Kicking of September like a boss!

WATG 2022
Kicking of September like a boss!
Finished my College of Life, Dungeon Bowl team. Really happy with how they turned out, fun på paint!
Additions to the pile: 125
Painted models: 69
Total count: +56
WATG 2022
These Blood Bowl models are turning out amazing!! Excellent showing, as always my friend!
It continues to be an absolute pleasure to look through your blogs.
I’ve been really curious about Dungeon Bowl myself, you guys enjoying?
@GhraskDragh Yes, its been great fun. Alot more random and casual that normal BB. For me the best bit has been converting and painting the mixed teams, so many ideas to realize…
Here is what’s been painted so far this month, of course I couldn’t help myself and bought some stuff. But will do a proper count and add them to the pile soon…
Additions to the pile: 125
Painted models: 84
Total count: +41
WATG 2022
…also managed to get my hands on these.
Additions to the pile: 129
Painted models: 86
Total count: +43
WATG 2022
The spilled bag of popcorn is a super nice touch
Two big boys this month… Colossal Squig and Kruleboys Killerboss on Gnashtooth. An extra proud BATG-moment here, not going for the ”quick fix”!
…also brought home some loot from the latest Blood Bowl tournament, so added another team and some sideline miniatures to the pile.
The Kruleboyz left WarCry territory, finished the last 6 for a squad of 10 Gutrippaz.
…and as for BatG I sadly backed the last Punga KS. With some traveling to be done around Xmas I fear this will be my final score. Atleast for the painting part…
Additions to the pile: 196
Painted models: 94
Total count: +102
WATG 2022