I wanted to take a moment to document the work flow for the Word of Hashut webzine. As we go forward it will be important as we are going to have several files in various stages of completion that will need to be managed. This will spread out the work over a longer period of time, but will work better IMHO; rather then have a massive amount of work all at once.
Step 1- Submissions
Starting for this issue (and all future ones) all submissions will go to Servius as the Submissions Coordinator. It is his job to update the Project Plan which will be on Google Docs for ease of access. Basically just a spreadsheet, by issue, listing out sections (by departments) articles to be included as well as possible selections that can be shuffled from issue to issue. It will include subject, author and brief what it is about. Target for each issue is 30-40 pages which may fluctuate up or down depending on submissions.
If a article is not in the proper format, or there is another issue, Servius will take care of notifying the author, artist and the Editor in Chief (Willmark) for whatever corrective action is needed. Then the shuffling back and forth to get it ready commences until it is ready and meets the guidelines.
�?�Artwork submissions will also be handled through this stage as well as I want 1 point of contact for all of this. If I have requests or needs I will inform Servius and he will take care of the notifications,a gain one point of contact. Based on article subject matter Servius will offer up suggestions for art to accompany (if there is none). Art can come from anywhere, photos etc… as long as permission is secured (and noted) from the web, or from CDO.
�?�If there are any changes to submissions Servius will note time of changes and make sure the updates get handled. This will be important so we can eliminate wrong versions of article, art from getting to the graphics team.
It will be his responsibility to keep this updated. I will work closely with him as we get this started; once it is established this will be his responsibility. �?�
Once up and running I be able to assume a more �?oEditor in Chief�?� role and focus on the strategic level, i.e. focusing on the content and overall theme. Servius will help facilitate this.
Step 2- Proofing and Editorial
Sojourn then Cornixt step in at this stage. Once a article is deemed ready for submission its off to Sojourn for initial proofing and corrections. After Sojourn is done she lets Cornixt take a second read through for double checking, QA and verification of basic Warhammer fact checks as it were to make sure there is nothing lacking from the Warhammer perspective. Word of Hashut consistency checks should happen here to (i.e. switch to UK English spelling, nomenclature checks, that type of thing).
Once the article in question is ready Cornixt give the heads up to Servius to let the designers know that an article is ready. This will help greatly as the Graphics Team can then work with text that is ready to go and be formatted.
Using the track changes option is fine as it give Sojourn and Cornixt a chance to comment back and forth. However when it is deemed ready all changes are to be finalized in Word. The reason for this is InDesign might try to import comments. Its remote, but I would rather eliminate any chance of that happening.
Servius updates the plan and notes that text is ready, what date it was ready and is it final (as final as it can be), It should be unformatted, single line spacing all hard returns removed and down to basic paragraph �?oblocks�?� if it was not already done so in Step 1. Bacially it should be coming in that way in step 1 but doublke checked here. Servius notifies the Graphics Team which articles are ready.
Step 3- Graphics Team
Viskar Zhragoth and Willmark start to lay the articles out in InDesign, arranging to get the basic layout. (Eventually this will migrate to either Viskar fully or another designer if we bring one more onboard). At this stage art that is ready to go, illustrations etc can be added. Division of page count (whose doing what will also happen here as all pages will all be added together later).
Xander’s involvement is the graphics side. Once assembly starts it is his role to start looking at backgrounds, cover etc… His job function is to add the graphical elements needed to make it look as good as issue #2. All three team members work in unison here to assemble the issue.
Once we reach a point where it is rough end-to-end all Graphics Team members should be on the same page for look and feel. Revisions as needed.
Step 4- Team Review
About 3 weeks prior to publication and one week after the submissions deadline has passed we should be at the stage of team review. This I feel is realistic as some parts will have been done prior to the deadline. As of right now we are getting everything in far ahead of time, I dont forsee this as an issue. All team members should note its roughness at this stage in time. This is primarily to give everyone a look at the issue end to end for consistency and feel. All team members are encouraged to voice opinions, suggestions graphics are always subjective and changes may or may not happen on a case by case basis.
Servius will note all and mark for followup to ensure nothing is missed. Any spelling missed or article reworks should have already been done, but could happen here. Skip back to step 2 for process.
Sojourn and Cornixt read through the entire PDF end to end looking for any mistakes. Corrective action(s) are taken, double checks ensue and Servius makes sure they are done and noted.
Step 5- Final Check
1-2 weeks out from publication date the webzine should be nearing or already in its final form. The PDF at this time should reflect this and only minor issues should be present (if any). Two weeks out is and important milestone and any issues or problems that are coming to the fore should be noted at this stage so corrective action(s) can be taken in time to ensure meeting the deadline.
All graphical work should be nearing its final phases.
All art should be accounted for and in its proper form.
A. All should be CMYK (needed for printing)
B. All artwork secured in terms of permissions (This avoids any surprises- Again as Submissions Coordinator this is Sevius’ role to make sure these are all checked off)
This is the actual target deadline: 1 week to its actual due date, this allows for some flex and insures that we meet deadline (which I do not want to miss again, if its to be out on �?oX�?� date… I want it out on �?oX�?� date).
Step 6- Final
Assuming all departments return a �?oOk to go�?� Post is readied, and PDFs are loaded.
There are two finals the high-res and low-res versions:
Format is as follows by way of example WOHIssue#2.pdf /WOHIssue#2LR.pdf
Willmark posts the thread, Xander double checks and makes any tweaks as needed to the post.
Once ready, post on publish date, sit back and enjoy the accolades or barbs from the angry readers, take your pick! Rest a few weeks and get ready to start all over again. Exception is poor Servius as submissions should always be coming in!
There it is. Still a small, streamlined team, but with a few more hands on deck. I envision adding perhaps 1 more person for the graphics team ideally this person would be a strong Illsutrator/PhotoShop person. I don’t want it to get unmanageable, but think this would be our last addition to the team for the time being.
If there are any suggestions or improvements let me know, but I think this basic structure will serve us well. Its not much of a change from the previous issue and really just formalized what we did last issue.
Additional for Servius
2 months out emails should be going out to those that have committed to an article, submissions, etc…
1 month out emails should be going out to those that have committed to an article, submissions, etc…
1 week out emails should be going out to those that have committed to an article, submissions, etc…
As if there is not enough for Servius future issues will also be in flight as well, as we add to the graphics team I will be helping more in this area.