Have you ever thought about making any in your style based off the forge world infantry? To include having a masked and big hat version?
You mean Chaos dwarf infantry?
Yes. Like how in TWH3 they use the older warriors as the generic fighting troops and the iron sworn and infernal guard are the more elite infantry
I get it! For sure I am working on elite infantry! I think it will be an april release if things hold up. Iām making their armor based on Babylonian bronze plates, but still sticking to the general esthetic (I think). 50% will have masks. So an excellent idea, I think!
Whew, the new jobās first week is done! Iām in a different league now for sure. but super inspiring to use my skills to add value for the precious, precious shareholders.
Also, I made some more of these:
Great stuff. For 9th Age I donāt need a champion but a musician but this guy may count as opera singer.
Awesome work!
Who can print me up a set of the Big Hat boys? ;p
If you are in the UK, Mr Bork just got a brand new printer!
Oh the minis look so good, I must print a few for the BH.
But seriously, the render picture looks so good, it could be real painted miniatures. The programme is the one where you invest a lot of time again or is it more or less just a click?
The skeletons also look great, can you see some pictures of them here?
Iāma gonna need some of these beauties! I wouldnāt know what to field them as under TOW rules, since the Kādaai seem pretty weak there but I just wanna have them.
Thank you so much! Well, I use Blender and Sculptris and Photoshop, mostly. And those were time consuming to learn for me at least. Except for Sculptris. That took half an hour! And you can even make decent textures in it!
Lovely words! I did see a very good tactical review for Chaos Dwarfs in Old World on youtube. I think the channel was Dawi after Dark. The guy they had on seemed to say there were used for the Kādaai in OW, but that Bull Centaurs were superior. I am sculpting some chonkier Big Hat bull centaurs to make them look less silly on the huge bases. If only I could finish my wolf ridersā¦