[Archive] Zargon the Misguided and the Slaves of Mourn

Death aka Joe:

Well i am gonna attempt to start a blog about my new chaos dwarf army.��I just started working out some some idea and color schemes but i wasnt actually loving it or making it my own.��I love all the ideas on here and started working them into my army.��But the dwarves i was painting i didnt like.

I know this might be blasphamy but i wanted to get away from red :cheers��So i started working with other themes and colors.��My idea (which isnt a wholly new concept) is to create the chaos dwarves in a more twisted vision. I wanna create something Tim Burton-ish/ or Mid Nor-ish since the old dwarf models i am using are a little more silly (which is why i play goblins) than the newer ones.��I am not 100% wholly into the scheme i just painted yet. I like the concept just not sure on the colors as i really despise orange.��I still have to add gale force 9 “autumn” leaves which should make the model pop alot more.��I also plan on adding some twisted pumpkins and dolls.��My Chaos dwarf sorcerers will be scarcrow like, and my Bull Centuars will be made from spider riders (half spider/dwarf).����No idea what to do with the shields (they are painted in a black and white swirl -not pictured, as i hate it right now).

My other painting option was to do the bases in a glowing green lava, with green helmets, purple armor trim, and the black and white stripes on the arm.��I may do a test model to see what it looks like.��Well i would love to get some input as i move along.��Well i hope you enjoy :hat off

Zargon the Misguided and the Slaves of Mourn

Little is known about Lord Zargon known by his people as the Misguided.��Banished from his fortress in Zharr-Naggrund for performing experiments, sorcery and creations that even the native chaos dwarves found ungodly.�� It is said that Zargon was not like many of the chaos dwarfs within the city walls.��His greed was insatiable and his spite for his ancient kin was legendary even for a chaos dwarf.��Legend has it after the exile he moved his forge within the mines of the Mountains of Mourn to expirement free from prying eyes.��His workshop consisted of a thousand slaves and fanatical warriors who followed him to the depths zealously and without question.��Deep within the mountains near the center of the world his slaves and warriors harvest priceless ore and mineral.��Such riches don’t come without a price.��Obsession and greed overcame all other worldy concerns.�� Because of the years spent mining in darkness and oxygen deprived caverns of the mountains his warriors became grotesquely disfigured.�� Their eyes grew accustomed the dark becoming very sensative to the light, their bodies withered, facial features became twisted and grotesque, and all the hair from their bodies shrivled and fell.�� When the hideous dwarfs come to the surface seeking more slaves during the harvest months for their nefarious work, they have been seen donning helmets to disguse their deformed features.��Little is known about the Forge of Lord Zargon which lies deep within the Mountains of Mourn or the wicked devices made with the help of his engineers of malice.��All dwarves from Karak Duhn to Zharr-Naggrund fear the day when Lord Zargon will surface with an army created from the twisted nightmares of the old world and extract vengence upon his kin.


Like it! positive start. Love the BFSP death Rocket!


All chaos dwarfs need beards regardless of army theme, so sayeth Hashut, so sayeth the flock, errrr… clan.

Anyways great painting job keep it up!


Excellent! I love the look. I am interested in seeing an example of the optional painting scheme you mentioned. Keep it up.

Ghrask Dragh:


I cannot beleive this, I was going to start an army based around my fav’ director Tim Burton using stuff like pumpkins, more animated sculpts and spookyness!! What are the chances of that!! I don’t know what to do now!?! And I’ve already painted my Dwarfs of myth with green armour!


storms out of the room to try and think of a another idea

Death aka Joe:

I cannot beleive this, I was going to start an army based around my fav' director Tim Burton using stuff like pumpkins, more animated sculpts and spookyness!! What are the chances of that!! I don't know what to do now!?! And I've already painted my Dwarfs of myth with green armour!
*storms out of the room to try and think of a another idea*

Ghrask Dragh
Hey great minds think alike!:cheers Id love to brainstorm with you! btw the pumpkins and dolls i was thinking of adding are from Reaper. They are awesome looking, if you havent seen them check em out. Dont switch your idea, maybe we can start a new trend!


a guy in our group did this theme for halloween wood elves. he used pumpkin scarecrows as dryads, witches on brooms as warhawk riders, etc.


I’ve got some of those Reaper dolls and pumpkins at home.

I’d always planned to use them in my CD army but never really got round to it.

Ghrask Dragh:

Hey great minds think alike!��Id love to brainstorm with you!��btw the pumpkins and dolls i was thinking of adding are from Reaper.��They are awesome looking, if you havent seen them check em out. Dont switch your idea, maybe we can start a new trend
:cheers I won't really switch my idea, I think we can have some really cool armies (Burton Rules!!). I won't go on about my army too much, it is your thread after all, but I will say mine will probebly be a bit more time consuming as I will be sculpting my own hobbo's :o
I haven't seen the Reaper pumpkins but I have to say I find it hard to get anything Reaper here in the UK, I will look for them on there though.
Love the story behind your guys, goes really well witht he look I think.
You have a interesting base colour for the skin there, what is it?

Check out...
for some of the best Chaos Dwarfs around!
Great minds really do think alike :cheers

Death aka Joe:

Thanks all! Ghrask the skin is painted - Tanned flesh - Dwarf Flesh - Elf flesh. I usually use that mix on all my models. Here is an example from a rather large pic from my Nurgle DL.

I was actually thinking of getting away from such a fleshy tone and going with a more purplish undertone to pallid flesh.

btw those dwarves in the link are nice!


Cool ideas i like the fluff too.I was expecting to see a different colour scheme on your CD tho(the purple idea).Looks like Snotling only just got his great halloween dolls out while others were creating similar ideas, subconcious coincidence cooool!

The WE army sounds great would love to see pics of that :smiley:


Those Nurgle DL models are awesome, apart from ogre torsos what exactly did you use?

Death aka Joe:

Those Nurgle DL models are awesome, apart from ogre torsos what exactly did you use?

Thanks man. Ogre torso's, i cut off thier beards ( just like my dwarves, i swear i should be a barber) and thier ears. I added horns and the bodies were sculpted with Magic Sculpt. Those insect-like arms are from genestealers. The bases are green stuff with GW water effects in them.

Yeah i am thinking the same Canix. Purple & Green might look a little better... ill probably paint one up tonite.

Kera foehunter:

great job Joe ! I like the dwarf does his shield have any cool disign?

Death aka Joe:

I fully based by orange one and painted up an alterante color scheme.��For some reason i dont like the green/purple one…and i hate the base on it. If i were to do purple/green i need a newer base concept/color scheme.��Although i love the shields, if i do them in orange ill paint the skulls white i think.��Anyhow here are some pics…what do you guys think?��I think the orange as a whole will look better overall (even though i hate the color).��As soon as i nail the color ill start painting and modelling everything else.


I love the idea (tim burton rules) and am backing the purple/green combo, looks abit haunted house/ghost train, jus need some clowns. Great job man


Hm, well I do like purple chaos dwarfs, as seen here, but I dunno I think that the orange one looks a bit better.��The shield in green really is fantastic though, and I do think that the green/purple is definitely more Tim Burton-y…maybe if the green/purple was distributed differently on the model (ie not just a green helmet)?��Either way the army is going to be cool - I am definitely on board the CDs-with-no-beards ship!


what colour did you use for the orange highlight on the red helmet? looks good , j


Wow…just wow. The green is awesome! Not that theres anything wrong with the orange, the orange is great. But the green/purple just looks even better

Pyro Stick:

I prefer the green and purple colour scheme. Its awesome. They need beards though