With BatG 2023 ending in a success here’s the struggle for 2024! With a rather limited hobby time these days I don’t set any goals, so we’ll have to see what I end up painting. But its usually Blood Bowl related…
Additions to the pile: 0 Painted models: 0 Total count: 0 WatG 2024
Well, not much have been finished this month… But Ive at least been hobbying a bit. Finally painted numbers and positional rings on my last 3 teams for Blood Bowl and Dungeon Bowl. As well as building and prepping a Black Orc team and basecolorcing a few Star Players. Not much to show, just didn’t want to give the impression that Ive given up on BAtG…
…also not sure it counts as hobby but bought a box for WarCry, so more grey.
So Ive actually been able to finish some models this month, and a Chaos Dwarf among them as well… A bunch of atm more or less “useless” Star Players from older editions of Blood Bowl.
Thanks a lot! They were really fun modells to paint…
For May I ended up buying a bunch of Gnomes and Star Players for Blood Bowl, but also sold of a bunch of grey that wasn’t going to get painted anytime soon(or ever ) to compensate. So subtracted them from the “additions to the pile”, can’t remember the agreed way for this…
Anyway, finished the leader for the Gorgers and probably wont have much more finished before June.
Mawpit for the Gorgers, hopefully it will see some time on the table one day… Its nice to paint some terrain now and then, forgiving. Doesn’t need to be perfect.
So, I might have tried to talk me out of it for a long time… But here is a miniature for Warhammer Old World, this time its Trolls. We’ll have to see if this project ever gets finished, but its more of a Stillmania approach. Did the army list in 10 min without knowing the rules or ever played the game, and realistically Ill only play it once or twice a year. So more out of nostalgia than any thing else. And I had lots of Troggoth parts around, the legs and neck are 3D prints to maximize the use of bits.