[Archive] WTB Devout Soulflayer (Chronopia)


Hi fellows

Long time ago, i saw some people here suggest the use of the old Chronopia Devout Soulflayer mini as a K’daai destroyer

It was still available on Prince August’s shop not that long ago, but those days are over. Obviously, i’m only decided to get one now ^^

So i wondered if someone in this nice community had one they no longer used. If so, i’d be interested in it. Feel free to contact me if you have any chronopia stuff anyway.

Preferably within Europe but all options will be considered.

Cheers :slight_smile:


Hi, I recommend that you repost this over at the new CDO forums https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com :slight_smile:


Hi, I recommend that you repost this over at the new CDO forums https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com :)

Haha thanks a lot my good sir :hat off

Damned how things change...