Blood, Smoke and Ash

“I shall be watching your career with great interest young Skywalker…”

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Good weekend for chaos dorfs conversions, added more bayonets, done a bit of rune removing as well, all looking very similar to earlier pics so won’t bore you with those
I have however scratchbuilt a dreadquake mortar! (With slave ogre to come


Wasn’t planning on using any hobgoblins in my list - but I saw this model and though a couple couldn’t hurt!

I still have 2 to build, 1 with sword and 1 with bow.
The kit is lovely, so easy to use, I built this in less than a couple minutes, the longest part was filling a flat base after cutting the round base peg off!


So it’s been almost a month since I posted last, thought I would update you all on the state of the project.
It is still alive! Due to the coronavirus lockdown I moved in with my girlfriend for a few months, and with a terrible lack of foresight I left all my Warhammer behind, so I will be going dark for a few months but should be back at it afterwards!
Hope you’re all managing in these crazy times - and stay safe.


Some promising stuff on this blog! Can’t wait to see how it develops.

Stay safe mate - look forward to seeing more chaos stunties post lockdown :facepunch:t2:

Yep looking forward to this getting back in track

Stay safe peeps :+1:t2::vulcan_salute:t2:

Well it has been a long time since I last posted, so I feel another update is due!
The last few months have been a crazy time for me, culminating in me moving out properly (hence lack of activity), with all that sorted, I’m slowly unpacking boxes and finding where the dorfs are so I can pick up where I left off. I’m still waiting on internet in the new place (only moved in last week), once that’s all up and running I should have some small tidbits to show off.
What I’m currently working on:
Removing the pickaxes from the miners and replacing them with 2h weapons.
Try and convert up some Spellcasters from either the Thane models or the slayer models (BFSP) (or both).
Outside of dorfs I’m getting a tomb king shooty list together, and continuing work on my ogres (who are more or less set bar painting)
Thanks for anyone continuing to view the blog and I hope you enjoy what is to come!


I finally have some pictures, some work I’ve done on my daemonsmith/prophet. WIP but pretty happy with how it turned out


Great work! I like the spikey mace. Also just noticed you mentioned Tomb Kings. They’d be fun to see in an off topic showcase if you’d be interested in sharing. Don’t get to see many people working on them these days.

It’s something I might get up together once I get some more of a army together for them, currently I have 20 something archers, a few liche priests, high queen, 2 catapults and a casket. They are very conversion low, so I’ll probably start a showcase once I get some painted :slight_smile:


That’s a really awesome start. The Tomb Kings were my first army when I was a kid. I still have some Necropolis Knights, Sepulchral Stalkers, and Chariots saved for a rainy day nostalgia trip.

I managed to pick these up at my LGS yesterday for the cheap price of 15 pictures of the queen. They seem like a good base for something I’m unsure of directions to go, anyone used these for conversions or have any inspiration?


Second image wouldn’t upload, here is a stock image of the contents


For inspiration I’d check out @Reaver ‘s blog

Plunder for the Ironclad Fleet [Aug 21 2021]

So much cool stuff with a fantasy-tech nautical theme that would work well with these sculpts


Thanks for the shout @Oxymandias. I’ve definitely had a lot of fun with Kharadron bits. I used mostly the thunderers kit but I’m jealous of that chemist. Thundrik’s came out just after I was done with most of my conversions so I’m excited to see what you make of them.

edit: I found Dark Eldar and Dark Elf corsair bits to be incredibly useful in bringing these closer to the Chaos end of the dawi spectrum.


Looking forward to seeing what you do with these :+1:t2:

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So I stared the sprues intently, and no great inspiration struck me, so thought “what separates a dwarf from a chaos dwarf?” And the answer was spikey bits, skulls, and scraggly beards!

This conversion certainly isn’t winning any prizes, but hopefully it will come together in the painting phase (whenever that may be :thinking:)


The conversion looks cool so far, maybe a bit much at 40K impact, but cool nonetheless! :metal:

Cool, the Kharadron Overlords should work pretty well with a CD ascetic! :slight_smile:


Awesome! Can’t wait to see what you do with the others in the warband. Reminds me of a bioshock infinite handyman :hammer_and_wrench:

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