My update or faliures for Mars, managed to get 2 models painted…
Additions to the pile: 61
Painted models: 15
Total count: +46
My update or faliures for Mars, managed to get 2 models painted…
Additions to the pile: 61
Painted models: 15
Total count: +46
Actually just +1 total for the month…
Additions to the pile: 73
Painted models: 26
Total count: +47
I love the paint on these mate, and the bases are sexy!
Thanks, not really a fast painter and the BATG is just for fun. If I break even Im more than satisfied… Anyway the bases are done the same way as my 15mm stuff.
Excuses excuses… at least I got some models painted this month, but I also couldn’t resist the new Blood Bowl Norse stuff.
+14 total for the month…
Additions to the pile: 91
Painted models: 30
Total count: +61
Im playing in my own league right now… War Against The Gray - Google Sheets
Can’t wait to see how your Norse team turns out! Your Khornegors look amazing!
Thanks, I usually put a few more pics of painted stuff on my Instagram if you are interested.
I very rarely use Insta, but I will definitely check it out!
Additions to the pile: 91
Painted models: 34
Total count: +57
Atleast no additions this month! Ill be spending the last few days prepping models, so I doubt there will be any changes to the mountain of grey…
Number 5 looks like he’s wearing green Doc Marten’s
Managed to sneak this one is as well, its for a slow burn Blood Bowl “diorama” with fans…
Additions to the pile: 91
Painted models: 35
Total count: +56
Punga Halfling referee for Blood Bowl as well as a coach for Balltorps Brazen Boys…
Blood Bowl star player Max Spleenripper
Scyla Anfingrimm, took most of the vacation to paint…
…also, my Punga Kickstarter finally landed.
Additions to the pile: 125
Painted models: 39
Total count: +86
big oof!
I love the purple skin! Very cool model too!
Halfling Cheerleader for Brunnsbo Rams, model from Punga
Blood Bowl referee inducement, model from Punga
Additions to the pile: 125
Painted models: 41
Total count: +84
BATG 2022
These are all so much fun, real spirit of blood bowl stuff
My biggest update so far for BATG, a bit proud to be honest! BATG really kept me from adding too much to the pile this year… Working on a College of Life team for Dungeon Bowl, really been enjoying these guys so far.
Additions to the pile: 125
Painted models: 58
Total count: +67
WATG 2022
I love them! The vibrant greens, excellent work. What a fun mix of models too.
Tables turned from nurgle bloaters to wholesome quite fast!