[Archive] Zonk cast ass cannon

Blue in VT:

I’ve given up on ever getting the original ass cannon, so I’m wondering if anyone has a Zonk cast ass cannon they be willing to part with?

If so drop me a note!




Gotta ask now. What or who is this “zonk”.

First I thought it was a caster who made illigal stuff.

Now I’m leaning towards it just meaning “recast”.

Not tl steal your thread or anything.


Gotta ask now. What or who is this "zonk".

First I thought it was a caster who made illigal stuff.

Now I'm leaning towards it just meaning "recast".

Not tl steal your thread or anything.

From our very own wiki:
Zonk's Evil Dwarfs

A range of both Big Hat and Marauder inspired miniatures sculpted by Zonk, considered rather rare and hard to come-by as these were part of a sales scam. Although models exist, few ever received them.


Zonk Ass Cannon is when he did a runner i dont think many exist maybe about 3 in the world


What a terrible waste of legitimate talent. :mask


Luckily for you, I am parting with mine. I have the cannon assembled, and painted (badly), though. And during the ‘unboxing’ I broke two of the crewmembers (which I didn’t like anyway). Pile of cannonballs is still there. Hit me up with a PM, we’ll work something out!


That is lucky i would put an offer in but blue very much called it :smiley:

Blue in VT:

Wow! My lucky day! PM in the way.

Sorry ^gil :confused:


Blue in VT:

I should say that I totally agree that this guy was a complete nob and we must be ever vigilant to protect ourselves against his return…

…but as Roark mentioned…there is no denying his talent. He could go far as a sculptor if he wasn’t such a DB.



He could actually make a consistent long-term living out of sculpting if he wasn’t a complete fool.

Honesty is more profitable if you plan to live a long life.