Chaos Dwarf themed terrain

Well that’ll be a little annoying. Guess I have to learn Blender cause I’m also building a full Ziggurat from Ishtar Gate to Assur’s throne.

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Ooo thats more than I was planning on building. I was starting from the 3rd tier going up to the throne. The Ziggurat Walls themselves are bigger than they look. One wall measures around 2ft long and 5.5 inches high.

If I get a platform made I’ll share it.

@BlindBeholder here are some pics of the terrain fully set up. The cat is included for size comparison.


That is fucking glorious mate. Can’t wait to see it finished, its so well designed

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Yeah its pretty awesome all set up. I can’t wait to see it finished too haha. I may have to hire someone on Fiverr to get it done.

Nice. I just got most of the Ishtar Gate printed and posted it on the forum