Bitz & Chitz: When Push Comes to Shovel

Great show, gentlemen! And exquisite choice of topic. The artwork is wonderful. Who is the artist?

If you pardon the self-indulgence for a while, isn’t it shameless how you’ve made an episode tailored perfectly to my tastes? :smiley:

After that good talk on shovels, it is now only a time before I doodle and write a lengthy essay about the decline of humble shovels in the Imperium of Man, complete with lamentations over robotic shovels and wondrous sci-fi technologies that Imperial man cannot even dream of.

Likewise, it is now a must to doodle and write a Chaos Dwarf story about shovels. For instance, a stoker or a Hellcannoneer or something else entirely. For once, let’s open up with a public brainstorming session. I’m all ears. Any wacky ideas are most welcome.

@Fuggit_Khan , you’ve read all my Chaos Dwarf stories and fables revolving around mundane tools and trades. The longer stories usually end up in magical fantasyland of immense labour efficiency, and then go spectacularly wrong, often by Daemonic mishaps, with dark endings for sinful stonecarvers and walled-in bricklayers and damned riveters.

What wacky fantasy mayhem could be cooked up with Chaos Dwarf shovels? I look forward to hear crazy ideas. I’ve got some of my own as usual, but would love to hear others’ ideas as well.

Even asscannon shovel ideas.

@Reaver @chitzkoi @MichaelX @Oxymandias @Uther.the.unhinged etc.

We could potentially have several wacky shovel stories by different writers come out of this.

To pick just one idea, one could have a Daemonforged shovel granting its user immense speed. Shovelling hillocks in rapid order. Yet a dark sorcerous mishap could see shovelling continue and accelerate against the will of the shoveller, until the arms are ripped off his shoulders like the fingers of @Oxymandias on the loo.
