[Archive] Your input is required!


I’ve been trying to resolve the downloading problem for files that have a large size, ie. Podcasts and Webzines.

Please leave a reply stating the following:

1) Have you ever had a download from CDO not finish? If yes, does this happen on other websites?
2) What City and Country are you connecting from?
2) What Internet Service Provider are you using?

My own answers would be:
1) Yes sometimes, exclusively at CDO.
2) Sudbury, Canada
3) Personna Internet

My host is suggesting that ISPs are the issue, but I find this extremely hard to believe based on the diversity of people connecting from all over the world.  So I am trying to gather more data on this.



Pyro Stick:

The only thing ive been able to download is WoH 1. All other files stop half way through.

It doesnt happen on other websites
Connecting from the Highlands on Scotland
Bt Broadband

Ghrask Dragh:

Yes the WoH3 was particulary hard to download on itunes, kept getting an error (900 something I think)

Edit: WTF am I on about WoH! podcast I mean, on itunes, who’d have thought


I answered, “No, never”, but I’ve only DLed WoH. So:

1) No

2) St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

3) Cogeco Cable.


Had loads of trouble with direct download on weblinks. As an admin,I can ftp the site and I’ve had no trouble there at all.

Lake Stevens, WA, USA



  1. Nope

    2) Hamilton, ON, CA

    3) Mountain Cable

    Just downloaded the 'zines and podcasts without hickup.


  1. Nope - downloaded all WoH’s without problems

    2) Denmark

    3) Cybercity Broadband

Onii One Orc:

  1. Yes, had trouble with the latest podcast and one of the WoH issues.

    2) Corpus Christi, Texas

    3) Time Warner Cable

Kera foehunter:

the only thing i down loaded was the last pod cast and it work well


  1. Yes. The latest WoH was problematic.

    2. Finland

    3. Sonera

    Though, I was at my parents with my laptop and the wireless is a bit erratic sometimes.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Only on the penultimate podcast and only here. Possibly on the most recent podcast, but not checked.

Chester/Southend, England.

Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.


I had problems when downloading WOH at home (Verizon DSL, Win XP Multimedia edition, MSN and Firefox 3) but no problem at work (Verizon FIOS, Win98SE Firefox 2).



1. Yes (here) and No (elsewhere)

2. Philadelphia, PA. USA

3. Verizon DSL (They even junk mailed messages from here on me)

4. Windows XP Media Center

5. Firefox 3 and MSN and Opera 9.63


1. No and No

2. Cherry Hill, NJ, USA

3. Verizon FIOS (Business)

4. Windows 98SE (Yes OLD COMPUTER)

5. Firefox


I’ve only downloaded WoH, and only from CDO directly, and I haven’t had any problems as far as I can recall. I’m in Calgary, if that helps at all.


I’ve never had problems download the Word of Hashut. The CDO only acted up when it did for everyone else, I voted for “Never”.

2) Platteville, WI USA
3) Centurytel


  1. yes, most of the time.

    2) Breda, The Netherlands.

    3) Ziggo.


  1. Yes some times

    2) Kent , England

    3) Sky Broad Band


No - Never

East Sussex - South England


BTW I can host things easily if required and if that will help - PM me XANDER if you want me to




Only when using a BT connection. The other three I make use of work fine.


  1. Yes with WoH 2+3

    2. Essen, Germany

    3. T-Online



  1. Have you ever had a download from CDO not finish? If yes, does this happen on other websites?

    2) What City and Country are you connecting from?

    2) What Internet Service Provider are you using?

    yes at CDO when using my work pc, which is UK - Newcastle (or close enough). I dont know what ISP we use though.

    Dont know if this is relevent, but if I accidently try and upload an attachment that is larger than the 300kb limit (i think thats right), then the site will no longer let me upload any attachments at all from that pc. so far i can no longer use my work pc, my desktop at home, or my ex’s laptop to upload attachments at all, so I have to use photobucket / get Starscream to post them for me.

    hope thats also useful!

