble with is blunderbusses struggling against the giant and the enemy wolf boys closing in closes his eyes to channel his energy. With an impressive bang Nellict channels the winds of death draining the life of the giant and the wolf boys. While the spell could not take hold against the giant 4 of the wolf boys stopped in their tracks and fell over dead. Afraid of the evil magic the wolf boys flee off the table.


Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses let loose against the enemy generals big uns. 5 orcs are obliterated by the shoots causing the orcs to panic and run. The black orcs wanting to protect their general also panic and run.


The trolls afraid of the dwarfs charging them vomit their lunch wounding Avzool. Disgusted that the vile creatures stained his armour Avzool cut 1 down. The lone trolled tried to flee but was chased down by the dwarfs. The 1st nekkid hoboglbins and armed hobgoblins prove too much for the orcs that break from combat and are chased down by the armed hobgoblins. The jumping giant procedes to kill all but 5 of Nellicts dwarf causing them to flee. Luck is on my side as they manage to outrun the wounded giant. The 2nd nekkid hobgoblin unit loses to the orcs even with a flank charge (he killed 4, only had 2 ranks and flank) but manage to stay in there.

O&G 4


Both the big un orcs and black orcs rally. The chariot flees off the table. The boar boys charge the earth shaker crew. The giant decides to ignore the running chaos dwarfs and moves to hit Kurza�?Ts unit.


The boar boys easily beat the earth shaker crew. The 2 bolt thrower crew members beside the earth shaker both flee the scene abandoning their machines. The 2nd nekkid hobogoblins lose again to the orcs and this time break causing the orcs to head towards Kurza�?Ts flank.

CD 5


Things were looking grim for Kurza�?Ts unit with orcs about to hit 1 flank and a giant in the rear. I have an idea and reform my unit to see the orcs head on and Kurza leaves the unit so can magic the giant. My plan comes undone though when Nellict, disgracing chaos dwarfs everywhere, fails to rally on a leadership of 9 than proceeds to run 11�?� off the board. To make matters worse one of my bolt thrower crew also runs off but the 2nd rallys on their leadership 6. Maltors unit tries to catch up to the giant.


With just the 1 lvl 2 I fail to cast anything.

O&G 5


The orc general decides to make a last stand and charges Avzools unit. The general issues a challenge. Before Avzool has a chance to accept though my chaos dwarf champion jumps in to smack away the crazed orc. While it was a valid attempt the orc general proves too much and strikes down the brave dwarf. Both sides stubbornly hold in the fight.

The giant flank charges the blunderbusses and the orcs try to charge. The blunderbusses stand and shoot killing 10 of the orcs who than proceed to flee. The giant though smacks the dwarfs with his blub killing 6 causing the blunderbusses to flee. Kurza seeing the giant rampage about breaks and runs away.

CD 6


The armed slaves charge 1 of the spear chukkahs. Maltor tries to get to combat but is too far away. Kurza fails to rally. The 1 hobgoblin bolter crew manages to run back to their machine.


The armed slaves fluff their attacks against the goblin spear chukka killing just 1 of the goblins. The goblins though flee from the hoard of hobgoblins that chase them off the board.

The orc general once again issues a challenge to Avzool. The two generals face off in an epic duel. The orcs mighty swords clashes with Avzools great axe. Though both generals are fighting to the death neither manages to wound the other. In fact no dwarf or orc managed to get any wounds in that combat. I win combat through shear static res causing the orcs to flee and get run down. Once again seeing their general run the black orcs flee.

O&G 6

The giant out of range of Avzool takes out his anger on the 1st nekkid hobgoblins clubbing them to death. The black orcs rally.

Post game:

I had 1 quarter, his general and 2 stands for 1539

He had 1 quarter, and 2 stands for 1471

Draw in the chaos dwarfs favor.

It was a pretty close game the entire way. We were both failing a lot of panic tests (granted mine were a lot of the time on LD 9 or 10). The last turn really did it for him. If his general held he would have killed my general unit easily with teh giant nearby getting him alot of points, my general a banner and the table quarter getting him at least a minor probaly solid victory. Oh well the joys of 1 dice roll :smiley:

MVP don�?Tt think any 1 unit stood out the entire game. Kuzra and his blunderbusses managed to break like 3 orc units, Avzool killed the trolls and generals unit and my armed hobgoblins and slaves beat a chariot and an orc unit.

LVP: this is a tossup; Both my sorcerers, while useful for killing a unit, failed rally tests on LD 9 affectively running off the board. Though Maltor did fail a panic test on LD 9 which in effect meant he didn�?Tt see any combat the entire game.


Avzool and his wolf riders and chaos dwarfs managed to rally his forces. Reinforcements were already pilling up and the captured orcs being chained to take back. Suddenly there was a cold wind and unearthly moaning sounds. Avzool could see some people standing at the edge of the forest. Suddenly the bodies of the slain orcs and dwarfs and goblins began to rise up by the strangers. Avzool quickly yelled for order and his dwarfs lined up. Sharing a common foe the orcs where armed to booster the chaos dwarfs list

So going off memory here as had to make it a really quick game. 2k VS vampire counts. My list was the same as normal but dropped the death rocket for 2 more dispel scrolls (mainly to try and speed up the game with just 1 guess weapon and to kinda tailor my list since he said was magic heavy had 13 PD a turn).

Spell wise I had lore of death 1 & 2 and lore of fire 1 & 4

My list

BC lord + black hammer + shield + armour of furnace = 263

1 lvl 2 sorc + 2 dispel = 150

1 lvl 2 sorc + 2 dispel = 150

CD hero + greatweapon + armor of gaz + amulet of protection = 109

17 BB Warriors + champ + banner = 224

17 BB Warriors + champ + banner = 224

19 warriors + champ + banner = 191

10 wolf riders + larm/shield + musician = 140

25 hobgoblins + larm/shield + musician = 110

15 hobgoblins = 30

15 hobgoblins = 30

2 bolt throwers = 60

2 bolt throwers = 60

1 earthshackers = 110

5 bull centaurs + harm + champ + banner = 135


his list off memory

1 vampire lord decked out for casting. 6 PD, +1 casting and dispell, forbidden lore and extra skeleton raising is all I could remeber on him

2 lvl 2 vampires 1 of them mounted

1 lvl 1 vampire

2 unit of 20 zombies

2 unit of 20 skeletons (FC)

20 grave guard

3 wraiths + banshee

3 wraiths + banshee


Same as last battle.


My deployment was more or less the same as last battle. Only thing is had 1 slave unit on the far left to try and hold a table quarter.

He had everything on the right cornor. Lord with grave guard. 2 vampires with 1 skeleton unit (mounted and the lvl 1) and 1 vampire with the other skeletons. unfortunately both the wraith units were as far away from Maltor as they could be.

Vamps 1

Everything moves forward. He fails a lot of his casting rolls only raising 6 skeletons in the 2 vampire unit. I use a dispel scroll when he casts winds of death.

CD 1


Everything moves forward


Earth shaker manages to kill 2 skeletons for the 2 vampire one.

Vampire 2


Everything forward


He magic missles the earth shaker crew killing 1 crew member, raises 6 more skeletons in the same unit and manages to vanhel his zombies into my bull centaurs and blunderbusses. The blunderbusses stand and shoot obliterating half the zombies and clipping 3 skeletons killing all 3.  


His banshees try to scream at my bull centaurs that ignore their wailing.


The bull centaurs drag out their extra hand weapon and obliterate the zombies. The blunderbusses also do exceptionally with kills and CR killing 5 more of the zombies.

CD 2


Maltor urges his wolf riders on and they flank charge the big skeleton unit. Maltor issues a challenge to the vampire who refuses and hides.

The rest of my army advances. The bull centaurs not thinking they can take out the banshees on per CR stand still hoping an opportunity will present itself.


Maltor manages to slay 3 skeletons. The wolf riders manage a few hits but the skeletons make some incredible armour saves (you would think the wolves could just grab the bones and run away with them). Having such a big unit (at this point was 30 skeletons) 3 managed to strike back, hit, wound and  3 wolf riders fell (damn 4+ armour!!). He has a warbanner in the unit so with fear and outnumbering I lose combat and flee.  

Vampire 3


Everything moves forward. His banshees try and get better positions and no longer block LOS of my bull centaurs.


He kept trying to vanhell the large skeleton unit into my generals unit. I used all my dispel dice and dispel scrolls (3) and was unable to prevent the charge.


Avzool isues a challenge hoping to slay a vampire and try to slow his magic, unfortunately he accepts with a unit champion. I strike down the champion, 1 overkill and kill 2 more skeletons. His vampires though manage to kill 2 dwarfs meaning I lose by 1 so auto break.

AVzool could not believe his eyes. No matter how many skeletons his axe broke apart more would just surge over the fallen. His dwarfs could not hold back the tide of undeath. With a howl they broke but the skeletons perused catching the dwarfs . Kurza unit kinda fumbles their attacks killing just 1 zombie. Winning by 3 means there is 1 zombie left in combat. :@

CD 3


I know have an opening to try and do some damage. My bull centaurs charge his generals grave guards. I figured would not give him the chance to hide this time so didn�?Tt offer a challenge, unfortunately his grave guard champion did. 2 of my bull centaurs directed all attacks into the general but failed to even hit him. My lone chance failed and I lose 2 bull centaurs that fleed from the grave guards.

Kurza kills the last zombie.

Maltor rallys


My warmachines kill a few more units and slow his grave guard but nothing substantial.

Vampire 4


His big skeleton unit turns to flank Kurza�?Ts.


Vanhells the big skeletons to flank Kurza. Raises some more skeletons


His banshee screams killing 1 more bull centaur making it impossible to rally. The other banshee screams at the earth shaker hitting the crew killing both of them. The 2 bolt thrower crew flee.


The big skeletons eat Kuzra�?Ts unit.

CD 4

Maltors wolf riders get in position to try and rear charge the giant skeleton unit and Nellicts blunderbusses move to get a shoot at the horde of undeath. Bull centaurs off board


The blunderbusses let loose killing like 14 skeletons (at this point the unit had like 40+ though).

We had to call it a game though since the store was closing. Though at this point I had no chance

Post game:

Can�?Tt really calculate it too much since ended on turn 4 but just doing it for how the game ended.

Vampire: 2 standards, general + 979 in units = 1279

CD: 2 quarters + 160 in units = 360

So yeah that was just disgusting. I couldn�?Tt stop his magic at all even throwing everything I had at it. He kept hiding his heroes and nothing I throw at that skeleton block could hurt it.

Oh well. Last game I get to play at the bunker for awhile. Hopefully get some at university soon. Though need to repair my armed hobgoblins :frowning: wallet got pickpocted on way home after game and in a mad rush searching everything on me I broke a few of them =(

Guess also need new fluff to continue.


Avzool watched as the skeletons overcame his warriors and started to rush over them. Suddenly there was a blight flash and next thing Avzool know he was back in Zharr-Naggrund staring at dumbfounded at Magdar. Beside him he could hear the groans of the equally surprised remainder of his force. Without a change in expression a fireball shoot from Magdar�?Ts petrified hand hitting Avzool in the face scaring his face. �?oIdiot you should not have fought such a powerful force without replenishing your own! You�?Tre lucky I still have use for you. Through my divinations I have learnt of a master dwarf engineer in just outside the dark lands. He is on a mining expedition with a little force. I want to meet this engineer. YOU WILL BRING HIM TO ME!!�?� [/i]

Dwarf mining force

master engineer + brace of pistols = 80

thane + bsb + master run of grungni = 140

19 dwarf warriors + FC + shield = 196

10 thunderers = 140

15 longbeards + shields = 180

cannon + rune of forging + engineer + pistols = 145

organ gun = 120

total = 1001

remains of the Chaos dwarf army

Avzool CD hero + greatweapon + armor of gaz = 94

Nellict lvl 2 sorc + 2 dispell = 150 (lore of death spells 1 and 2)

16 BB Warriors + champ + banner = 212

19 warriors + champ + banner = 191

10 wolf riders + larm/shield + musician = 140

2 bolt throwers = 60

6 bull centaurs + harm + champ + banner = 156

total = 1003


My zone had 1 hills in the middle. There was a giant rock in the middle on the left flank. His zone had a hill in the middle and a forest to the right of the hill


I had both my bolt throwers on the hill. My wolf riders and bull centaurs were placed on the left flank and my warriors and blunderbusses placed on the right flank. He had his organ gun and thunderers on the hill, cannon in front of the hill by the forest and both his warrior units by the forest.

CD 1


The chaos dwarfs stared across the field at their most hated foes. All my units march as fast as they can. The wolf riders and bull centaurs head hide behind the rocks in the middle.


Nellict prayed to Hashut and opened the game with an irresistible force casting of dark hand of death. With a great bang the 6 fingered spectral hand reached out towards the dwarf cannon. Two of the spectral fingers reach out and poke the crew dropping them dead to the ground.


The bolt throwers take aim at the dwarf thunderers at the other end of the field. One of the mighty bolts aim is true and spears 2 dwarfs.

Dwarf 1


The dwarves stared at the destruction the chaos dwarfs had inflicted upon their poor cannon. The thane shock his head in disbelief and sadness. If only he had stayed closer to the machine the poor crew might have been saved. The dwarves advance eager for blood


The lone engineer of the cannon aims the machine at the sorcerer for revenge. Unfortunately with just the one guy the cannon shoot goes far and misses the chaos dwarfs entirely. The thunderers and organ gun are out of range of any targets and bitterly wait for their chance to open fire.

Chaos dwarf 2


The wolf riders hearing the might blasts being fired are somehow spurred on to fight and move 3�?� out of cover. They then start to head towards the might organ gun. The bull centaurs surprised at the eagerness of the wolf riders follow behind. The dwarfs and blunderbusses continue to march forward


One again Nellict cast dark hand of death but this time aiming it at the dwarf thane. I was surprised when the dwarf player didn�?Tt try and dispel it but then learnt about his magic banner. The dwarves were unharmed by the hand.


Both bolt throwers miss.

Dwarf 2


The warriors and long beards continue their march forward. The thane and his warriors go a tad to the right to try and split up my forces.


The organ gun and thunderers turn to shoot at the approaching wolf riders and bull centaurs. The wolf riders prove to be lucky as the organ gun is just out of range. The thunderers though put a few bullets into the wolf riders killing 2.

Chaos Dwarf 3


Thinking I�?Tm out of range to charge with the wolf riders and bull centaurs they continue to march putting them just in front of the organ gun. Avzool and his warriors turn to start heading towards the dwarf warriors. Nellict and his blunderbusses turn to face the approaching long beards.


Everything dispelled


The ingenuity of the chaos dwarfs weapons came to light this turn. The bolt throwers once again hit the thunderers killing 2 more of the hand gunners. Nellicts blunderbusses fired and the dwarf player�?Ts face paled a little as he beheld the pure destructive power of the blunderbusses. All 15 of his long beards were hit by the hail of death and when was finally over 6 of his dwarfs laid dead at their comrades�?T feet.

Dwarf 3


Both his warriors and long beards charge my warriors and blunderbusses eager to avenge their fallen kin. Nellicts blunderbusses unafraid of the charging dwarves let loose another round of their blunderbusses killing 3 more of the long beards who stubbornly make it into combat.


The organ gun this time hits it marks. 10 mighty blasts are heard and 6 of my wolf riders fall dead. The 2 lone riders not caring about the consequences of cowardness flee from the battle. The thunderers attempt to shoot the bull centaurs but fail to hit anything. The cannon aims at my bolt thrower and the cannon ball hits the machine and tears through it.


The long beards slash as my blunderbusses killing 1 of the chaos dwarfs. Nellict and his chaos dwarfs though are unable to get passed the dwarves defense. Through sheer numbers Nellict and his blunderbusses overwhelm the long beards. The dwarves attempt to regroup but are chased down by the chaos dwarfs. The thane eager for vengeance raises his hand axe and embeds it into a chaos dwarf warrior. Both the chaos dwarfs and the dwarves fail to penetrate each others armour. Avzool then took out his own mighty axe and with a powerful swipe 2 dwarves fell dead. The dwarves though stubbornly stick in the fight.

Chaos Dwarf 4


The bull centaurs charge the organ gun. The master engineer takes careful aim with his pistol and shoots the legs out of one of my centaurs killing it. Nellict and his blunderbusses turn to flank charge the dwarves next turn.


Avzool issues a challenge to the dwarf thane but the unit champion answers instead. Avzool strikes down the foolish champion with such brutality the dwarves are further demoralized (1 overkill). Once again the thane kills a single warrior and the dwarves hold. Trampling the ground beneath their hooves the 5 remaining bull centaurs charge into the organ gun their axes held high and ready. Like a flash of lightning the axes of the bull centaurs killed the poor organ gun crew members and the bull centaurs capture the master engineer and then proceed to overrun into the dwarf thunderers.

Dwarf 4:


Avzool once again challenges the dwarf thane who answers the challenge. The thane axe strikes out and manages to get passed Avzools defense and strike against his mighty armour. The grin on the thanes face though vanished in the blank of an eye as his weapon as unable to pierce Avzool�?Ts armour. Avzool raised his mighty axe and mortally wounded the dwarf thane but was unable to finish him off. The dwarves continue to hold in their hopeless combat. The bull centaurs tear through the remaining thunderers wiping them off the hill.

At this point the dwarf player gave up.

Post game:

The first turn really did it for me. That 1 cast pretty much won me the game (which was kinda amusing since was the only magic I got off the entire game :D).


As I said before I like the format of you reports. They’re easy to read and not to long. Thanks!

(By the way if you happen to have a camera please take pictures.)


most of lists I play are unpainted so don’t really want pictures of the battle. My force is nearly all painted but most of the units and visable in the army blog section. Been busy but managed to get another game against a different dwarf player.

It was a long trek back to the Dark lands but Avzool and his warriors we�?Tre making good time. The dwarf engineer was shackled being dragged by hobgoblins that continuously spat and stabbed at the dwarf. Avzool could see some of his wolf rider scouts coming back and what looked like a bull centaur travelling beside the rider. When the two arrived Avzool was surprised to see Maltor. �?oMagdar has been monitoring your progress; but, it appears the dwarves know you are here. A mighty runelord is leading a force, and they are hot on your heels. Kurza is up ahead with reinforcements, it would be wise of us to get there and properly greet this runelord so eager to catch up�?�.

CD List

Maltor Bull Centaur lord + black hammer + shield + armour of furnace = 263 (with wolf riders)

Nellict lvl 2 sorcerer + dispel = 125 (lore of death spells 1 & 4)

Kurza lvl 2 sorcerer + dispel = 125 (lore of fire spells 1 & 3)

Avzool hero + greatweapon + armor of gaz = 94 (with warriors)

17 Blunderbusses + champ + banner = 224

17 Blunderbusses + champ + banner = 224

19 warriors + champ + banner = 191

10 wolf riders + larm/shield + musician = 140

25 hobgoblins + larm/shield + musician = 110

14 hobgoblins = 28

15 hobgoblins = 30

1 death rocket = 80

2 bolt throwers = 60

2 bolt throwers = 60

1 earthshackers = 110

5 bull centaurs + harm + champ + banner = 135


Dwarves List

Thorek = 505

Thane bsb + grungi, stoicism, oathstone = 185

Thane + greatweapon + adamanti rune + rerolls = 141

10 thunderers + shields + command = 175

25 warriors + great weapons + command = 275

30 longbeards + great weapons + command + some slowness rune = 245

Bolt thrower + penetrating + reload +engineer = 95

Bolt thrower + penetrating + engineer = 85

1 cannon + engineer + forging = 140

1 gyro = 140



I had a hill in the center of deployment with a forest in front. On the flanks of the field in the middle where 2 impassable ruins.

He had a hill in center of deployment with 2 big forests on each flank.


All my warmachines on the hill. Left flank had the bull centaurs, Avzool�?Ts warriors and Nellicts blunderbusses. Middle had the armed hobgoblins. Right flank had the hobgoblin units, kurza and the wolf riders.

Dwarf player put warmachines on hill. On left flank were the warriors and longbeards. Middle had the thunderers with the general in them and the right flank had the gyrocopter. Thorek and his anvil where in the top left cornor.

CD 1


The chaos dwarfs stared across the field at their most hated foes. All my units march as fast as they can.


The earthshaker targets the warmachines but falls short, the tremble does shake up the thunderers though. The bolt throwers not having LOS to the gyro shoot at the thunderers killing 2.

Dwarf 1


Thorek cursed that the chaos dwarfs were not taken but surprised but dug in to face their dwarfish line. The warriors all advance to kill their hated kin and the gyrocopter heads towards the middle of the field.


The 2 bolt throwers let loose their blasts towards Maltor and his wolfriders killing 2 unfortunate riders. Thorek strikes the anvil with ancient power and directs it towards Nellics unit killing 4 of the blunderbussers.

CD 2


The chaos dwarfs continue to advance. The armed hobgoblins though are so eager to fight; that they unfortunately don�?Tt follow the road and run head on into the forest ahead.


The bolt throwers aim at the bsb long beards and 1 of the bolts hits their mark (seriously how hard would it be to aim at 30 dwarfs???). The deathrocket shoot goes way off and the earthshaker once again blows towards the thunderers. This time the missile lands on them killing 3.

Dwarf 2


The dwarves continue their advance. The gyrocopter moves to the left of Maltors wolfriders.


All the warmachine crew, I guess being unnerved by the incoming bolts, miss with the 2 bolt throwers and the cannon. The gyrocopter opens fire on the wolf riders killing 3. Throek getting frustrated miss hits the anvil (1) but luckly corrects his mistake and blasts 3 units with ancient power (gr reroll). When the hammer hits 1 bull centaur, 1 of Avzool�?Ts warriors and 2 of Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses are dead.

CD 3


The wolf riders unnerved about the flying machine near them flutter about in a useless stupor. The armed hobgoblins are battling the trees in the forest and the rest of my units slowly advance (as only a dwarf could).


The deathrocket and earthshaker both aim the dwarf warmachines. The wind knocks the deathrockets shoot behind the hill and blows the earthshaker missile once again into the thunderers (they seem to have a magnet on them).The bolt throwers once again aim at the long beards killing 3 more.

Dwarf 3:


The gyrocopter confused by the hobgoblins actions flies south to land beside Kurza�?Ts unit. warriors and long beards advance. The dwarf general thinking it might not be safe in the thunderers anymore leaves the unit.


Similar to the last phase all the warmachines continue to miss their shoots. Throek still frustrated mishits the anvil and again quickly corrects hit mistake (grr rerolls). This time 3 bull centaurs, 4 wolf riders and 2 of kurza�?Ts blunderbusses fall dead. The bullcentaur champion being the only bull centaur left begins to panic and tries to flee the battlefield; unfortunately for him he runs head long into the impassable ruins and dies.

CD 4:


Maltor and the wolf rider musician charge the dwarf general (he really underestimated their movement, even slowed). Kurza�?Ts unit reforms to face the gyrocopter and Nellicts unit move forward loading their blunderbusses (had just enough guys for a S5 shot left :D).

Magic: (yes you read this right, a magic phase against dwarves)

Nellicts and Kurza having their magics continuously dispelled all games caught a lucky break. Kurza used all the power he could and launched a fireball at the gyrocopter doing 2 wounds to it.


Once again my earthshaker aims at the warmachine and hits the thunderers killing 2 more (1 left). The tremble though ends up hitting the cannon, 1 of the bolt throwers, the dwarf general and Maltor. The death rocket hits the long beards but they are unheard of a rocket hitting them. Two of the bolt throwers shoot the wounded gyrocopter knocking it out of the sky. The last 2 shoot at the long beards spearing 4 dwarfs. With a great bang Nellicts blunderbusses hit the long beards striking 16 models and slaying 4 of them.


Maltor�?Ts hammer hits the dwarf than like a sack of bricks slaying the poor dwarf. Maltor and the wolfrider try to overrun into the bolt thrower but because of the earthshakers affect are just out of range.

Dwarf 4:


The long beards shaken by the amount of firepower the chaos dwarfs put into them last turn decide to charge Avzool�?Ts unit and not the blunderbusses. The warriors continue to move forward.


The bolt thrower crew shaken by the earthshaker; but, still functioning aims the weapon towards Maltor and the wolf rider. The bolt goes off and head shots the last remaining wolf rider. Throek once again miss hits the anvil but quickly corrects himself (seriously 3 1�?Ts for anvil rolls this game) but only manages to hit and kill 1 armed hobgoblin.


Avzool unafraid of the old dwarfs issues a challenge and pulls out his great axe. The long beard veteran also pulls out his great axe. The long beard acts faster than Avzool expected a senior to act and struck 2 quick blows but neither could penetrate his mighty armour. In retaliation Avzool slays the long beard. In combat 2 chaos dwarfs fall to the long beards great axes. Even with the odds stacked against them though the chaos dwarfs hold.

CD 5


Nellicts blunderbusses assist Avzool and flank charge the long beards. Maltor single handedly charges the bolt thrower. Kurza reforms to head towards the left flank and the armed hobgoblins finally out of the forest also reform to start heading to the left flank.


Trying to follow in the steps of Kurza, Nellict attempts to doom and darkness the long beards. The dispel powers of the dwarfs prove too much though and the magic backlashes (miscast 9). Even though Nellict is unharmed by the backlash but sorcerers find their powers drained.


I attempt to hit the last thunderer with the earthshaker but miss; though, I do get the tremble to hit the poor sucker.


The dwarfs having taken a beating by many bolts, Avzool and now Kurza find their moral broken. The long beards break and run as only a dwarf can and manage to escape from Avzool and Kurza chasing them down (11�?� flee grrrr). Maltor destroys 3 of the cannon crew members but the last manages to escape (4�?� pursue ftl).

Dwarf 5:


The long beards rally. The warriors reform to see Kurza�?Ts flank.


Using a boost from the anvil of doom the warriors manage to flank charge Nellicts blunderbusses.


The charging warriors decide to use their hand weapons and shields. They find themselves unable to harm the equally skilled chaos dwarfs. The chaos dwarfs in return manage to slay 1 dwarf warrior. Even though Nellicts unit lost, the blunderbusses continue to hold their ground

CD 6:

Markot charges the last remaining bolt thrower. Avzool attempts to charge the long beards but is out of range.


Markot destroys 3 of the bolt thrower crew however the dwarf decides to stick around. Nellict and his blunderbussers continue their uneventful battle against the dwarf warriors. Once again they lose but continue to hold.

Dwarf 6:


The long beards once again charge the chaos dwarf warriors. The lone thunderer surprised that he can shoot, sadly finds himself with no targets in line of sight to shoot at.


Markot destroys the last bolt thrower crew member (like red mist destroyed). The dwarf warriors manage to slay 2 of Nellicts blunderbussers. Not even the sorcerers stern glare can keep them in line and the blunderbussers fall and are overrun by the dwarfs. Against the longbeards Avzool issues a challenge and the BSB than accepts. The poor thane is unable to penetrate Avzools defense, Avzool than beheads the thane. The longbeards, now throughly demoralized, break again; but, this time they are overrun by the chaos dwarfs.

Post game:

Dwarves: 624 + 1 banner = 724

Chaos dwarfs: 1118 + bsb + general + 2 quarters = 1518

Solid victory for the chaos dwarfs

I�?Tm going have to give MVP to my earthshaker that spent the entire game trying to hit the warmachines but instead kept hitting the thunderers. Though looking at the dwarf list should Throrek been considered the general? He had better LD but wouldn�?Tt have changed much.

Avzool smiled evilly. Not only did he now have the target engineer still, but he had a bunch of dwarf slaves. The runelord sadly managed to escape but the �?otoys�?� the dwarves left behind would prove interesting to study..


The engineer was now �?osafely�?� brought to Zharr-Naggrund and once again Avzool and his army was sent to the old world slave hunting. The chaos dwarfs having just attacked a village were heading back to the dark lands with a caravan full of slaves. Suddenly the skies started to darken. The wolf riders approached Avzool to inform him an army of elves were approaching trailing behind their own caravan of slaves. �?oWell if those pansy elves think they can take our hard earned slaves they have another thing coming�?�.

Yeah I have no real idea how to make a fight versus dark elves kinda fit in. Though having a fight between the oldest and 2nd newest army book should be fun.

CD List

Maltor Bull Centaur lord + black hammer + shield + armour of furnace = 263

Nellict lvl 2 sorcerer + 2 dispel = 150 (lore of death spells 1 & 6)

Kurza lvl 2 sorcerer + 2 dispel = 150 (lore of fire spells 1 & 3)

Avzool hero + greatweapon + armor of gaz + amulet of protection = 109

17 Blunderbusses + champ + banner = 224

17 Blunderbusses + champ + banner = 224

19 warriors + champ + banner = 191

10 wolf riders + larm/shield + musician + champion = 150

25 hobgoblins + larm/shield + musician = 110

15 hobgoblins = 30

15 hobgoblins = 30

2 bolt throwers = 60

2 bolt throwers = 60

1 earthshackers = 110

5 bull centaurs + harm + champ + banner = 135


DE list

Lvl 4 supreme sorceress + reverse wardsave + sacrificial knight = 320 (lore of darkness spells 1,2,4,6)

Lvl 2 sorceress + tome of furion = 150 (lore of shadows spells 1,5,6)

Lvl 2 sorceress + mount + dispel = 172 (lore of darkness spells 1,2)

Assassin + cloak of twilight + rune of khain = 141

20 warriors + FC = 135

20 warriors + FC = 135

10 repeater crossbow men = 100

5 dark riders + musician + champion = 117

2 chariot = 200

5 cold one knights + FC + warbanner = 200

10 black guards = 130

2 bolt throwers = 200


I had a hill in the center of deployment with a forest in front. On the flanks of the field in the middle where 2 impassable ruins.

He had a hill in center of deployment with 2 big forests on each flank.


Each deployment zone had a hill in the corner. There were 7!! forests on the board pretty evening spread. It was a great chaotic battle of awesome :D. Hills in upper right and lower left cornor and many forests along the flanks with some near the middle of the battle field.


In the far left cornor I had my wolf riders, Kurza�?Ts blunderbusses and my armed hobgoblins. All my warmachines on the hills. Middle had AVzool and the nekkid hobgoblins and the far right had the bull centaurs with Maltor and Nellicts blunderbusses.

He had on the left cornor his dark riders, a spear elf unit (with shadow sorceress) and a chariot. In the middle was another spear elf unit with supreme sorceress and the 2nd chariot. On the right were his black guards and cold one knights

CD 1


The armed hobgoblins not being able to see anything behind my wolf riders spend the time squabbling amongst themselves on what to do. The rest of my forces move up.


Was a great bang the bolt throwers let lose their mighty spears. The first bolt crashes into the left chariot all but destroying it (did 3 wounds). The second bolt hits the shadow sorceress spear elves spearing 2 of the unfortunate elves in the way



The wounded chariot surprised at the force of the bolt that hits it stupidly stumbles forward. The rest of the dark elf force being unafraid of my lines marches. The blackguards reform facing the hill showing their flank to the bull centaurs in 1 large line.


The sorceress start to draw upon the winds of magic and a sense of dread comes over Nellict and Kurza. I use a scroll to dispel a chillwind and black horror. A doombolt gets through and kills 1 of Nellicts blunderbusses and another chillwind kills 4 wolf riders (who pass their panic on their own leadership :D). After drawing all my dispel dice out the assassin pops up in the shadow sorceress spear elves. Nellict and Kurza were caught by surprise as the assassin flies out of the unit into my bolt throwers unable to prevent it (totally didn�?Tt expect a flier so didn�?Tt even leave any defense for my war machines).


The assassin slaughters a bolt thrower.

CD 2


The armed hobgoblins now able to see the battlefield spend the turn arguing over what they should be doing and once again do nothing. Tactical error number 1: Maltor charges out of the bullcentaurs into the cold one knights forgetting about fear. Tactical error number 2: the bull centaurs charge the black guard forgetting about stubborn. My wolf riders have the choice between a questionable charge to the dark riders (figured they would just flee from the riders) or to hit the flank of the shadow sorceress unit. I decided to go for the flank.


The earthshaker with a tremendous bang fires a rocket that lands right on top of the supreme sorceress. Unfortunately the supreme sorceress seeing the approaching rocket throws a poor elf to intercept. The resulting explosion kills the poor sucker and the falling body parts kill a 2nd elf. The resulting tremble affects a bolt thrower, the 2nd chariot and the crossbowmen. The remaining bolt throwers aim at the 2nd chariot doing 2 wounds.


Like an angry bull Maltor charges into battle with his hammer held high. Showing incredible skill all 5 of Maltors attacks hit, unfortunately a lot of the hits had no strength behind only wounding 2 elves (seriously 5 hits and wounding on a 2+ I roll 3 1�?Ts). Due to fear and outnumber Maltor flees far into a forest and the cold one knights have a perfect view of Nellict�?Ts flank.

The bull centaurs not realizing the trap they were in kill 3 black guards but are now stuck in combat.

The wolf riders and wolves fluff their attacks badly only killing 2 spear elves, in return the spear elves kill a wolf rider locking them in combat.

DE 3: (gah counting error)


The wounded chariot charges the wolf riders flank. The 2nd chariot because of the tremble fails to hit the nekkid hobgoblins. The cold one knights flank charge Nellict. The assassin charges the earth shaker.


The shadow sorceress decides to fly out of combat. The supreme sorceress again tries to black horror Avzool but again I dispel scroll it.


The wounded chariot crashes into my wolf riders with tremendous (even more than my flying bolts) killing 3 of my wolf riders. Through some lucky armor saves my champion manages to stay alive. The champion knowing his life was over decides to try and flee to safety through one of the nearby forests. The spear elves and chariot full of such hatred they can�?Tt let me 1 wolf rider get away persue my rider into the forest. The spear elves manager to catch the poor rider killing him, the chariot on the other hand runs into a tree blowing up (so hatred really can be a double edged sword).

The cold ones charging Nellict just slaughter my unit. Like the wolf riders Nellict also tried to flee towards the safety of the forests but like the wolf riders the dwarfs were caught and chopped down amongst the trees.

The assassin kills only 2 of my earth shaker crew.

CD 4:


Maltor rall�?�.fails to rally on his LD 9 than run 2�?� deeper into the forest. Avzool and the nekkid hobgoblins charge the 2nd chariot. The armed hobgoblins finally deciding the best course of action would be to move towards the fighting march forward (only took 2 turns for them to realize that).


Avzool raises his might axe and puts a 3rd wound into the chariot. The chaos dwarf warriors and hobgoblins though are unable to finish it off. The chariot than proceeds to run 12�?� through a forest (and survives). Avzool and his warriors run 11�?� through the forest (damn -1 to persue) and the hobgoblins run 10�?� than the forest.

The lone earth shaker crew member dies to the assassin, who moves on to another bolt thrower.

DE 4:


The shadow sorceress while hiding in the forest was surprised to see a chariot, some dwarfs and hobgoblins go crashing through. The sorceress sneaks up on the dwarfs and readies her magic. The dark riders sneak through my line and charge one of my remaining bolt throwers. The lvl 2 dark soerceress though detaches from the unit to march block Kurza�?Ts flank


The shadow sorceress attempts to cast pit of shades and fails (woot). The supreme sorceress drops an IR black horror on my 2nd nekkid hobgoblin unit and out of the 15 hobgoblins only 4 fall (who pass their panic test). The supreme sorceress than chill winds Kurza�?Ts unit killing 3. The mounted sorceress miscasts on doombolt (miscast 10). The resulting explosion miraculously doesn�?Tt unhurt the sorceress.


The dark riders kill a bolt thrower and overrun off the board. The hobgoblins manning the bolt thrower look in dread as the assassin approaches. One of the crew members raises his wrench ready to kill himself before the assassin can do the deed; however, before the hobgoblin can react the assassin goes into a brutal dance of flying blades and the other crewmember dies. My hobgoblin stares stupidly at the assassin who stares stupidly back wondering how a naked hobgoblin just survived.

CD 5:

The armed hobgoblins now in the middle of the field and having a clear view of pretty much nothing good squabble again. Maltor rallies in the middle of the forest. Avzool decides to leave the unit to face the shadow sorceress, giving her the choice of either staying to face his wrath or elaving the forest. The nekkid hobgoblins charge through the forest into the 2nd chariot.


The assassin recovers from seeing the hobgoblin survive his dance of death and properly kills him this time.

The nekkid hobgoblins overrun the chariot. One of the hobgoblins hits it with a rock and the chariot explodes.

DE 5:


The supreme sorceress attempts the charge the 2nd nekkid hobgoblin unit that flee. The shadow sorceress spear unit that ran into the forest turn 3 chasing the wolf rider are finally out of it. The assassin charges my last bolt thrower


The supreme sorceress insulted the hobgoblins would not just sit around and accept their fate first chill winds the unit killing 7. Than blades wind the unit killing another 7 and finally doombolts the last hobgoblin wiping out the unit in the most brutal way of overkill ever.

The bull centaurs that have spent the entire game fighting the black guard are finally killed (having brought the blackguards just under 50% strength). And my last bolt thrower is dead.

CD 6:


Kurza launches a fireball into the shadow sorceress former unit frying 1 spear elf. Kurza then proceeds to miscast burning head (7) which does nothing.


My blunderbusses actually have a target for the first time in the entire game. With a deafening blast the blunderbuss can hit the entire unit of 14 spear elves. Using matrix like haxes though out of my 14 shoots only 2 hit (on a 4+ roll) killing just 1 elf.

DE 6:


Tactical error 3: While waiting for pit of shades to be cast on my unit I fail to use my dispel scroll to stop an unforeseen lurker on the cold one knights hitting the flank of Kurzas unit. I was convienced even though the DE player only had 1 dice left after the unseen lurker that he was going use pit of shades to kill my unit. The cold one knights that already killed an identical unit to this weren�?Tt a worry for me. Go figure.


Kurza dies

Post game:

Yeah that was a fun game. I did a lot of stupid mistakes that really cost me (my lord would have been very useful as well as my bull centaurs). Also had some pretty bad dice fluffs on both sides. I was just really badly out maneuvered. Oh well live and learn.

CD: 333

DE: 2 banners, 1 quarter = 1623

Massacre to the dark elves